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  • user 3:35 pm on September 19, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    19 Swiss Banks As Solutions For Fintech Challenges 

    Die Schweiz hat mehr und mehr Startups und Initiativen. Schweizer Banken versuchen aufzuholen oder sich gegen grosse Player zu positionieren (bspw. ApplePay) und haben eine Vielzahl von (Gegen)-Initiativen gestartet. Teils zusammen mit den Fintech Startups oder im Alleingang.

    Luc Schuurmans hat in einen kürzlichen Tweet eine &; 19 Answers to the Fintech Map&8221; präsentiert die wir hier gerne zeigen.

    Digital Wealth Management

    investomatDer Investomat ermöglicht themenorientierte Anlagen ab 5&;000 Franken im Rahmen von Exchange Traded Funds (ETF). Das Cockpit ermöglicht die Simulation, laufende Transaktionsübersicht und historische Wertenwicklung des gewählten Profils.


    Kontomatkontomat.ch: Der Kunde kann Kündigungsfristen beim Sparkonto und Laufzeiten bei Festanlagen beliebig bestimmen und kombinieren. Einfache Benutzerführung und gut verständliche Funktionen machen die Lösung leicht bedienbar und sichern jederzeit die vollständige Uebersicht beim Sparen und Anlegen bequem von zu Hause aus.



    Swissquote: vergessen ging in seiner Aufstellung hier noch das E-PrivateBanking von Swissquote


    PaymitPaymit ist ein Zahlungsmittel, welches das Senden und Anfordern eines Geldbetrags mit dem Smartphone zwischen zwei Privatpersonen (P2P = Person to Person) sowie das Bezahlen von Waren und Dienstleistungen in Geschäften (P2M = Person to Merchant) in Echtzeit ermöglicht. Paymit ersetzt somit das Bargeld in vielen alltäglichen Situationen. Mit Paymit können Sie zum Beispiel Wohngemeinschafts-Einkäufe oder Restaurant-Rechnungen unter Ihren Freunden oder Bekannten teilen. Zunehmend ist der Einsatz von Paymit auch bei Kleinhändlern möglich.

    Twint | Top Swiss FinTech in Payment



    Twint ist eine Payment- und Shopping-App. Egal, ob an der Ladenkasse, im E-Commerce, an Automaten oder zwischen Freunden. Mit TWINT zahlst du einfach mit dem Smartphone und profitierst gleichzeitig von attraktiven Angeboten und Shoppingtipps. Das ist praktisch und sicher zugleich. Die Händler profitieren von günstigen Transaktionskosten sowie einer neuen mobilen Marketingplattform.




    hypomat Hypomat ist ein Vertreter der jungen Generation der Online-Hypotheken. Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht über dessen Produktwelt. Wer die Zinsen und Produkte der Schweizer Anbieter von Hypotheken vergleicht, bei mehreren Instituten Offerten einholt und auf deren Basis nachverhandelt, kann über die Jahre tausende von Franken sparen. Ein wichtiger neuer Anbieter ist Hypomat, der die Online-Hypotheken Sparte der Glarner Kantonalbank darstellt.





    FRiBenk. Online-Hypothek mit sofortigem und verbindlichem online Kreditentscheid. Günstige Zinsen. Transparente Konditionen. Keine versteckten Zusatzkosten






    DigiHyp. 0.3% Zinsvorteil mit digihyp, der Online-Hypothek der Bank Coop. Bis 2 Jahre im Voraus den tiefen Zins sichern. Sofortangebot innerhalb weniger Minuten.
    e-hypoe-hypo ist das Online Hypotheken Angebot der Schwyzer Kantonalbank. Hier finden Sie einen Überblick über deren Hypo-Produkte. Speziell ist: e-hypo löst nur bestehende Hypotheken ab, offeriert also keine Neuhypotheken. Wer die hiesigen Hypotheken Anbieter vergleicht, mindestens drei Offerten einholt, dabei sowohl Banken als auch Versicherungen mit einbezieht und die Offerten konsequent nachverhandelt, kann über die Laufzeit eines Immobilienkredits tausende von Franken sparen.



    Die HomeGate AG mit Sitz in Zürich ist ein Schweizer Internetunternehmen und Betreiberin des gleichnamigen Immobilienportals. Sie gehört der Tamedia in Zürich sowie der Edipresse Publication Romandie in Lausanne. Neben dem Betrieb eines Immobilien-Marktplatzes mit verschiedenen Zusatzfunktionen publiziert Homegate auch einen monatlichen Mietzins-Index.





    UBS ist eine der 30 Grossbanken, die vom Financial Stability Board (FSB) als «systemically important financial institution» (systemisch bedeutsames Finanzinstitut) eingestuft wurden. Sie unterliegt damit einer besonderen Überwachung und strengeren Anforderungen an die Ausstattung mit Eigenkapital. Die Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht (FINMA) nimmt die Aufsichtsfunktion wahr.



    Credit_SuisseCredit Suisse ist eines der grössten global tätigen Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Zürich. Die Bank ist eine der 30 Grossbanken, die vom Financial Stability Board (FSB) als «systemically important financial institution» (systemisch bedeutsames Finanzinstitut) eingestuft wurden. Sie unterliegt damit einer besonderen Überwachung und strengeren Anforderungen an die Ausstattung mit Eigenkapital.


    baloisebank sobaDie Baloise Bank SoBa AG mit Sitz in Solothurn ist fest im Kanton Solothurn verankert. Mit der Übernahme der Solothurner Bank SoBa &; vormals Solothurner Kantonalbank &8211; durch die Baloise Group im Jahre 2000 und der folgenden Implementierung des partnerschaftlichen Geschäftsmodell erhielt die Baloise Bank SoBa dank dem Aussendienst der Basler Versicherungen Zugang zu einem schweizweiten Vertriebsnetz.


    Bank LinthBank Linth mit Sitz in Uznach ist eine stark im Linthgebiet und am oberen Zürichsee verankerte Schweizer Universalbank. Sie beschäftigt 256 Mitarbeiter und hat eine Bilanzsumme von 5.099 Milliarden Schweizer Franken (per Ende 2011). Das Unternehmen ist an der Schweizer Börse SWX Swiss Exchange kotiert und befindet sich seit 2007 zu 74,2 Prozent im Besitz der Liechtensteinischen Landesbank.




    YNOME is a digital marketplace which helps you review, compare, and select financial services from private banks to fintech&8217;s.



    miteinander-erfolgreichMiteinander-erfolgreich ist die Crowdfunding-Plattform der Basellandschaftlichen Kantonalbank BLKB zur Finanzierung von Projekten und Ideen in der.



    ibelieveinyouI Believe in You. ibelieveinyou.ch ist die erste Crowdfunding-Plattform, die sich ganz auf die Finanzierung von österreichischen Sportprojekten spezialisiert. Einzelsportler, Mannschaften, Freizeit-, Breiten- oder Spitzensportler, Vereine oder Veranstalter können über die Plattform ihre Projekte bekannt machen und finanzieren. Außerdem soll so dem österreichischen Sport Zugang zu bisher nicht erschlossenen privaten Mitteln verschaffen und die Solidarität der Bevölkerung für den österreichischen Sport fördern.




    LokalHelden: die Spendenplattform für Vereine und gemeinnützige Organisationen. Ein Engagement von Raiffeisen.



    Hypothekarbank Lenzburg


    Die Hypothekarbank Lenzburg mit Sitz in Lenzburg ist eine stark im Kanton Aargau verankerte Schweizer Regionalbank. Sie beschäftigt 216 Mitarbeiter und hatte per Ende 2014 eine Bilanzsumme von 4,548 Milliarden Schweizer Franken. Das Unternehmen ist an der Schweizer Börse SIX Swiss Exchange kotiert.




    Crowders.ch crowders.ch ist eine elektronische Plattform, auf der Einsteiger, Kenner und Spezialisten die Kursentwicklung der Swiss Leader-Index-Titel (SLI®) prognostizieren. Der SLI®-Index umfasst die 30 liquidisten und grössten Schweizer Aktientitel.




    19 Swiss Banks As Solutions For Fintech Challenges

    The post 19 Swiss Banks As Solutions For Fintech Challenges appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 1:25 pm on September 19, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , fintech, , Onstage, Talkedabout, Weren’t   

    The Most Talked-about Companies at Finovate Weren’t Onstage 

    The talked-about at Fall 2016 weren&;t even presenting on the stage at the New York Hilton last week. But they represent everything innovators love to love and love to hate: The Succesful Disruptor and The Evil Bank. If Amazon was the North Star &; a beacon of simplicity &8212;Read More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 3:35 am on September 19, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , fintech, , sandboxing,   

    BREXIT – A Catalyst For Blockchain Technology? 

    — this topic has been in everyones mind for the prior weeks as I traveled across Germany and the US, not only in financial services. Nevertheless, today the first shock in financial services has gone and according to my opinion the Brexit has the potential to become THE game changer for implementing — fast track. Not only in financial services.

    &;We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten.&; &; Bill Gates

    But why? Currently London is to the European Union as Manhattan is to the United States. But why is London so important for Financial Services in Europe? European finance depends on the „City“, not to mention London’s dominance of financial services in UK: London is representing 9.6% of the United Kingdom’s GDP. Globally the FCA is one of the most innovative regulators, not only in terms of and for Startups. According to my opinion, passporting, sandboxing and a new EU bureaucratic for the UK could be the game changer in terms of Blockchain.

    First: What’s passporting?

    To break it down: when you get a license for financial services in one country, you are able to passport this license to other countries, meaning you don’t have to spend money on applications for each country, learning different languages and wait to got through the bureaucratic application processes for all the European member states. A great approach for global acting financial institutions — with this approach London established itself as a financial service gateway to the European Continent.

    Second: What&;s sandboxing?

    The UK regulator, the FCA, established a safe space for FinTech startups, where businesses can test innovative products, services, business models and delivery mechanisms. Means building new businesses in a live environment without immediately incurring all the regulatory consequences. Linked to this approach for FinTech Startups, the FCA established a safe space for Blockchain Startups early 2016 as well. Blockchain Startups should experiment in a safe environment with financial service technology. All the efforts are underlined by the support of the Central Bank of England — the Central Bank of England has taken steps to explore the potential of Blockchain Technology as well.

    Third: This brings me to the point >> passporting, sandboxing and a new EU bureaucratic for the UK could be the game changer in terms of Blockchain and Brexit, but why?

    Taking the real opportunity for the UK and the European Union is to use the current time of uncertainty of leaving the EU to take action. Action in terms of implementing a new technology. For instance currently it is rather uncertain that global will keep the passportability of their licenses as well as staying in the UK. Banks need new incentives for staying in the UK.


    From Pixabay

    To break it down shortly — incentives for Banks and the UK in relation to Blockchain could be (extract):

    &8211; Value Innovation — using sandboxing for establishing new standards to record, exchange, and trade assets as well as liabilities. Replacing traditional exchange and centralized markets as well as lowering barriers for business creation

    &8211; Re-Architecting the EU bureaucratic — implementing a document formation and management system for self-enforcing contracts (so called smart contracts) between the EU und UK

    &8211; Rebuilding Government and Democracy — rekindling the public’s trust in political institutions in the UK by establishing greater transparency and accountability in voting on the Blockchain

    New difficulties, but also great opportunities arise in our digital interconnected world between the EU and UK. London and the UK must act and innovate &8211; more than ever &8211; to ensure London’s preeminence as a global financial hub.

    The potential is big: the FCA has an innovative approach for Blockchain Startups and Banks — trial and error: this is unique in the European Union and might be one reason for Banks staying in the UK.


    From Pixabay

    sandboxing: this is unique in the European Union

    Nevertheless, the Brexit was a defeat for the European Idea, but every defeat makes you stronger, learn from the past, adapt the future, be innovative and just try. The Internet of Information was just the start, the Internet of Value has the potential for changing our whole life:

    Stand up Europe and implement the Blockchain Technology!

    Source: Own Research/ Ideas, Forbes, Fortune


    This article first appeared on LinkedIn Pulse. Featured Image: Pixabay

    The post BREXIT &8211; A Catalyst For Blockchain Technology? appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 9:57 pm on September 18, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    UK-Based Fintech Companies In Limbo Struggling With Uncertain Post-Brexit Future 


    -Based Companies In Limbo Struggling With Uncertain Post- Future

    The battle for the world’s fintech hub after the Brexit vote is still clouded by uncertainty, but time is running out.

    On September 16, the UK Prime Minister Theresa May told the European Council President Donald Tusk that Britain would likely begin the process of withdrawal from the EU in January or February 2017.

    This comment may heat up the battle of which city is likely to become the world’s fintech hub.

    Many banking and/or financial related startups have been considering the move to mainland Europe, but the uncertainty surrounding as to when and how the roll-out of Brexit will take place has made the level of change unknown, says Lucas Cervigni, MD of the global consortium, Agentic UK.

    Britain-based fintech companies in limbo

    A recent Ernst & Young report ranks Britain as still being on top in terms of the global fintech ecosystems. Also, as the world’s fifth largest economy, coupled with the positivity coming from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and regulatory authorities, it is clear that Britain wants the fintech industry, as well as the Blockchain sector, to thrive.

    However, there are suggestions that the vote could still take the title away from the UK, particularly as fintech firms have expressed their worries of being cut off from the single market once Britain leaves the EU.

    Cervigni noted that with so much unclear at the moment, the only thing they have started to notice happening is that some UK-based fintech startups are experiencing trouble receiving funding. He believes the continued uncertainty around the EU exit is driving this issue. He states in an email:

    “For the moment, the majority of the conversation in the fintech industry is around the migration of skills. The ability to hire highly skilled individuals from across not just Europe but further afield is an integral part of the industry’s success in the UK. Many multinational companies in the space have already spoken out about the need for the UK government to consider a special and more lax visa program for these very necessary employees.”

    With cities like Berlin, Paris and Zurich preparing to attract fintech firms, and the UK’s Financial Stability Board looking at whether using the Blockchain for processes such as settling transactions could undermine financial systems and if any new rules are needed, the signs that fintech firms in London will move to mainland Europe are still indeterminate.

    On a personal note, Cervigni thinks digital currencies and multiple Blockchains have a positive outlook based on current assessment because they have many different use cases, properties, and values which are extremely beneficial across different industries.

    “I am confident that both investors and government heavyweights will also be supportive,” he says. “It is clear that these are technologies which should not be fostered out because of the unlimited opportunities they are able to offer.”

    [linkedinbadge URL=”https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucascervigni” connections=”off” mode=”icon” liname=”Lucas Cervigni (Lucce)”] is Managing Director – AGENTIC GROUP UK

  • user 9:46 am on September 18, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    FinTech DACH News Rückblick der Woche 37 

    Fintech.Li präsentiert hier wöchentlich die wichtigsten rund um in der Schweiz, Liechtenstein, Deutschland und Österreich.

    Fintech DACH Top News

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    Andreas_KubliDie UBS bietet Apple die Stirn
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    / News

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    rtr4lhc8-e1473213296741There’s a $ 500 billion remittance market, and Bitcoin startups want in on it
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    Blockchain Veterans Unveil Secure Smart Contracts Framework
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    640x360Mit Blockchain zur Disruption
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    Für die digitalen Themen setzen Unternehmen stärker auf Generalisten und Umsetzer statt auf kreative Köpfe und Nerds. Dies zeigt eine Studie von Hays und PAC “Banken im digitalen Wandel” auf, für die 290 Entscheider aus den Branchen Pharma, Automotive und Banken befragt wurden. Mehr erfahren


    Studie_Kosten-der-Kreditkarte-800-Titel-ibi-research-350x248ibi-Studie zu Interbanken­entgelten(MIF): Kreditkarte ist jetzt das günstigste Verfahren bei Online-Zahlungen

    ibi research (Regensburg) hat sich in der Studie “Gesamtkosten von Zahlungsverfahren im E-Commerce – August 2016: Ergebnisse zu den Kosten von Kreditkarten nach der MIF-Verordnung” mit der Frage beschäftigt, in welchem Umfang sich die Regulierung in einer Senkung der Gesamtkosten bei der Kreditkartenzahlung im deutschen Online-Handel niederschlägt. Mehr erfahren


    Fintech EVENT Hinweis

    Zum Abschluss noch Informationen in eigener Sache von Fintech.LI.

    ‎FinTech‬ Konferenz Liechtenstein 2016

    Das Programm zur Fintech Konferenz in Liechtenstein finden Sie auf der Homepage.

    Fintechnews Leser erhalten einen exclusiven Discount von 20% mit dem Code &;fintechnews20&;.

    The post FinTech DACH News Rückblick der Woche 37 appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 7:40 pm on September 17, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    What Do Women Have To Say In/To FinTech? 

    Alot. Actually. We are innovaters with a different point of view. By definition. Walk into your average “” gathering with an XX chromosome, and you get noticed. Maybe “it is not fair.” Ok. Suck. It. Up. By definition, if not birth, we have a disadvantage. Statistically. On the other hand, WE Have A Point Of View. We Have A Defined Audience. Go with that. In FinTech that gives us an advantage. As entrepreneurs, we take whatever advantage fate deals us.

    Not all of us as entrepreneurs and leaders will “succeed. ” We get that, as , as founders, as entrepreneurs, whatever. But we will learn. Just walking into a room, filled as usual, with guys, often our age, or younger, we understand.

    But as founders, as visionaries, we understand, that the odds are stacked against us. We still have the guts, the energy, the passion, to be there in the first place. We get it. We are you. Whoever you are. No matter who you are. We are you…somehow.

    On Monday, September 19 2016, in Frankfurt, a revolution is underway. We are starting a new group. Frankfurt Women in Fintech. 70 people….with both xx and xy chromosomes have signed up to our meetup. Over 20 people will be in the room. Over 70 have signed up for updates. Is it you? The people who will attend are different….In some way. We all are in this space. We challenge the conventional wisdom…Just by showing up.

    Hope to see you “there” even if you can’t be in the room. We are innovators by definition.

    Be there or be “square”…..One way or the other. If not, get in touch. [email protected]…The revolution is us….one way or another.

    See https://www.meetup.com/Frankfurt-Women-in-FinTech/

    For an “MTV interlude” also see….https://youtu.be/DU6SpJJboC8

    [linkedinbadge URL=”https://www.linkedin.com/in/marguerite-arnold-1b09a311b” connections=”off” mode=”icon” liname=”Marguerite Arnold”] is FinTech Innovator

  • user 3:35 pm on September 17, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Fintech Made in Scotland 

    Im Zusammenhang mit der -Szene in Großbritannien wird Schottland in der Regel kaum bis gar nicht erwähnt. Dabei ist Schottland die Wiege einiger wichtiger Fintech-Innovationen, wie es in How technology will transform Scotland’s banking sector heisst. Meilensteine im schottischen Banking sind:

    Clydesdale Bank introduced adding machines in 1899, Bank of Scotland installed a centralised accounting computer in 1959, and James Goodfellow invented the behind cash machines and personal identification numbers in the 1960s.

    Der schottische Genius

    Der schottische Erfindergeist ist ein schönes Beispiel für die sog. Schöpferische Peripherie. Die New York Times nennt in The Genius of Scotland eine Reihe bedeutender Persönlichkeiten aus Schottland, die Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Kunst nachhaltig verändert haben.

    Jimmy Goodfellow &; Erfinder der PIN und der Geldautomaten

    Zu dieser illustren Runde darf man auch den bereits erwähnten Jimmy Goodfellow zählen, der im Jahr 1966 die PIN und den Geldautomaten erfand. Bis heute wurmt es Goodfellow, von seinen Erfindungen kommerziell nur in äußerst geringem Umfang profitiert zu haben, wie in Who invented the cash machine? I did – and all I earned was £10 zu lesen ist.

    ATM inventor James Goodfellow with one of the early ‘coded bank tokens’ and a modern day card. Photograph: Murdo Macleod for the Guardian

    ATM inventor James Goodfellow with one of the early ‘coded bank tokens’ and a modern day card. Photograph: Murdo Macleod for the Guardian


    Schottischer Bankenmarkt im Umbruch

    Wie in anderen Regionen der Welt auch, hat die Zahl der Filialen und Mitarbeiter in den schottischen Banken in den letzten Jahren kontinuierlich abgenommen. Laut BBC Research wurden in den vergangenen achtzehn Monaten 140 Bankfilialen in Schottland geschlossen.

    Fintech als Hoffnungsträger

    Um Schottland als Standort für Banken und Finanztechnologien zu erhalten bzw. zu stärken, fordern Vertreter der schottischen Wirtschaft die Politik auf, entsprechende Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, wie in Scotland&8217;s financial future threatened by growth of fintech berichtet wird. Die schottische Finanzindustrie hat bereits einen Fünf-Jahre-Plan entworfen, der das Potenzial neuer Finanztechnologien für die heimische Bankbranche beleuchtet.

    Warnung vor einem Alleingang nach dem Brexit-Votum

    Auf breite Ablehnung unter den britischen Ökonomen stossen Bestrebungen, Schottland nach dem Brexit als Alternative zum Finanzplatz London zu bewerben. Für ein unabhängiges Schottland wäre die Abhängigkeit von einem überproportional starken Finanzsektor von großem Nachteil, wie es in Economists warn Scotland: do not try to emulate London heisst.

    Schottland könnte ein wichtiger Fintech-Standort werden

    Laut Sharon Hamilton von Scottish Enterprise arbeiten derzeit 85.000 Menschen im schottischen Finanzsektor. Scottish Enterprise arbeite bereits mit 125 schottischen Fintech-Firmen zusammen. Die Zentren der schottischen Fintech-Szene sind Glasgow und Edinburgh. In Glasgow unterhält u.a. Avaloq einen Entwicklungsstandort. Edinburgh ist Sitz einiger bekannter Fintech-Startups, wie: miiCardNucleusMoney DashboardFloat


    Edinburgh, . From Pixabay.

    In Schottland residiert übrigens mit CodeBase der größte Technologie-Inkubator Großbritanniens. Außerdem verfügt Schottland über ein gut ausgebautes Hochschulsystem

    Die Voraussetzungen, dass Schottland ein wichtiger Fintech-Standort wird, sind also durchaus gegeben.

    Weitere Informationen: The opportunities in Scotland for Fintech. Insights from Frost & Sullivan


    This article first appeared on Bankstil. Featured Image: From Pixabay

    The post Fintech Made in Scotland appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 12:18 pm on September 17, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Blockchain catastrophe swaps and the unbundling of Insurance 

    Image source I struggled with the headline for this post because the news connects to so many different themes we cover on Daily : Real use cases for . and Climate Change. Financial Inclusion. Innovation by Incumbent Financial Services. The new global back office. The of verticallyRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 7:35 am on September 17, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    No Banking, No Bitcoin 


    [TBT + ICYMI. When I published this exactly three years ago last week, the “denial of services” issue was only known to those of us working in Money Services Businesses. Renamed as “derisking,” it has now become a global phenomenon that is affecting both and non-banks, and has no end in sight.]

    Last Friday’s news that the Internet Archive Federal Credit Union (IAFCU) had shut down Tradehill’s account must have sent chills down the spine of every virtual entrepreneur.  If it didn’t, it should. The IAFCU was supposed to be one of the few, if not the only, -friendly financial institution in the U.S. rescuing virtual currency exchangers from ‘banking oblivion’.  At this point, we can only speculate about the true causes of this unfortunate situation, and we certainly hope it gets resolved favorably, promptly and permanently.

    Let’s hope it’s another case of entrepreneurial immaturity, as that would be the lesser evil compared to other potentially more devastating ones.  However, with all due respect to the parties involved in this particular case, there is, in general, a fine line between immaturity and stupidity; one that cannot be ignored in a nascent industry that is riddled with risks, and in which a few bad apples could set the entire industry basket back by years.  My point is: Are convertible virtual currency exchangers doing their homework?

    News flash 1 to virtual currency exchangers: you are financial institutions!

    Being a financial institution requires a heightened degree of governance –organization, discipline and control– as well as excellent stakeholder communications.  Even if exchangers choose to partner with a licensed financial institution rather than to obtain their own licenses, a famously daunting and onerous process, they have to remember two things: (1) they still are financial institutions in the eyes of the government, which means they will need to comply with most federal AML regulations, and (2) by extending their licenses to them, their principal partners will be taking on additional risks which, by virtue of the halo effect, could have repercussions in their own existing operations and banking relationships.

    In today’s environment, where even non-financial accounts are being closed, how do you think an existing master account depositary institution will react when they find out that their corporate client will be partnering with a Bitcoin exchange?

    No Compliance, No Banking

    This corollary to the main title has been a well-known necessary, yet not sufficient, condition in the money transmitter industry for a long time.

    News flash 2 to virtual currency exchangers: There is a strong correlation –and even causality– between being a money transmitter and being unable to obtain and maintain a bank account.

    Having opened, been denied, maintained, and lost dozens of bank accounts in dozens of countries within several money services businesses over the past decade, this is what it all boils down to: No compliance, no banking; no banking, no business.  I know that many in the space would prefer things to be different, but TODAY these are the rules of the game.

    When FinCEN officially declared on March 18, 2013 that certain ‘convertible virtual currency’ operators were money transmitters, crypto-preneurs fitting this definition had to add the following two items to their long list of problems to be solved:

    1. How to legally operate in or service citizens of the United States, which has an archaic, convoluted licensing regime
    2. How to build formally and substantially sound internal policies, procedures and controls (collectively, programs) to comply with applicable regulations of various kinds, including anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist financing, privacy and consumer protection

    Applying for and expecting to be granted the luxury to maintain a bank account before completing both of the above is naïve and unrealistic.  And it gets worse, even when exchangers have checked the boxes on the two items above, a third condition will be required: the revenue must be large enough to outweigh the bank’s internal risk management costs.  I’m sorry if I’ve burst anyone’s bubble, but that has been the story of our lives in the money transmitter industry for a long time.

    Tough Choices

    As if dealing with the myriad risks and adoption challenges inherent in the itself was not enough, ‘convertible virtual currency’ operators have been confronted with decisions so tough that many may soon be out of business –either because they chose to ignore the FinCEN guidance and its attendant obligations, or because they chose to take them as seriously as expected.  The former would get them in trouble with the law.  The latter, too deep in the red.

    The good news is that, in spite of the tight budgets and the limited options, it is possible to obtain and maintain bank accounts in the United States.  It just requires a lot of hard work, and it all starts with a fundamental cornerstone: a world-class risk management and compliance program.

    This challenge can be approached in various ways.  There are a lot of smart and experienced lawyers that can help understand the details of what must be done.  In general, however, they will not be able to help much with how to make it all work within the unique confines of a company, operation and product.  In my experience, nobody better to build a solid, sustainable, risk management program than one’s own internal engineers and product owners with the full support of an enlightened leadership.

    What are you waiting for, crypto-preneurs?  Are the stakes not high enough?

    [linkedinbadge URL=”https://www.linkedin.com/in/juanllanos” connections=”off” mode=”icon” liname=”//Compliance Executive & Advisor“]

  • user 3:35 am on September 17, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: BrickAndMortar, , , , fintech, ,   

    MUUME Brings Brick-And-Mortar Commerce to The Digital, Mobile Era 

    MUUME, a company that provides a platform for &; self-service&; for daily purchases, is helping brick-and-mortar businesses address new -driven consumer behaviors.

    One idea behind is to bridge the gap between online and phsysical POS,  changing the consumers behavior requesting a more flexible, mobile-friendly buying experience.

    muume scan

    More than a platform, MUUME is reinventing the way people shop. Currently, the Swiss company offers three distinct products:

    SelfServicePOS allows for digital self-service for retail and food businesses. Essentially, customers select products by scanning their QR codes or barcodes, or they can order at the business with their smartphones. The order is sent to the merchant&;s payment terminal and the customer can then choose to pay in a traditional manner at the checkout or through the mobile app.

    SelfServicePRE-ORDER allows customers to pre-order products and services while paying for them simultaneously. This can be used for instance for exclusive offers or limited items. The process is designed to allow for a &8220;quick and effortless&8221; buying experience. The feature is also available for food and drinks purchases during events. In fact, MUUME has announced recently a new partnership with Swisscom to integrate this MUUME solution into the app of the Bernese soccer club BSC Young Boys (YB).

    MUUME Partners With Swisscom for Soccer Matches, Events in Bern

    Image via https://muume.com/

    The collaboration allows fans and visitors of the Stadium Stade de Suisse to use the YB app to order and pay for drinks and snacks through the app starting from August 20th, reducing waiting time and allowing for an entirely digital buying experience.
    For the consumer, MUUME allows for seamless, simple and an all-inclusive &8220;self-service shopping and self-service ordering and paying&8221; experience.

    Users can get very easily additional product information. This can be done by barcode/QR, Beacon, Wifi and other touch points.  Customers can view its description as well as other forms of content such as images and video clips of the product, all through the app. This gives the users a clear added value.

    SelfServiceM-SHOP &; a Digital self-service for shopping on the go. Either as an individual solution or in conjunction with the other key products SelfServicePOS and SelfServicePRE-ORDER.

    muume cash flow order

    MUUME Shopping Flow

    MUUME has an integrated cloud-based digital wallet that allows users to manage their funds in various currencies as well as similar monetary means such as coupons. The platform is &8220;multi-bank&8221; and is an independently licensed Payment Service Provider.

    For the merchant, MUUME provides an efficient digital shopping experience and a self-service ordering process. This allows for increased digital convenience, which increases sales, customer loyalty and improves resource planning. As the platform allows for instant checkout and payments through the app, merchants are provided with fast liquidity, eliminating cash handling. Moreover, merchants receive monthly customer, order and payment data from the platform.

    MUUME&8217;s platform can be integrated into any third party system, and was entirely developed in-house.

    A 84-strong company, MUUME is headquartered in Cham, Switzerland with staff members located in Berlin, Krakow and Chisinau. The company is regulated by Switzerland&8217;s financial supervisor Finma.

    In June, MUUME raised CHF 2.2 million in a Series A funding round led by Frankfurt-based private equity company Heliad Equity Partners with participation of entrepreneur and investor Hans Thomas Gross as well as the Zurich-based Family Office Keller. The capital will be dedicated to &8220;push product development and geographical-expansion,&8221; MUUME, said in a press release.

    Commenting on the new funding, Thomas Hanke, CEO of Heliad Equity Partners, said:

    &8220;We believe in the great potential and the USP of MUUME. We are pleased to join the company in its continued development and are convinced that MUUME will be successfully positioned in the market.&8221;



    The post MUUME Brings Brick-And-Mortar Commerce to The Digital, Mobile Era appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

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