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  • user 8:58 am on December 5, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Innovationspark, , Zurich   

    (Fintech) Innovationspark Zürich kommt 

    Breit abgestütztes Bedürfnis von Hochschulen und Privatwirtschaft zur Zusammenarbeit an einem inspirierenden Ort.

    Im Sommer 2017 wird der Zürich seine Tore auf dem Areal des Flugplatzes Dübendorf öffnen. Der Park schafft eine neue Plattform für Forschung, Entwicklung und Innovation mit dem Ziel, wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse mit der Praxis- und Markterfahrung führender Grossunternehmen, KMUs und Startups zu verbinden. Ein Pavillon am Eingang des künftigen Innovationsparks markiert den sichtbaren Startpunkt.


    Innovationspark Zürich

    Er umfasst eine Ausstellung, ein öffentlich zugängliches Café als zentraler Treffpunkt sowie die Geschäftsräume der Parkbetreiberin. Gleichzeitig sollen erste Forschungs- und Entwicklungsteams in den Hangar 3 und einzelne Nebengebäude einziehen. Die ersten anzusiedelnden Projekte stammen aus den Bereichen Robotik und Mobilität, Raumfahrt, Advanced Manufacturing und Finanztechnologie.

    Der Innovationspark Zürich ist als verbindender Ort konzipiert, der Potenziale entlang der Wertschöpfungsketten von Unternehmen erschliessen soll. Damit soll die raschere Umsetzung von Forschungsergebnissen in marktfähige Produkte und Dienstleistungen gefördert werden.

    Räumliche Nähe, offen gestaltete Büros, Werkstätten und Labors sowie gemeinsame Testanlagen und Informationsplattformen schaffen in einem einzigartigen Ensemble von alten und neuen Gebäuden einen idealen Rahmen für Inspiration, Ideenaustausch und Wissenstransfer. Der geplante Innovationspark setzt Wachstumsimpulse, schafft neue Arbeitsplätze und stärkt die bereits hohe Standortattraktivität und Lebensqualität in der Region Zürich.

    Schrittweiser, bedürfnisgerechter Auf- und Ausbau

    Den sichtbaren Startpunkt markiert ab Sommer 2017 ein Pavillon am Eingang des künftigen Innovationsparks auf dem Areal des Flugplatzes. Er beinhaltet eine Ausstellung, ein öffentlich zugängliches Café als ersten zentralen Treffpunkt sowie die Geschäftsräume der Parkbetreiberin, der Stiftung Innovationspark Zürich. Gleichzeitig sollen erste Forschungs- und Entwicklungsteams in den Hangar 3 und einzelne Nebengebäude einziehen.

    Innovationspark Zürich

    Innovationspark Zürich

    Diese Fläche wird vom Bund vorzeitig bereitgestellt. In einer zweiten Phase werden die verfügbaren, denkmalgeschützten Hangare umgebaut und an die Nutzungskonzepte ihrer Mieter angepasst. Nach Abschluss der planungsrechtlichen Verfahren und dem Umzug der Luftwaffe in den nördlichen Teil des Flugplatzes können ab 2020 erste Neubauten auf den Baufeldern vor den Hangaren geplant werden. Das Raumangebot soll eine flexible Nutzung mit Forschungslabors, Werkstätten, Testflächen, Pilotanlagen wie auch Büros und Sitzungsräumen erlauben.

    Erste Projekte in den Bereichen Robotik & Mobilität, Raumfahrt, Advanced Manufacturing und
    Die Nutzer des Parks definieren dessen Stossrichtung. Die möglichen Themen stammen aus den Bereichen Life Science & Lebensqualität, Engineering & Umwelt sowie Digitale Technologien & Kommunikation.

    Sie entsprechen aktuellen Megatrends und basieren auf den übereinstimmenden Kompetenzen der Hoch- und Fachhochschulen sowie den Clusterinitiativen der Standortförderung. In diesen Gebieten besteht wissenschafts- und wirtschaftsseitig am Wirtschaftsstandort Zürich viel Potenzial.


    Robotik- & Mobilität-Hub

    Robotik- & Mobilität-Hub


    Die ersten anzusiedelnden Projekte stammen aus den Bereichen Robotik und Mobilität, Raumfahrt und Finanztechnologie. Die ETH Zürich will in einem «Robotik- & Mobilität-Hub» die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Forschern der Hochschulen, Unternehmen und Start-ups in diesem für Zürich und die Schweiz wichtigen Bereich fördern.




    Trust Square

    Trust Square

    Eine Raumfahrt-Initiative der Universität Zürich mit zahlreichen Innovationsprojekten kann die guten Rahmenbedingungen und die Infrastruktur des Parks nutzen. Unter dem Namen «Trust Square» sollen Aktivitäten im Bereich zusammengefasst und weiterentwickelt werden. Und mittelfristig werden Aktivitäten aus dem aktuellen Coating Compentence und Advanced Manufacturing Center der Empa mit industriellen Partnern auf dem Innovationspark hochskaliert.


    Anlässlich einer Informationsveranstaltung stellen letzten Freitagabend an der Empa Akademie Regierungsrätin Carmen Walker Späh, Prof. Dr. Lino Guzzella, Präsident der ETH Zürich, Lothar Ziörjen, Stadtpräsident von Dübendorf, sowie René Kalt, Geschäftsführer des Innovationparks Zürich, das Projekt vor.

    Carmen Walker Späh betont den standortpolitischen Nutzen: «Der Innovationspark leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag an die künftige Innovations- und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Wirtschafts- und Forschungsstandortes Zürich.» Prof. Dr. Lino Guzzella ergänzt: «Der Innovationspark investiert in die wichtigsten Ressourcen der Schweiz. Um Forschungsergebnisse in marktfähige Produkte und Dienstleistungen umzusetzen, braucht es einen Ort, an dem das Wissen der Hochschulen mit der Erfahrung erfolgreicher Unternehmen zusammentrifft.»

    Ende August 2016 genehmigte der Bundesrat den kantonalen Richtplan zum Innovationspark Zürich und erteilte damit grünes Licht für die Realisierung des Innovationsparks Zürich. Als nächster Schritt wurde der kantonale Gestaltungsplan für den Innovationspark Zürich zur Festsetzung bei der Baudirektion eingereicht. Der Kanton wird dabei einen ersten Teil des für den Innovationspark vorgesehenen Raums von 38 Hektaren Fläche im Baurecht vom Bund übernehmen.

    Innovationspark Zürich

    Innovationspark Zürich


    Vernetzte Transaktionsprozesse bilden das Herz eines jeden Finanzsystems. Dank ihres dezentralen Ansatzes ermöglicht die Blockchain, Transaktionen einfacher und sicherer abzuwickeln.

    Ziel ist es im Innovationspark Zürich unter dem Namen ‚Trust Square: Blockchain Swiss made‘ ein gesamtschweizerisches Blockchain Research- und Innovationszentrum mit internationaler Ausstrahlungskraft aufzubauen. In einem ersten Schritt wird eine Machbarkeitsstudie ausgearbeitet.

    Als Struktur für die Organisation und den Betrieb des Zentrums ist ein Public-Private-Partnership-Modell angedacht. Die nötigen Abklärungen sind Bestandteil der Machbarkeitsstudie. Operativ soll das Zentrum Plattformen für Forschungsteams aus den Sektoren Akademie, Privatwirtschaft, Öffentliche Institutionen und Start-ups anbieten sowie Kongresse und Fachtagungen organisieren.

    Der Innovationspark Zürich eignet sich als Standort für das Zentrum insbesondere dank der guten Vernetzung aller relevanten Hochschulen, die in der Schweiz im Bereich Blockchain forschen (ETH, UZH, HSG, IFZ/Hochschule Luzern). Zudem liegt der Park in unmittelbarer Nähe zu global führenden Unternehmen im Finanz- und Technologiebereich.



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    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 3:35 pm on October 11, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Antonopoulos, , , , , , Zurich   

    Zurich Bitcoin Blockchain Meetup with Andreas M. Antonopoulos 

    A computer scientist with a Master&;s degree in Data Communications and has been coding since he was 11, Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and well-respected figures in . He is the author of Mastering Bitcoin, published by O&8217;Reilly Media and considered by many to be the best technical guide to bitcoin.

    Mastering Bitcoin Andreas M. Antonopoulos


    As an engaging public speaker, teacher and writer, Andrea makes complex subjects accessible and easy to understand. As an advisor, he helps startups recognize, evaluate, and navigate security and business risks.


    From .com

    As a bitcoin entrepreneur, has founded a number of bitcoin businesses and launched several community open-source projects. He is a widely published author of articles and blog posts on bitcoin, is a permanent host on the popular Let’s Talk Bitcoin Podcast, and a frequent speaker at and security conferences worldwide.

    Andreas offers strategic consulting to a small number of crypto-currency companies that are aligned with his interests. He also offers expert witness testimony as an expert in the security, technical details and use of crypto-currencies, worldwide.

    He also spoke in front of the Banking, Trade and Commerce committee of the Senate of Canada.

    Meet Andreas this October 26 at Blockchain Meetup Zurich at Stiftung zum Glockenhaus, , Switzerland.

    Watch Andreas last talk in Zurich: &;The Future Of Money &; Zürich&;

    Featured Image: THE BITCOIN BUBBLE &8211; Andreas Antonopoulos

    The post Zurich Bitcoin Blockchain Meetup with Andreas M. Antonopoulos appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 3:35 am on July 2, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Kickstart Accelerator Zurich Selects 10 Startups for Fintech Category 

    Kickstart, a Swiss program based in , has announced the ten selected to join its first batch of the summer program. These ten startups will now begin the acceleration phase and will temporarily relocate their teams to Zurich and prepare for Demo Day set to place on November 04, 2016.

    The ten fintech startups are tackling a number of sub-segments composing financial services ranging from mobile payments, insurance, to risk management and stock trading.

    UBS Schweiz twitter Kickstart Accelerator 2016 Fintech

    via @UBSschweiz, Twitter

    Veezoo, a Swiss startup based in Zurich that provides a tool for people to allow them to explore and visualize stock market data efficiently. Veezoo is supported by SIX.

    James, owned by New York-based Crowdprocess, is a SaaS for risk departments. James allows risk officers to build, test and validate credit-scoring models, and is equipped with Machine Learning algorithms, techniques and validation methods. Crowdprocess is funded by Seedcamp, top Google executives, Thompson Reuters, the European Central Bank, Quant research funds, among other investors.

    Sureify, by California-based Sureify Labs, is a SaaS-based engagement platform that provides a solution to carrier&;s ongoing problem of staying connected to their policyholders. Sureify specializes in life insurance products.

    Mergims is a Rwandan mobile commerce and payments app that focuses on remittances to African countries. Mergims allows for the payment of mobile topups, utility bills, but also links to critical services such as hospital, medicines, school and transports.

    Gatechain is a Zurich-based startup that uses for trade finance that allows for the reduction of processing time and the lowering of costs while improving cash-flow in trade.

    Zoa, a solution developed by Zurich-based company MyDataMint, is an application and a platform for exchanging personal data between consumers and companies. On Zoa, companies can buy personal data directly from users in exchange for cash.

    Lenditapp, a New York-based company, provides a a cloud-based business process and Customer Acquisition Management solution for sales organization and funders catering to the alternative small business lending community.

    Nivaura, formerly known as Crowdaura, provides a blockchain-based digital platform for execution and lifecycle management of small financial assets. The company targets investment , asset managers, brokers, reinsurers and exchanges.

    Surong 360 is a Chinese startup that provides a platform for peer-to-peer (P2P) lending. Targeted at university students and alumni, Surong 360 doesn&8217;t intervene in the transaction, but instead, functions as a social network for P2P lending with flexible interest rates.

    BreadWallet is a standalone mobile wallet aimed at providing users with a simple, convenient and secure solution to send and receive bitcoins on their smartphones.

    Launched in January this year during the Investor Summit, Kickstart combines the strengths of academia, global corporations, and many successful local startups, to deliver an internationally recognized startup program aimed at giving access to promising startups to Switzerland&8217;s hub of tech and innovation.

    Kickstart Accelerator ZurichThe Kickstart Accelerator is operated by Impact Hub Zurich and is an initiative launched in cooperation with DigitalZurich2025, a cross-industry project aimed at turning Switzerland into a leading digital innovation hub in Europe.

    The Kickstart Accelerator has four verticals: fintech, smart and connected machines, future and emerging technology and food.

    Selected startups are given up to 25,000 CHF in seed funding, a monthly founder stipend of up to 1,500 CHF to support living costs, dedicated mentorship from industry leaders, a shared office space and fast-track access to relevant industry partners and the Swiss startup ecosystem.

    Backed by some of Switzerland&8217;s biggest companies including UBS, Credit Suisse, Swisscom, Migros and EY, the Kickstart Accelerator aims at supporting young international entrepreneurs and focuses on launching new products into the market as well as promoting the domestic digital innovation scene.


    Featured image via @UBSSchweiz, Twitter.

    The post Kickstart Accelerator Zurich Selects 10 Startups for Fintech Category appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 3:35 am on June 21, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , , MoneyTech, Pitches, Profiles, , , Speaker, , , Zurich   

    International Money-Tech in Zurich: Startup Pitches Round 1 and Speaker Profiles 

    This  June 28th in , Money-Tech is a event features 20 international digital payment and finance company and offers 1:1 meetings in Zurich

    Innovations presented will include digital currencies, mobile banking, peer-to-peer lending, crypto finance, new trends insurance tech, advisors, among many others.

    Pitches will inlcude:

    Kantox, a pioneering firm in the foreign exchange industry, bringing light and fresh air to an uncertain, static market. Kantox offers a comprehensive FX management solution for SMEs and mid-cap companies.

    Validity Labs educates patrons so they can adapt early an exploit opportunities rather than being rolled over by the wave. Our courses, workshops and seminars provide hands-on education about smart contracts and the technology stack beneath it.

    SynerScope, the next generation platform that provides analytics solutions to help discover critical information from massive amounts of data and turning it into useful insights. Synerscope combines Scientific Visualization Technologies, ultrafast predictive analytics and machine learning on top of its proprietary enterprise data navigation, -search and -linking. This technology stack provides enterprises high speed detection of abnormal behaviours and anomalies in complex data.

    RaiseNow supports ambitious fundraisers to grow their online fundraising. Using solutions for all digital touch points – from SMS donations and mobile phone apps right up to peer-to-peer event fundraising and donation forms. The platform integrates your email and social media channels and makes everything tightly work with your existing fundraising and donor database.

    Meniga is transforming the way and advertisers use transaction data, by helping people becoming smarter consumers with great products. With current implementations worldwide Meniga is already serving +35 million consumers.

    Speakers will include academics and executives from fintech startups and financial services firm including Roland Berger, Ascribe, the Ethereum Foundation, Nexussquared, Wikifolio, Crowdhouse, and more.

    Stefan Greunz &; Wikifolio, Head of Business Development

    Stefan Greunz - Wikifolio, Head of business development

    Stefan Greunz &8211; Wikifolio, Head of Business Development

    wikifolio.com is Europe’s leading online platform for trading ideas by private traders and professional asset managers.

    The Fintech company launched its Social Trading platform in Germany in 2012, followed by its Austrian launch in early 2013 and expanded to Switzerland in 2015.

    All signs are pointing to continued growth,’ says Andreas Kern, CEO and founder of wikifolio.com, ‘during the past year we have at least doubled all relevant figures and we want to continue like that.’

    More than 13,000 trading ideas called ‘wikifolios’ were already published, of which more than 4,300 are tradable as wikifolio-certificates at the Stuttgart stock exchange. So far 5.3 million trades in wikifolios triggered already a trade volume in excess of 7.9 billion euros.


    Ming Chan &8211; Ethereum, Executive Director

    Ming Chan &8211; Ethereum, Executive Director

    Ethereum’s rapidly growing popularity has become the most talked about topic in ecosystem. It particularly came under spotlight when it crossed the $ 1 billion mark in March this year, making several cryptocurrency exchanges to announce their support for ether trading.
    The market cap of Ethereum’s has once again surpassed the $ 1 billion mark as ether price recently found upward momentum and currently trades at $ 14.45 levels. Finance Magnates attributes this to the success of the DAO crowdfunding drive.

    Speaking with EconoTimes, Aurélien Menant, CEO of Gatecoin, said that the surge seen earlier in Ethereum’s market cap was partially due to some concerns about the future of , which have been recently addressed following the announcement of the upcoming SegWit and Lightning network upgrades that will improve the scalability of bitcoin. He attributed the subsequent drop in the market cap to a correction to an “overly excited market”.

    If you consider that the market even grew anywhere near 1 billion in less than a year since it was released that is very impressive. We are still very bullish about Ethereum and believe ether&;s value will increase in the long term, Menant added. Source.




    Special offer: Register with code &;fintech16&; to get 15% discount for event tickets!


    The post International Money-Tech in Zurich: Startup Pitches Round 1 and Speaker Profiles appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 3:35 pm on May 23, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Israel Innovation: Fintech and Cyber Conference and Showcase in Zurich 

    is organizing an event in Switzerland later this month to connect senior representatives of the Swiss financial industry with the Israeli and scene.

    Fintech and Cyber Showcase 2016The Israel Innovation Effect: Fintech and Cyber showcase 2016 (IIE 2016), occurring on May 30 at the UBS Grünenhof Center in , intends to foster new business opportunities and partnerships between players from both country.

    Organized by the Economic & Trade Department of the Embassy of Israel in Switzerland, in partnership with UBS and Accenture, the event will provide Swiss financial professionals and bankers with the opportunity to have 1:1 meetings with Israeli startups.

    15 Israeli innovative companies to present in Zurich

    15 companies, that are tackling areas such as technology, big data, portfolio management and optimization, will be presenting at the event.

    ACID Technologies, a cyber-security company that provides solutions to detect potential threats and risks;

    Argoscope Detelix Software Technologies Ltd. develops and provides fraud and embezzlement protection to organizations;

    AU10TIX, a digital identification and verification company that provides solutions for ID document authentication and client onboarding for both branch and online platforms;

    BondIT, a provider of comprehensive analytics solutions for the fixed-income market;

    Checkmarx,  a comprehensive Application Security platform used for finding & fixing application layer vulnerabilities during software development as well as blocking attacks in real time.

    Finnovest uses mobile devices to enable advisors to generate personalized and suitable investment recommendations to numerous clients simultaneously;

    Hermetic helps end users and services providers protect sensitive assets, resist account takeover, and improve user experience;

    Kensee, a company that provides a management information system for commercial real estate;

    OffLa patented security process is based on a smart risk calculation algorithm, operates inside the wallet during the transaction;

    PayKey, a blockchain technology company, enables payments within any social network, including Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Twitter;

    SecBi, a tool for security analysts to reduce breach response time and optimize mitigation;

    Votiro, a cyber-security company that develops and licenses software solutions for organizations;

    Windward, a maritime data and analytics company, bringing unprecedented visibility to the maritime domain;

    Wisesec offers a technology to set an abundance of solutions, including integration for cardless ATMs;

    YCD Multimedia provides a digital signage playback, distribution and content management platform for informational, educational and commercial messaging

    15 fintech and cyber companies presenting during IIE 2016

    15 fintech and cyber companies presenting at IIE 2016

    Areas of focus

    Essentially, IIE 2016 will be focused on five particular topics:

    • Alternative views on investment management;
    • Disintermediation in financial services and industry (peer-to-peer, blockchain use cases, etc);
    • Security and authentication technologies including federation with partners;
    • Identity protection, controlled sharing/privacy, avatars; and
    • Service meshes.

    The event will be split into two parts: the morning will be dedicated to keynote presentations on topics such as the Swiss fintech landscape and the blockchain industry; and the afternoon session will be dedicated to 1:1 meetings of 20 minutes each.

    Speakers will include;

    • Stefan Arn, global head of technology of UBS Wealth Management and UBS Switzerland and Group IT
    • George Schmidt, Managing Director of Accenture
    • Jonathan S. Rouach, an Israeli blockchain expert

    Please note that registration to the event is mandatory and all delegates are invited to schedule the 1:1 meetings in their registration form.

    The event is also on Twitter: Follow @IsraelInEffect and the hashtag IIE2016

    meet israel innovation

    The post Israel Innovation: Fintech and Cyber Conference and Showcase in Zurich appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

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