Swiss Central Banker: Blockchain Turning Finance ‘On Its Head’
#Swiss National Bank president Thomas Jordan says the #central bank is in discussions with regulators and other central #banks about #blockchain.
#Swiss National Bank president Thomas Jordan says the #central bank is in discussions with regulators and other central #banks about #blockchain.
A major financial #infrastructure provider in Switzerland is developing a proof-of-concept focused on securities market infrastructure.
SIX Securities Services, the post-trade infrastructure operator for the #Swiss #financial sector, and Digital Asset Holdings, a developer of #distributed #ledger #technology for the financial #services industry, announced plans to develop a proof of concept that will demonstrate the commercial viability of distributed ledger technology across the Swiss financial #market, with an initial prototype for . The two firms will also develop a roadmap for future opportunities spanning the whole market infrastructure value chain.
SIX #Securities Services recognizes the potential of distributed ledger technology and after a competitive evaluation process has selected #Digital #Asset as the business and technology partner for the design of a solution for the Swiss market. The initial phase of the project will demonstrate the ability to build and incorporate distributed, encrypted, straight through processing tools into existing securities transaction flows, and propose a roadmap for extending this to a production-ready service.
The proof of concept will extend beyond the scope of the prototype, and Digital Asset will develop a product roadmap for future opportunities to include a wide range of applications that demonstrate how current, segregated processes could be streamlined and made more efficient for SIX Securities Services and post-trade ecosystem as a whole.
SIX Securities Services has already made significant strides in exploring distributed ledger technologies and currently has a prototype for Corporate Actions processing on display at Sibos, in Geneva #from 26-29 September, 2016.
According to Thomas Zeeb, Division CEO SIX Securities Services: «Distributed ledger technology and its potential role in post trading is key to our business. We need to understand it, and more importantly, its applicability and future flexibility in order to keep ahead of the game. Partnering with Digital Asset is a way to accelerate our own development plans and leverage their experience in this area.»
«Partnering with SIX brings this cutting edge technology another step closer to commercial reality,” said Blythe Masters, CEO of Digital Asset. “We believe this collaboration will provide exciting opportunities for SIX and its customers while reducing inefficiency, cost and risk in the financial services ecosystem.»
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Die Schweiz hat mehr und mehr #Fintech Startups und Initiativen. Schweizer Banken versuchen aufzuholen oder sich gegen grosse Player zu positionieren (bspw. ApplePay) und haben eine Vielzahl von (Gegen)-Initiativen gestartet. Teils zusammen mit den Fintech Startups oder im Alleingang.
Luc Schuurmans hat in einen kürzlichen Tweet eine ” 19 #Swiss #Banks Answers to the Fintech #Challenges Map&8221; präsentiert die wir hier gerne zeigen.
Der Investomat ermöglicht themenorientierte Anlagen ab 5’000 Franken im Rahmen von Exchange Traded Funds (ETF). Das Cockpit ermöglicht die Simulation, laufende Transaktionsübersicht und historische Wertenwicklung des gewählten Profils.
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Hypomat ist ein Vertreter der jungen Generation der Online-Hypotheken. Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht über dessen Produktwelt. Wer die Zinsen und Produkte der Schweizer Anbieter von Hypotheken vergleicht, bei mehreren Instituten Offerten einholt und auf deren Basis nachverhandelt, kann über die Jahre tausende von Franken sparen. Ein wichtiger neuer Anbieter ist Hypomat, der die Online-Hypotheken Sparte der Glarner Kantonalbank darstellt.
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e-hypo ist das Online Hypotheken Angebot der Schwyzer Kantonalbank. Hier finden Sie einen Überblick über deren Hypo-Produkte. Speziell ist: e-hypo löst nur bestehende Hypotheken ab, offeriert also keine Neuhypotheken. Wer die hiesigen Hypotheken Anbieter vergleicht, mindestens drei Offerten einholt, dabei sowohl Banken als auch Versicherungen mit einbezieht und die Offerten konsequent nachverhandelt, kann über die Laufzeit eines Immobilienkredits tausende von Franken sparen.
Die HomeGate AG mit Sitz in Zürich ist ein Schweizer Internetunternehmen und Betreiberin des gleichnamigen Immobilienportals. Sie gehört der Tamedia in Zürich sowie der Edipresse Publication Romandie in Lausanne. Neben dem Betrieb eines Immobilien-Marktplatzes mit verschiedenen Zusatzfunktionen publiziert Homegate auch einen monatlichen Mietzins-Index.
UBS ist eine der 30 Grossbanken, die vom Financial Stability Board (FSB) als «systemically important financial institution» (systemisch bedeutsames Finanzinstitut) eingestuft wurden. Sie unterliegt damit einer besonderen Überwachung und strengeren Anforderungen an die Ausstattung mit Eigenkapital. Die Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht (FINMA) nimmt die Aufsichtsfunktion wahr.
Credit Suisse ist eines der grössten global tätigen Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Zürich. Die Bank ist eine der 30 Grossbanken, die vom Financial Stability Board (FSB) als «systemically important financial institution» (systemisch bedeutsames Finanzinstitut) eingestuft wurden. Sie unterliegt damit einer besonderen Überwachung und strengeren Anforderungen an die Ausstattung mit Eigenkapital.
Die Baloise Bank SoBa AG mit Sitz in Solothurn ist fest im Kanton Solothurn verankert. Mit der Übernahme der Solothurner Bank SoBa – vormals Solothurner Kantonalbank &8211; durch die Baloise Group im Jahre 2000 und der folgenden Implementierung des partnerschaftlichen Geschäftsmodell erhielt die Baloise Bank SoBa dank dem Aussendienst der Basler Versicherungen Zugang zu einem schweizweiten Vertriebsnetz.
Bank Linth mit Sitz in Uznach ist eine stark im Linthgebiet und am oberen Zürichsee verankerte Schweizer Universalbank. Sie beschäftigt 256 Mitarbeiter und hat eine Bilanzsumme von 5.099 Milliarden Schweizer Franken (per Ende 2011). Das Unternehmen ist an der Schweizer Börse SWX Swiss Exchange kotiert und befindet sich seit 2007 zu 74,2 Prozent im Besitz der Liechtensteinischen Landesbank.
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Die Hypothekarbank Lenzburg mit Sitz in Lenzburg ist eine stark im Kanton Aargau verankerte Schweizer Regionalbank. Sie beschäftigt 216 Mitarbeiter und hatte per Ende 2014 eine Bilanzsumme von 4,548 Milliarden Schweizer Franken. Das Unternehmen ist an der Schweizer Börse SIX Swiss Exchange kotiert. ist eine elektronische Plattform, auf der Einsteiger, Kenner und Spezialisten die Kursentwicklung der Swiss Leader-Index-Titel (SLI®) prognostizieren. Der SLI®-Index umfasst die 30 liquidisten und grössten Schweizer Aktientitel.
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The #cryptocurrency #Bitcoin generates a lot of headlines – positive and negative ones. At our #conference we are discussing the the long-term capabilities of digital currencies and their impact.
#Blockchain, the #technology behind it, is arguably the most disruptive and the important discoveries of our age. But is Blockchain ready to go mainstream? How can this technology improve existing processes? What are the most interesting use cases and what are the impacts on other industries?
On September 13, 2016, leading experts are going to talk about these topics at Kunsthaus Zurich.
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Rik Willard is the Founder of Agentic Group, a global consortium of Blockchain and related companies in the US, France and the UK. He is the former co-founder and CEO of MintCombine, the world&8217;s first digital currency and blockchain think-tank that worked with CEOs around the world to map the use of blockchains and meta-assets in many major business sectors. He is one of AlleyWatch magazine&8217;s &8220;14 NYC People in Bitcoin You Must Know” and is featured on CNN and CNBC, with speaking engagements at Harvard Business School Club, Kaufmann Institute, Dow Jones Speaker Series and more.
Lucas Betschart is the founder of Blockchain Source, a consulting company focusing on applying Blockchain technologies in the real world. Being involved in Bitcoin since the early days he has a deep understanding of decentralized systems, cryptography and the technologies available today, to build or integrate with.
He is the founder and organizer of the Blockchain Meetup Zurich group, which connects and educates startups, corporates and enthusiasts and president of the Bitcoin Association Switzerland.
Fabio initially founded Skry (formerly Coinalytics), based in Palo Alto, in 2014. Prior to founding Skry Fabio was enrolled at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Art in Switzerland, pursuing a Master in Business Administration. One semester into the program Fabio got handed the opportunity to take Skry and join the acclaimed 500 Startups accelerator program in Mountain View, California.
The post Win 3 Tickets for The Swiss Crypto Finance 2.0 Conference appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.
UBS has become the #latest major #bank to see a significant departure from its #blockchain innovation team.
Just like Facebook, Twitter and recently, Snapchat, #Instagram are one of the most active social media platforms which attract millions of users globally.
If Facebook is your big community to share interests and stay connected, Twitter is your latest stream of news and updates with simple texts, images and links, Snapchat is your place for live videos, then Instagram is your favourite daily photo album. It’s all about images and just images.
So, social media wise, does Instagram fit for #Fintech #startups, Fintech firms and companies to develop their awareness? The answer is, just like any other social media platform, it depends on what is shared with the community. Several Fintech startups have been picking up the trend and doing quite well on Instagram.
In the list of Top 30 Swiss Fintech Startups, Social Media Ranking by Fintech News Switzerland, 11 out of 30 startups have been running an active Instagram #accounts.
Top 30 Swiss Fintech Startups. See details at fintech customerexperience banking digital payments onlinepayment blockchain bitcoin insurtech financial technology cryptocurrency crowdlending crowdfunding Lending finance event startups entrepreneurship entrepreneurs bigdata cryptocurrency lending p2p peertopeer switzerland banking banks innovation insurance roboadvisors
Because of the uniqueness of Instagram, a few #Swiss Fintech startups have been sharing their news and updates in form of images only with their followers in different ways.
Other accounts are Advanon, CreditGate24, Knip, Splendit, Investiere
The post Swiss Fintech Startups Accounts to Follow on Instagram appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.
The #Swiss #fintech startup scene has been growing steadily during the past year, expanding from 157 #startups in November 2015 to 185 players in June 2016, according to Swisscom’s Fintech Map.
Despite the growing industry, Switzerland&8217;s fintech sector is lagging behind the likes of New York and London. Industry observers have pointed out the lack of governmental and institutional support in comparison to these front-runners.
A report released in February by EY and the Swiss Finance + #Technology Association on the Swiss fintech sector argued that there were “clearly some room for improvement regarding governmental support,” adding that Switzerland had yet to leverage its strong position as a financial center in Europe to become a global fintech hub.
Swiss financial regulators have been slow to react to the emergence of the digital economy. The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) has recently introduced a new ruling to facilitate client on-boarding through digital channels.
At the Swiss International Finance Forum in June, FINMA&8217;s director Mark Branson said:
&8220;The financial revolution is evolving so rapidly that we can’t get bogged down striving for a 100% perfect legislative solution. We are advocating swift action that we can fine tune later.&8221;
That said, there are several reasons to be optimistic about Switzerland&8217;s nascent fintech sector. The country&8217;s strong data protection laws, tax regime and political neutrality have attracted a number of foreign companies and organizations including the Ethereum Foundation and Xapo.
Switzerland has notable competitive advantages as a fintech hub in comparison to the likes of London or Berlin. To mention here the stability and reliability in general (financial, legal, government, and so on), which continues to be a hard value for other locations to match. The existing financial services expertise remains another strong advantage. However, the high salaries in Switzerland is another story.
Today, a number of Swiss fintech startups are standing out. These are covering varied industries and applications ranging from wealth management, #blockchain technology, to insurtech and crowdfunding.
Based in Zurich, DealMarket is a Swiss fintech startup provide three distinct products: a global marketplace for fundraising and deal sourcing, connecting the private equity industry; a browser-based deal flow management and deal exchange tool; and the DealMarket Intelligence which offers affordable access to third-party data, research and services.
Another crowdlending platform is Splendit, which focuses on allowing students to access a fair source of financial their education. The platform matches students and investors in an auction process, issues documents and manages payments.
CreditGate24 is a highly automated platform that connects borrowers with private and institutional investors, offering an efficient and scalable settlement of loans. The company applies a strict credit check based on classic credit assessment methods, Big Data analysis, as well as the insurance and the solidarity arrangement.
Xapo, one of the #bitcoin industry&8217;s best-funded startups, provides bitcoin storage services and a digital wallet. Initially headquartered in California, Xapo relocated to Switzerland in May 2015 in a bid to boost customer privacy protections. The startup has raised US$ 40 million in funding so far.
The Ethereum Foundation is the organization overseeing Ethereum, the open source decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run as programmed without possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference. Ethereum&8217;s crowdfunding campaign is one of the most successful campaigns to date, raising over US$ 18 million in bitcoin.
iProtus is a company that provides consulting services on blockchain technology and helps businesses implement new business models with distributed ledgers.
Knip is undoubtedly one of the most visible insurtech ventures in Switzerland. Founded in 2013 by Dennis Just and Christina Kehl, Knip has now over 100 employees based all over Europe. Knip provides users with a digital insurance manager and a mobile app that allows for the management of existing insurance politics, tariffs and services.
True Wealth is an online wealth management platform and an automated investment solution based in Zurich. True Wealth is an independent asset manager and a member of the Swiss Association of Asset Managers (SAAM).
Qontis is an online personal finance management (PFM) platform that provides users with the ability to document and organize data from all instances of private income and expenditures.
MoneyPark is an independent provider of personalized financial advice on mortgages, providing pension planning and investment guidance. MoneyPark is a financial intermediary that is subordinated to FINMA and holds a license as a distributor of collective investment schemes.
Other ventures worth mentioning include Qumram, a cybersecurity firm; Advanon, an invoice financial platform; CashSentinel, an online platform focused on facilitating the purchase and selling of vehicles; TawiPay, a financial services comparison platform focused on money transfers and remittances; Amnis, an online platform for currency exchange and foreign currency payments; Contovista, a digital banking software company; and Run My Accounts, an automated online accounting platform for SMEs.
See the Full List of all 30 Swiss Fintech Startups to #Watch HERE
The post 30 Swiss Fintech Startups To Watch appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.
Founded in 2007 by Peter Niederhauser and Dr. Michael Sidler, Redalpine Venture Partners is a #Swiss early-stage venture capital firm focusing on European life science and information and communications #technology startups.
Active in the #fintech sector – an area it believes has a lot of potential -, Redalpine has signed key deals with the likes of Swiss digital insurance manager Knip, Berliln based digital bank Number26, and digital investment intermediary Cashboard, but also bexio and Givve.
Speaking to Fintechnews, Redalpine partner Dr. Harald Nieder, said that fintech and insurtech are two areas that still have a number of promising business models and technologies that are maturing. Naming the likes of #blockchain technology, risk-tech, artificial intelligence and capital markets innovations, among other sub-segments, However, in some other subsectors, Niederexpects consolidation.
Throughout the years, Nieder has witnessed the industry evolving, pointing out that while during the first era, fintech ventures were essentially aimed at “un-bundling” financial services &8211; citing for instance TransferWise in cross-border payments, and Zopa for peer-to-peer lending &8211;, today, a new trend is emerging as a number of players and niche products are maturing.
He calls this the &8220;re-bundling&8221; where the likes of Number26 and Cashboard act as new financial hubs and marketplaces for products offered by fellow fintech innovators.
Launched in January 2015, Number26 is a Berlin-based fintech company that wants to revolutionize the banking experience. Essentially, Number26 provides a mobile app that lets users manage their finances on-the-go and allows them to open an account in just eight minutes.
Similarly to its Vietnamese counterpart Timo or the American Simple, Number26 is not a bank of its own and it is its banking partner &8211; in the case of Number26, Wirecard Bank &8211;, that holds both customers’ money and the banking license.
Number26, which has recently received support from one of Asia&8217;s richest men to fuel its growth, says it wants to act as a fintech hub and integrate other financial products into its apps, including credit, saving and insurance products.
Redalpine, which participated in Number26&8217;s seed funding round in 2014, believes that there is high market potential for the product as it is aligned with the preferred user experience of the digitally native generation.
Cashboard on the other hand, is a #robo-advisor that uses algorithms to create diversified portfolios made up of a wide range of assets, including exchange-traded funds, money market funds, bonds, social trading, private loans and equity #investments in private companies.
Cashboard, one of the BBVA&8217;s Open Talent 2014 fintech competition finalists, allows people to start investing with as little as €100 and does not charge into fixed fees. Cashboard earns commissions from their product partners and clients pay an annual 10% performance fee on net profits past a high-water mark.
Cashboard has a &8220;far more compelling business model than the traditional ETF-based robo-advisors,&8221; Nieder said, explaining what made his company invest in the startup in 2015. It has a &8220;unique positioning in the otherwise very competitive robo-advisory and online investing markets,&8221; he added.
Redalpine is also invested in bexio, a Swiss Provider of business-accounting software with strong FinTech angle and e-banking integration. Recently Bexio announced a partnership and integration with UBS E-Banking.
Another sub-segment which Redalpine is particularly interested in is insurtech, where the firm &8220;[sees] and [expects] lots of action in the startup space.&8221;
When Redalpine signed a deal with Swiss digital insurance manager app Knip in 2014, the firm became one of the first VCs to invest in that space, Nieder said.
Insurance is ripe for innovation across the entire value chain; and yet, the insurtech industry is still lagging behind.
&8220;Insurance didn’t have the crisis we saw in the financial sector to jumpstart disruption and a lot of areas in insurance require startups to have in-depth insurance knowledge,&8221; Nieder said.
&8220;We expect a lot more disruption in the insurance space, as knowledge transfer to startups continues. We also see this driven in large part out of Europe, where again, we have a co-existence of insurance know-how and start-up ecosystem.&8221;
When asked about his views on the fintech sector in Europe, and most particularly in Switzerland, Nieder argues that there are a lot of untapped opportunities.
Somewhat overshadowed by its neighbor the UK, and especially London, Switzerland could do much better in the field given its financial expertise and improving startup culture. This echoes previous comments that have been made by other industry observers who argue that Switzerland is lacking, in part, governmental support.
That said, Nieder remains optimistic in the future of the European fintech scene as he believes that the location provides &8220;the most fertile breeding ground for fintech startups.&8221;
Featured image by ra2studio, via
The post Redalpine&8217;s Swiss And German Fintech Investments appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.