Online Fraud Levels Off In 2017 But Above 2015 — The New Normal?
Forter says its database of consumer behavior is second only to Amazon’s, providing powerful #fraud prevention.
Financial Technology
Forter says its database of consumer behavior is second only to Amazon’s, providing powerful #fraud prevention.
Financial Technology
By making the process simple and #online, which hold down prices, CUNA Mutual Group has provided $ 500 million in term #life #insurance in less than a year since the product launched.
Financial Technology
Fraud remains a significant problem for financial services to solve, especially as digital and #online banking becomes more prevalent in the industry. For the average FI and online lender, approximately one-third of all #monthly #transactions will be #fraudulent. This is according to the 2017 True Cost of Fraud survey by LexisNexis Risk Solutions, released last […]
Bank Innovation
By making the process simple and #online, which hold down prices, CUNA Mutual Group has provided $ 500 million in term #life #insurance in less than a year since the product launched.
Financial Technology
U.K.-based #online #student lending service #Prodigy #Finance has raised a $ 240 million round of #equity and #debt funding in order to expand its services within the U.S. The funding breaks down with $ 40 million in equity mainly from venture capital firm Index Ventures, as well as Baldeton Capital and AlphaCode. The rest of the $ 200 […]
Bank Innovation
By making the process simple and #online, which hold down prices, CUNA Mutual Group has provided $ 500 million in term #life #insurance in less than a year since the product launched.
Financial Technology
Companies like Forter use machine learning, data, and sophisticated analytics to determine whether an #online transaction is fraudulent and then offer a money-back guarantee.
Tom Groenfeldt – Financial Technology
Die #Tessiner Kantonalbank bietet unter ihrem Label «TiHome» neu eine #Online-Hypothek an. Die technische Plattform und das digitale Banking Know-how dazu erwirbt die Tessiner Kantonalbank auf Lizenzbasis von der Glarner Kantonalbank.
Ab sofort bietet die Tessiner Kantonalbank basierend auf der technischen Lösung der Glarner Kantonalbank, aber unter eigener Marke eine Online-Hypothek an. Die Tessiner Staatsbank ist nach der Freiburger Kantonalbank bereits die zweite Lizenznehmerin.
Dank dem technologischen Know-how, welches sich die Glarner Kantonalbank mit ihren eigenen Online-Produkten im digitalen Banking aufgebaut hat, kann sie sowohl ihre modernen Systemlösungen unter der Marke Softlink als auch ihre Serviceleistungen der Kreditfabrik anderen Finanzdienstleistern anbieten.
The post Neuer Tessiner Online Hypotheken Anbieter appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.