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  • user 3:36 pm on May 31, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    DeinAnlageberater.ch Leverages Technology to Offer Investment Advice for Less Than 5 CHF 

    came to existence upon the assumption that people take decisions in an emotional fashion, often leading to bad results when it comes to investing.

    By leveraging , DeinAnlageberater.ch provides users with personalized advisory services and recommendations for asset allocation at a much lower price traditional investment advisers.

    dein-anlageberater-financial advisor fintech swiss

    Image via https://www.dein-anlageberater.ch/


    How it works

    First, DeinAnlageberater.ch asks you a number of questions to understand your current financial situation and learn more about your preferences regarding certain topics (asset classes, risk, etc.).

    Then, the platform creates a personalized suggestion for investment based on your profile. These recommendations are very detailed and specific, making it easy for you to eventually transact the different components of the suggestion with your bank branch or online broker.

    The process is fast and sleek, and the platform itself is well designed and user-friendly, making the overall user experience very good. New users get one free credit for an investment .

    DeinAnlageberater.ch doesn&;t bank accounts or brokerage services. It doesn&8217;t accept payments or kick-backs from product providers, and solely focuses on applying its algorithms to determine the best investment schemes for users. This way, there is no conflict of interest.

    The company explains:

    &;If a financial advisor is paid by the product provider and not the client, he will naturally not put your interests first but those of the product provider. He then owes more to the bank which employs him than you. If he puts your interests above the interests of his employer, i.e., the bank, he risks his job.

    &8220;Your interests and the interests of the bank are in conflict. This is why advice, free of such conflicts, can only be given by an independent institution which isn’t in the business of providing products and doesn’t run any checking or brokerage accounts.&;

    DeinAnlageberater.ch is typically used as a benchmark and basis for discussion with a financial advisor.

    The platform makes money by charging between 2.43 CHF and 4.99 CHF per recommendation (depending on the plan you pick).

    dein anlageberater preisplan

    DeinAnlageberater.ch has the ability to offer such low prices because it doesn&8217;t &8220;own expensive offices or run costly advertising for prestige’s sake,&8221; and because it essentially uses digital communication channels to serve and advise multiple customers at the same time.

    Headquartered in Altendorf, Switzerland, DeinAnlageberater.ch was founded by Simone Rebholz, a former banker with a background in capital markets and the mortgage business; and Dr. Claus Huber, a financial expert specialized in risk management and quantitative modeling of financial markets.


    Watch DeinAnlageberater.ch&8217;s video presentation (in German):



    The post DeinAnlageberater.ch Leverages Technology to Offer Investment Advice for Less Than 5 CHF appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

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