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  • user 12:18 am on September 28, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Alternative Lending Is in Trouble? No One Told Elevate 

    It&;s been a brutal year for the industry. Scandals, staff cuts, rate hikes, and recently a Lending Club investment posted its first negative return in five years this August. But the alternative lender , a subprime specialist, is continuing to advance toward its IPO, and recently celebrated the hiring ofRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 3:35 pm on September 20, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: anderen, , höheren, Lending, , , Renditen, ,   

    Mit Peer to Peer Lending und anderen Fintech Lösungen zu höheren Schweizer Renditen 

    Da sich die Investitionsmöglichkeiten in der Schweiz derzeit in einem negativen Renditeumfeld bewegen, wenden sich die Investoren alternativen Anlageformen zu, um Gewinne zu erwirtschaften.

    Im Januar 2015 beschloss die Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) eine Negativzinspolitik mit zunehmend strengeren Auflagen. Diese Strategie erschwert es Investoren, Zielrenditen zu realisieren. Daher steigt das Interesse an , die einen Weg aus der Schweizer Investitionskrise weisen.

    Durch die optimierte Nutzung mobiler, digitaler Plattformen und modernster Technologien verändern Fintech-Startups heute nicht nur die Art und Weise, wie wir unser Geld verfolgen, verwalten und ausgeben, sie revolutionieren auch die Art und Weise, wie wir Geld anlegen.

    Robo advisors

    Image by Tatiana Shepeleva via Shutterstock

    Die Einführung und Verbreitung von -Advisors zeigt, dass künstliche Intelligenz und komplexe Algorithmen uns helfen können, unser Bargeld effektiv anzulegen, je nach Risikoaversion und für einen Bruchteil der Kosten eines klassischen, d. h. menschlichen, Vermögensmanagers.

    Durch die Nutzung von Technologie senken Fintech-Innovatoren die Kosten für Bank- und Finanzdienstleistungen erheblich, und die Einsparungen können an die Verbraucher weitergegeben werden.

    P2P Lending

    Dies ermöglicht nicht nur die Demokratisierung von Leistungen, die bisher einer kleinen Elite vorbehalten waren, sondern schafft auch neue Geschäftsmodelle und innovative Lösungen, die die finanzielle Inklusion fördern, da sie Verbrauchern, die keinen oder nur beschränkten Zugang zu Finanzdienstleistungen haben, zumindest eine Basisversorgung anbieten.

    Obgleich die USA und Grossbritannien mit führenden Akteuren wie Club, Prosper, Zopa und Funding Circle die Zentren der -to-peer-Kredite bleiben, sind auch in der Schweiz in den letzten Jahren einige Plattformen für Peer-to-peer-Lending entstanden. Ziel dieser Plattformen ist es, KMU und Einzelpersonen Alternativen zu den offiziellen Finanzierungsangeboten des Bankensektors zu bieten.

    In der Schweiz ist CreditGate24 einer der wichtigsten Akteure der Peer-to-peer-Kredite. Die im März 2015 lancierte Plattform stellt seinen Kunden eine hoch automatisierte Kreditplattform für Privatkredite und Finanzierungsoptionen für KMU zur Verfügung. CreditGate24 berechnet den Kreditnehmern zwischen 0,6 % und 0.8% p.a., den Investoren 1 % auf jede Rückzahlung. Laut einem Bericht des Instituts für Finanzdienstleistungen Zug IFZ und Swisscom haben Peer-to-peer-Kredite sowohl finanzielle als auch nicht-finanzielle Vorteile.

    Einer der wesentlichen Vorteile für die Kreditnehmer ist die Tatsache, dass die Zinssätze häufig günstiger sind als bei klassischen Banken. Der Vorteil für die Kreditgeber liegt in der möglicherweise Rendite als bei einem Sparkonto oder Anlageformen, wobei jedoch das Verlustrisiko einzukalkulieren ist. Die Plattform Credigate24 musste bisher bei insgesamt 230 Krediten noch keinen einzigen Ausfall erleiden und hat zudem ein sehr smartes Modell um Verlustrisiken zu diversifizieren.

    Peer to peer lending platforms in Switzerland

    Image by ConstantinosZ, via Shutterstock


    Darüber hinaus bieten Peer-to-peer-Kredite Anlegern mit sozialem Touch die Möglichkeit, Personen zu unterstützen, die teures Fremdkapital umgehen möchten. So ermöglichen es Plattformen wie Splendit in der Schweiz oder CommonBond und Social Finance Inc. (SoFi) in den USA Studenten, Gelder für ihre Ausbildung zu akquirieren oder Stipendien über Crowdfunding-Kampagnen zu sichern.


    Neben Krediten für KMU hat sich das Immobilien-Crowdfunding als Renditemöglichkeit für Anleger entwickelt.

    Crowdinvesting platforms in Switzerland, real estate

    Image by Jan_S, via Shutterstock

    2015 wurden über die Plattform Crowdhouse erfolgreich Mittel für den Kauf einer Immobilie gesammelt. Bis April 2016 wurden zwei weitere Objekte für insgesamt 4 Millionen CHF finanziert. Crowdhouse verlangt eine Mindestinvestition von 25.000 CHF und verspricht eine Rendite von 5 bis 6 % p.a. Die Plattformbetreiber verlangen 3 % des Kaufpreises der Immobilie als Provision.

    Ein weiterer Akteur in der Schweiz ist HouseInvest.ch, der eine ähnliche Dienstleistung verspricht. Die Plattform ist noch nicht online. In anderen Teilen der Welt führen derzeit Plattformen wie Fundrise, Prodigy Network, iFunding, Realty Mogul und RealtyShares den Markt an.


    Darüber hinaus haben KMU begonnen, Plattformen für die Vorfinanzierung von Debitorenrechnungen zu nutzen, ein Konzept, das die Idee der Peer-to-peer-Kredite auf die Rechnungsfinanzierung überträgt.

    Über diese Plattformen können Unternehmen einzelne Rechnungen an Online-Anleger verkaufen, um ihre Liquidität zu verbessern. Zu den bekannten Plattformen für die Vorfinanzierung von Rechnungen gehören Advanon in der Schweiz und InvoiceInterchange in Singapur.

    The post Mit Peer to Peer Lending und anderen Fintech Lösungen zu höheren Schweizer Renditen appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 12:19 pm on September 2, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Asymmetries, , Flatten, , Lending, , ,   

    XBRL to Flatten Information Asymmetries in the Small Business Lending Market 

    There is simply nothing more frustrating than trying to communicate with someone when neither of you speak the same language. Having just returned from a holiday in Morocco, I found myself in this exact situation on more than one occasion. Luckily, when English wasn’t an option, my schoolgirl French was often able to bridgeRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 am on August 20, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Goldman Sachs Takes on Marketplace Lending with Marcus 

    Today it was revealed that banking giant will be launching an online retail  operation called , after founder Marcus Goldman, as reported by the New York Times, The operation will likely roll out this October, and will start by offering small consumer loans from $ 15,000 to $ 20,000. This follows the launch of GSRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 pm on August 2, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , Lending, proxy, Scenarios   

    4 Scenarios for Lending Club – the proxy for Fintech disruption or hype $LC 

    When did its IPO in December 2014 I declared it as the Netscape moment for (when it became conventional wisdom that this was going to change the world). I could be accused of contributing to the Fintech , which became intense in 2015 with investors flooding intoRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 3:39 pm on July 27, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , Lending, , Revamp   

    P2P Lending Platforms Revamp The Consumer Lending Industry 

    Peer-to-peer (P2P) , one of the hottest industries, has experienced tremendous growth in the past five years and is expected to be worth US$ 150 billion by 2025, according to PwC.

    After the financial crisis in 2008, P2P lending emerged as a new method for consumers to get loans easily and quickly, bypassing traditional that had tightening their lending policies.

    The model quickly grew in popularity, attracting borrowers with the new platforms&; perceived low interest rates, simplified application process, and quick leading decisions.

    In 2014, an estimated US$ 5.5 billion worth of loans have been issued in the US alone with an average growth of 84% per quarter since 2007.

    Growth has been largely influenced by technological breakthroughs and demographical shifts. Most particularly, the Millennial generation &; those born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s &8211; has set new standards in the financial services .

    P2P lending and Millennials

    Image credit: Rawpixel.com via Shutterstock

    Image credit: Rawpixel.com via Shutterstock

    This demographic is demanding greater convenience, mobility, real-time update, and are using entirely different channels.

    Tech-savvy and socially-minded, Millennials are changing the face of finance and have embraced fintech solutions. A recent report by Oracle and Wharton Fintech suggests a notable increase in the use of non-bank options by this demographic in solutions such as mobile wallets, mobile money and overall alternative payment solutions.

    In the P2P lending area, Millennials are ten times more likely to use P2P lenders than those 50 and older, according to the Fair Isaac Corporation. The demographic is becoming a larger portion of the consumer loan market as they seek credit to finance major purchases or refinance their student debt.

    &;The Millennials are prime targets for P2P lending as they value the convenience of transacting online and are less loyal to banks,&; according to PwC.

    P2P lenders vs. banks

    While the industry is experiencing strong growth, lending from large banks, on the other hand, has decreased dramatically. In the US, the ten largest banks lent US$ 44.7 billion in 2014, a drop of 38% from its peak of US$ 72.5 billion in 2006, according to Techcrunch.

    That said, banks shouldn&8217;t be afraid of these new players as P2P lenders &8220;are unlikely to pose a threat to banks in the mass market,&8221; according to Neil Tomlinson, Deloitte&8217;s head of UK banking.

    P2P lenders and banks collaborations

    Image credit: Stokkete via Shutterstock

    In a report released earlier this year, the consulting firm argued that these new platforms &8220;will not be significant players in terms of overall volume or share.&8221; It said that P2P lenders cannot compete with banks in mainstream markets and should in fact focus on profitable niche segment markets where their knowledge can be a competitive advantage.

    The report encourages banks to start collaborating with P2P lenders to deliver superior UX capability, maintain customer relationship, gain access to data to improve the bank&8217;s risk scoring, as well as provide an option to under-served segments.

    For these platforms, collaborating with banks would allow them to increase awareness among borrowers and investors, gain scale and lower their customer acquisition costs.

    A number of banks have already teamed up with P2P lending startups: JP Morgan Chase provides loans to its SME customers using OnDesk&8217;s platform; Metro Bank deploys customer deposits through Zopa; and RBS and Santander UK are both regering SME customers rejected for a loan to Funding Circle.


    Featured image by Anton Gvozdikov, via Shutterstock.com.

    The post P2P Lending Platforms Revamp The Consumer Lending Industry appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 12:18 am on July 18, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Chargeoffs, , , Lending, Questioned,   

    Lending Club Underwriting Questioned As Chargeoffs Climb 

    Scandals aside,  has been doing well in the area that mattered &; borrowers were paying back their loans. But a new report from the Wall Street Journal indicates that chargeoff rates at Lending Club are up 38% since 2013. This is troubling because credit card default rates decreased over theRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 am on July 6, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    How Amex Is Going After Banks with Its New SMB Lending 

    American Express is taking a page from Square&;s book and launching an online platform for small business loans of up to $ 750,000 &; but its main target may be . The news came today via Bloomberg, which reported funds could be available as soon as two days loan approval.Read More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 3:35 pm on July 1, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Lending, PeertoPeer,   

    Europe’s Top 11 Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms 

    Peer-to-peer (P2P) is a direct alternative to a bank loan with the difference that, instead of borrowing from a single source, companies and private individuals can borrow directly from tens, sometimes hundreds, of individuals who are ready to lend.

    Since its introduction in 2005, P2P lending has spread far beyond its birthplace the UK, reaching all parts of the world.

    Altfi P2P Lending Europe Geo June 2016

    via AltFi

    In Europe today, although the vast majority of the P2P lending activity is concentrated in the UK &; which accounts for over 84% of the whole European market &8211;, Germany, France and Nordic countries are experiencing strong growth and development in the P2P lending space with a number of homegrown startups starting to emerge as regional leaders.



    zopa p2p lending europeZopa is an industry pioneer and the very first P2P lending platform to ever be launched in the world.

    Released to the public in 2005, the platform focuses on consumer P2P lending and operates in the UK and the US, through a partnership with six Credit Unions. Since its launch, Zopa has helped people lend more than £1.54 billion in P2P loans.

    Zopa has been voted &;Most Trusted Personal Loan Provider&; in the Moneywise Customer Awards for the past six years in a row.

    Zopa has raised over US$ 56 million in funding.


    Funding Circle (UK)

    Funding Circle p2p lending europeFunding Circle is an online marketplace for business loans, matching businesses that want to borrow with investors. The company was the first to launch an online platform for P2P business funding in the UK.

    Founded in 2010, Funding Circle has helped fund over £1.3 billion worth of loans to SMEs based in the UK. Its community counts over 50,000 investors from the UK.

    Funding Circle has raised over US$ 270 million in funding and has acquired three competitors: Endurance Lending Network in 2013, LeapPay in 2014, and Zencap in 2015.


    RateSetter (UK)

    RateSetter p2p lending europeRateSetter is the second largest peer-to-peer lending platforms in the UK. The company is known for having introduced the concept of a &;provision fund&; into P2P lending.

    Launched in 2010, the platform has originated over £595 billion worth of customer loans last year. RateSetter has over 40,000 registered lenders and 240,000 registered borrowers.

    RateSetter launched in Australia in 2014 and has raised over US$ 46 million in funding so far.


    Auxmoney (Germany)

    auxmoney p2p lending europeAuxmoney is a German online P2P loan marketplace focusing on private loans and consumer lending. Auxmoney allows private customers to take out personal loans of between €1,000 and €20,000 from private investors.

    Auxmoney has originated over €465 million worth of consumer loans so far, with €99 million accounting for the year 2015 alone. Auxmoney currently stands as one of Europe&8217;s largest P2P lenders.

    The company, based in Dusseldorf, Germany, has raised over €200 million in funding so far, according to Crowdfundinsider.


    CreditGate24 (Switzerland)

    creditgate24 lending p2pCreditGate24 is a Swiss direct lending platform connecting borrowers with private and institutional lenders.

    Launched in 2015, CreditGate24 is regulated by the VQF (Verein zur Qualitätssicherung von Finanzdienstleistungen) and is a member of the ZEK (Verein zur Führung einer Zentralstelle für Kreditinformationen) and the IKO (Verein zur Führung einer Informationsstelle für Konsumkredit).

    The company said it aims at differentiating itself by offering a strict credit check by using classic credit assessment methods, Big Data tech, the insurance and the solidarity arrangement. In a detailed interview with Finanzprodukt.ch Creditgate24 mentioned that they financed 100 credit-project with zero loss in the first year and in total 165 until end of June.

    Switzerland is a very attractive market for P2P Lending. The negative interest rates will push alternative investments and the the growth of Peer to Peer Lendings.

    Younited Credit (formerly Prêt d’Union, France)

    younited credit pret d'union p2p lending europeYounited Credit, formerly known as Prêt d&8217;Union, is one of France&8217;s biggest startups, operating a P2P lending platform accredited by the French central bank. The platform allows private individuals and institutional investors to lend money to borrowers directly through a secured bond marketplace.

    Founded in 2009 and headquartered in Issy les Moulineaux, France, Younited Credit is currently working on its European expansion and will first start with Italy, according to TechCrunch.

    The startup has managed over €347 million in loans so far.

    Younited Credit has raised US$ 52.35 million in funding.

    Bondora (Spain)

    Bondora P2P lending europeHeadquartered in Tallinn, Estonia, Bondora is a P2P platform for investing in European personal loans. Launched in 2009, Bondora claims it has been delivering double-digit returns to over 14,000 investors on the platform.

    Over €60 million has been lent through Bondora with over €12 million being paid out to investors as interests, and serves lending clients in Finland and Spain.

    Bondora has raised over US$ 7 million in funding.


    Geldvoorelkaar (Netherlands)

    Geldvoorelkaar dutch p2p lending platformGeldvoorelkaar was the first P2P lending platform for SMEs in the Netherlands, launching in 2011. It was also the very first platform to receive a credit license issued by the Dutch Financial Authority (AFM).

    Launched in 2012, Geldvoorelkaar has allowed businesses to raise over €85 million worth of loans.


    Fixura (Finland)

    fixura p2p lending europeHeadquartered in Vaasa, Finland, Fixura operates a consumer P2P loans platform that connects borrowers with lenders. The platform, which counts some 70,000 registered users, is said to be the largest P2P lender in the Nordic countries and the oldest one in Finland.

    Over €55 million has been lent over the platform.


    Lendix (France)

    Lendix p2p lending europeHeadquartered in Paris, Lendix is a French online marketplace for business loans, enabling investors to lend money directly to SMEs. Lendix was launched in 2014 and has allowed businesses to raise €26 million worth of loans.

    Shortly after acquiring its competitor Finsquare in April, Lendix raised US$ 13.5 million from CNP Assurances, Matmut, Zencap AM, Partech Ventures, Decaux Frères Investissements, Sycomore Factory and Weber Investissement, to become one of the leading P2P lending platforms in Europe.

    Lendix has raised over US$ 27 million in funding.

    Mintos (Latvia)

    Mintos p2p lending europeBased in Riga, Latvia, Mintos is a consumer P2P lending platform that connects investors with borrowers. The platform currently serves mortgage loans, personal unsecured loans, secured car loans, and small business loans.

    Founded in 2015, Mintos was the first P2P lending platform to launch in Latvia. The platform currently allows customers to invest in four countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Georgia.

    As of November 2015, Mintos had over 3,200 registered investors from more than 30 countries. Over €54 million has been lent through the platform.




    The post Europe&8217;s Top 11 Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 12:18 am on June 29, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: ‘Brick, , Lending, Rebuilding   

    Rebuilding Lending Club ‘Brick By Brick’ 

    has had a busy seven weeks, following the scandalous exit of its CEO. After the announcement of its new CEO Scott Sanborn – and the layoff of 179 employees – this morning, Lending Club held an annual Shareholders Meeting, where executives detailed the roadmap to  volume to its previousRead More
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