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  • user 12:18 pm on April 28, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Blockchain, , , Teampay, Upgrade, , YingBank   

    3 Startups to Watch: YingBank, Upgrade, and Teampay 

    With funding on the rise, new that want to make their mark on the financial ecosystem are sprouting up every day. From those that focus on payments or mobile, to the ones leveraging social media, , and artificial intelligence, there’s a global hoard of startups that want to muscle into the ’ territory [&;]
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 am on April 28, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    Synechron’s RegTech Program Aims to Help Banks Reduce Compliance Costs 

    EXCLUSIVE – services provider Synechron launched a focused on helping its financial services clients on regulatory issues. The program, which Synechron refers to as its Regtech Accelerator Program, went live yesterday. Although it is called an accelerator, the model of the program is based on Synechron’s project (also called an [&;]
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 pm on April 27, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Blockchain, , , , ,   

    BBVA Completes Corporate Loan Deal Via Blockchain 

    bank announced today that it has closed a $ 90 million with their partner, Indra, via technology. The bank claimed that the transaction, which would typically take a few days to complete, closed in just a few hours. BBVA used its own internal blockchain system, which is built on the IBM-backed [&;]
    Bank Innovation

  • user 3:35 am on April 26, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Blockchain, , , , , , ,   

    Will fintechs dominate the cross-border payments market? 

    Domestic have undergone a complete transformation in recent years and cross-border payments have started to move in this direction. Traditionally, cross-border payments have been subject to various challenges—long and uncertain funds transfer timings, lack of cost transparency and high transfer and conversion costs. Correspondent have cut-off times and deadlines for same-day processing after which payments are processed the next day, so at the point of initiation, exchange rates remain unknown.

    Transaction fees might also be deducted from the principal amount, so the beneficiary remains uncertain about the amount which will be credited. Payments need to be routed through many banks before they reach their destination, causing delays and accruing fees. Also, financial institutions have had to devote considerable headcount and efforts to manage liquidity and foreign exchange (FX) risk and to respond to customer enquiries, track status and investigate exceptions.

    These long-standing inefficiencies have afforded the opportunities for players including to provide innovative and customer-centric services in the . UK-based TransferWise has devised a peer-to-peer solution for money transfer (see Figure 1). Using a matching model where money is redirected to another recipient of an equivalent transfer in the opposite direction, the company avoids costly currency conversion and cross-border fees. This also allows TransferWise to charge between 0.5 and 2.5 percent in fees depending on the currency. Because of this cost benefit, close to two million people use TransferWise to transfer approximately £1 billion from 42 countries each month.

    Figure 1 | Peer-to-peer cross-border money transfer model
    Figure 1 | Peer-to-peer cross-border money transfer model. Click to view larger.

    Another FX start-up, Revolut, provides an application that can convert or send money, as well as help users pay for products and services around the world or online. It is like creating a virtual bank account in three different currencies: USD, EUR and GBP. For minimal fees, users can top up their accounts in any of the currencies using a debit or credit card or via bank transfer. Currently, Revolut has nearly one million customers, acquiring 3,000 to 3,500 users every day.

    SaxoPayments’s Banking Circle provides opportunities to fintechs, acquirers and payment service providers (PSPs) to offer their merchants the facility to perform immediate cross-border bank transfers and set up local settlement accounts worldwide for their customers quickly and at very low cost. Visa has also come up with a cross-border B2B payments solution called Visa B2B Connect, which uses distributed ledger and leverages Visa’s existing global network of 15,000 financial institutions to create a private permissioned network. It offers speed and visibility of the payment from origination to the receiving end. Other fintechs like CurrencyFair, WorldRemit, Traxpay have also built cost-effective cross-border payment solutions and are rapidly gaining market share from traditional money transfer providers.

    However, traditional money transfer providers such as banks cannot afford to keep losing market share to fintechs and new, emerging banking players. The cross-border payments market constitutes a very large portion of payments revenues (close to US$ 24 trillion per year) and is growing more as boundaries disappear for e-commerce.

    Banks such as Santander and Fidor have partnered with Ripple to offer a -based payment network that can complete cross-border transactions in a matter of seconds. Instead of using fixed correspondents, Ripple implements an automated instant auction for liquidity provision and FX to ensure the best price execution, removing liquidity and settlement risk from the process. Ripple has been able to combine payments messaging with funds settlement, which was previously unavailable for cross-border payments (where messaging is typically separate from the operation of the nostro and vostro accounts used for settlement). Ripple allows customers to keep their money with banks or other financial institutions as opposed to new start-ups and fintechs.

    In parallel, the existing cross-border messaging network SWIFT has also launched its new network Global Payments Innovation (GPI). This new solution combines real-time payments tracking and the certainty of same-day settlement for its network banks. It introduces a unique end-to-end transaction reference number (which was missing earlier) to enable unique transaction identification and tracking of the lifecycle of transactions. Now, SWIFT is collaborating with various fintechs to build overlay services on top of the global payments innovation (GPI) platform.

    There is a likely emergence of real-time cross-border payments as global banks or other market infrastructure providers begin connecting domestic real-time infrastructures to improve their customer offerings.

    Fintechs have taken significant market share from traditional banks in this space and several banks have started to fight back. Banks have begun building new cross-border payment interface and mobile applications, repricing FX and transfer costs, collaborating with fintech players to enhance offerings, and in parallel trying to improve the back-end infrastructure to create a competitive offering. Is this a wake-up call for players who are still in a state of denial?


    The post Will fintechs dominate the cross-border payments market? appeared first on Accenture Banking Blog.

    Accenture Banking Blog

  • user 12:18 pm on April 21, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    JPMorgan Chase and National Bank of Canada Complete Blockchain Test 

    &; Co. and the of (NBC) announced today that they tested a debt insurance simulation on a new platform. NBC issued a one-year, floating rate certificate of deposit for $ 150 million dollars to JPMorgan on the platform, with JPMorgan creating a replica transaction to NBC using a debt issuance [&;]
    Bank Innovation

  • user 3:35 am on April 20, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    How ready are banks’ risk teams to meet new IT challenges? 

    Banking is an industry heavily impacted by changing technologies, including , the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI). Sixty-three percent of the banking respondents to the Accenture Technology Vision 2018 survey say their organizations will make investments in AI over the next year, and 85 percent agree deeper integration into our day-to-day lives is shifting relationships between consumers and enterprises to forms of “partnerships.”

    The pace of change has been rapid—perhaps faster than we might have anticipated. Back in 2009, the biggest challenge according to our Accenture Global Management Study was fragmented, inefficient technology not well suited to risk management needs. Steadily, over the years, technology needs have evolved, focusing more on analytics, big data and intelligent automation. But the pace of change seems to have increased exponentially.

    The reasons for change are many and with the digitization of the industry, the opportunity for to innovate is everywhere. Where can risk leaders embrace the challenge?

    Intelligent risk machines

    While there is variation, we found that banks are experimenting with—and adopting—newer technologies at a significant pace.

    Our 2017 Global Risk Management Study finds banks making positive progress already. Roughly a third of respondents are starting to use artificial intelligence (AI), robotic process automation (RPA) and machine learning (ML—35 percent, 38 percent and 33 percent, respectively). Risk is in the leading group, as at least one in four banks has begun using these technologies for their risk function (31 percent for AI, 25 percent for RPA and 26 percent for ML). Risk professionals are ambitious; interestingly, these same respondents acknowledge they aren’t using these “New Intelligent Technologies” (New IT) to full potential—signaling that their journey to higher levels of efficiency and cognitive insight is just beginning.

    What is driving this? There is not one simple overarching reason. The most basic driver is a similar refrain we hear across all organizations—New IT can help relieve cost pressure. Fifty-five percent of our 2017 study respondents believe that applied intelligent technologies can deliver cost efficiency. Looking at specific technologies, we found that 35 percent of respondents believe that capabilities in big data and analytics can help their risk function address cost pressures to a great extent, while 47 percent believe these capabilities can do so to some extent.

    However, the demands on banking risk functions are multifaceted, and a single reason for New IT adoption is, frankly insufficient. Risk functions find themselves processing and analyzing increasingly larger, disparate amounts of data at an ever-increasing pace, to understand an always-growing number of risks and correlations.  New IT can catalyze the evolution and sophistication of risk models used by banks, which in turn have the potential to increase both the quality and capabilities of the risk organization.


    Cloud is one of the leading technologies we examined in our 2017 Global Risk Management Study, despite it being around for well over a decade. Unsurprisingly, among our banking respondents, 82 percent are using cloud in some form.

    Digging deeper, however, this high number is a bit deceiving. Only 18 percent of respondents claim cloud proficiency, and many banks have not yet migrated core systems to the cloud. Over a quarter (26 percent) of respondents are only just beginning to use it, and 38 percent admit they aren’t using it to its full potential.

    Now, nearly all the newer technologies we will explore in this blog series can or do reside in the cloud. This makes cloud proficiency essential for banks hoping to rapidly boost their risk management technology infrastructure. Leaders may encounter resistance when pushing for cloud—implementing it can take effort, and upfront expenses may seem costly (even though long-term cost savings can be significant), and changes to the IT operating model may be necessary, too.

    Among our study respondents, we see good news. Since a strong majority have at least dabbled in cloud, it’s clear that banks see the potential. In addition, nearly 70 percent of study respondents believe that cloud, collaboration and workflow tools, artificial intelligence and machine learning can help their risk functions alleviate cost pressures to some extent. For banks, now may be the time to rethink the where and how of their cloud strategy and plan, from the perspective of both achieving cost efficiency and driving performance insight.

    The promise of innovative technologies holds significant allure. And since banks are at different stages of adoption and maturity, and these technologies are not “one size fits all” solutions, can these technologies really deliver on their promise of significant cost and efficiency gains for each bank?

    The rise of digital is a challenge that extends beyond New IT. What do banks need to have in place to be able to reap the benefits of these technologies and the disruptive opportunities being created by a digitized industry?

    See my next post for a discussion of coordination .


    The post How ready are banks’ risk teams to meet new IT challenges? appeared first on Accenture Banking Blog.

    Accenture Banking Blog

  • user 7:53 pm on April 13, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Blockchain, , , ,   

    IBM And Hyperledger Launch Enterprise-Ready Blockchain 

    is moving into commercial use faster than many predicted. IBM said the pull from clients has been greater than any tech innovation since the internet.
    Financial Technology

  • user 5:52 pm on April 11, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    SAP Ariba Will Use Blockchain to Track Shipments, Ensure Authenticity 

    SAP plans to use to help users .
    Financial Technology

  • user 12:18 am on April 10, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    Bank Innovation Launches Public Telegram Channel 

    EXCLUSIVE – Interested in the latest trends in payments, digital banking, , API, security, big data and all the other hot topics in the space? Come join ’s Group. Bank Innovation&;s Telegram was created to foster discussion and collaboration among the fintech community on the latest trends, insights and events [&;]
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 am on March 13, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    Why Voice Banking Will Make It Big in 2018 

    EXCLUSIVE – There has been plenty of buzz around for some time now, and while many thought 2017 would be the year voice banking made it big, that didn’t happen. And that’s not because the field didn’t make any progress – it did- but the world had other distractions (hint: &; …Read More
    Bank Innovation

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