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  • user 12:18 pm on August 15, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    The Rise of ‘Smart’ Authentication [SPONSORED] 

    It’s the 21st century marketing mantra: Never underestimate the power of ‘.’ We have ‘smart’ phones, ‘smart TVs’, a ‘smart’ doorbell and yes, even a ‘smart’ dishwasher. What about ‘smart’ ? Multifactor authentication strategies, while rising in popularity continue to be dogged by the tradeoff of usability and security. In other words, if authentication solutions [&;]
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 pm on December 25, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Startups Cotton to Venture Debt as Interest Rates Rise 

    The year 2016 may go down as the year of for , a new report suggests. capitalist plunged to its lowest levels in two years in the last quarter to $ 2.4 billion for startups. But founders &; especially for fintechs &8212; still needed access to capital. BloombergRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 7:34 am on October 24, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Digital Wallets Are on the Rise, But Consumers Still Don’t See the Value 

    are becoming more and more prevalent in the world, but according to a recent survey of 9,600 by Market Force Information, they are not gaining much ground with the average consumer. “ are actually questioning the [of digital wallets],” said Cheryl Flink, chief strategy officer for Market Force.Read More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 9:40 pm on October 17, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Bank Trials Show India’s Blockchain Interest on the Rise 

    Two in India have reportedly partnered on a series of aimed at testing the waters for potential new services.



  • user 7:58 am on September 12, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    The Rise of Data Capital 

    In The Rise of Data Capital wird die Entstehung einer weiteren Kapitalform beschrieben. Inzwischen haben die Daten, vor allem die personenbezogenen, einen hohen ökonomischen Wert. Die Geschäftsmodelle von Facebook, Google und Amazon würden ohne die Möglichkeiten, Daten zu sammeln, aufzubereiten und zu verwerten, nicht funktionieren.

    The Rise of Data Capital-1 is one of the most important assets of every online consumer service created in the past decade. Google, Amazon, Netflix, and Uber have all realized that data is more than just a record of something that happened. Data is raw material for creating new kinds of value, especially digital services. And sometimes, these digital services—whether offered on their own or wrapped around physical products—disrupt incumbents and reorganize entire industries.


    Datenkapital kann sogar sehr beständig sein:

    Data capital is the recorded information necessary to produce a good or service. And it can have longterm value just as physical assets, such as buildings and equipment, do.


    Obwohl ihr Geschäftsmodell in seinem Kern aus Informationsverarbeitung besteht, haben die Banken den ökonomischen Wert der Daten erst spät, womöglich zu spät erkannt. Ihr Informationsmonopol, ihre Rolle als die Clearingstelle der Informations- und Warenströme in der Wirtschaft haben die Banken verloren. Diese Funktion haben heute in weiten Teilen die großen digitalen Plattformen wie Apple, Amazon, Google und Alibaba übernommen. Durch den Zugang zu riesigen Datenmengen sind die Plattformen in der Lage, ihre Angebotspalette systematisch auszubauen:

    Platforms increase their staying power by adding new features that support more linked and adjacent activities for players in each market.

    early attempts to value data capital

    Die Banken müssen sich entscheiden, welche Rolle sie spielen wollen. Überlegenswert wäre die Wiederbelebung des Relationship Banking. Die Bank als Interessenvertreter der Kunden gegenüber dem unstillbaren Datenhunger der sog. Datenkraken. Oder wie das WEF in The Role of Financial Institutions in Building Digital Identity schreibt:

    &; FIs act as established intermediaries in many transactions and are therefore well positioned as identity intermediaries

    &8211; FIs are typically trusted by consumers beyond other institutions to be safe repositories of information and assets

    data's economic identity

    This article first appeared here

    The post The Rise of Data Capital appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 3:35 am on August 16, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    The Rise of Chatbot Banking and AI Money-Managing Assistants 

    As the market for apps is maturing and artificial intelligence advancing, text-based services, or chatbots, are poised to take off.

    Chatbots are essentially software programs that use messaging as the interface to carry out various tasks. Venture Beat estimates that the bots landscape currently consists of over 170 companies that have attracted some US$ 4 billion in funding.

    One particular area where entrepreneurs and market observers are optimistic about, is their use to deliver financial services.


    Banks and FIs jumping on the bot wagon

    Chatbots Banking

    Image credit: maxuser via Shutterstock

    Already, a number of have dived into this emerging trend, building and delivering solutions on instant messaging and popular social networks (think Facebook Messenger and Twitter) to deliver basic needs such as checking your banking account balance, finding nearby ATMs, and even make payments, have launched this year. Toshka Bank of the Otkritie Financial Group, and Absa Group, also known as Barclays Africa, have both released their own chatbots in July and May, respectively.

    The Royal Bank of Scotland has also introduced a into its operations. Luvo is basically the bank&;s customer service chatbot, and although the service doesn&8217;t handle transactions, it is the bank&8217;s first step towards simplifying financial transactions.

    Going beyond daily banking needs, other companies are looking to use chatbots for other purposes such as trading services and personalized financial guidance. This is the case of AJ Bell, a UK firm providing online investment platforms and stockbroker services, which plans to reach millennials with a new trading service that would allow customers to buy and sell shares on Facebook Messenger.

    Another example is Personetics, an Israeli provider of personalized digital guidance solutions, which launched its Personetics Anywhere chatbot in May. Personetics Anywhere, a solution targeted at banks, is essentially a tool that allows their customers to get up-to-date information and personalized guidance via Facebook Messenger and other messaging apps.


    AI financial assistants

    Digit, a San Francisco-based startup, focuses on helping customers save money. You simply need to connect your bank account, then, its algorithms analyze your income and spending, and find small amounts of money it can set aside for you.

    digit bot for savingsEvery two or three days, Digit transfers some money (usually between US$ 5 to US$ 50) from your checking account to your Digit savings and promises to &;never transfer more than you can afford.&;

    When you need your savings, you simply send Digit a text message, and Digit will transfer the money from your Digit savings back to your checking account next business day.

    The service allows unlimited transfers, with no minimums and no fees. Plus, Digit automatically sends you a text message with your checking account balance every morning.

    Speaking to Fast Company, Digit&8217;s founder and CEO Ethan Bloch, explained why he decided to go with text messages instead of building an app:

    &8220;The honest reason is it was easy. It was fast. We didn’t want it to be another notification because we didn’t want to have to build an app; I just really wanted to ask Digit for my balance. Really quickly, we wrote the code and it shifted [to SMS].&8221;

    Similarly to Digit, Cleo, too, connect with your bank account to assess your daily debits and other transactions. Cleo, an artificial intelligence money-managing assistant, sends you text messages about your spending and help you find better deal banks. You can also send her text messages with specific requests. Cleo is unfortunately only available in the UK right now.

    Cleo, AI personal financial assistant

    San Francisco-based startup Olivia AI, Inc. said it intends to &8220;revolutionize the way people spend their money&8221; and &8220;help people maximize their paychecks.&8221; Olivia, which is still under development, will organize all your accounts and transactions for you and come up with unique insights on how to save money and stretch your paycheck.

    Olivia&8217;s CEO and founder Cristiano Oliveira said that unlike competitors, Olivia is &8220;not focusing on creating budgets, we’re focusing on helping our users keep doing what they love to do without compromising their lifestyles, providing ways to save money on everyday items like groceries, cable, and insurance.&8221;


    Featured image: A line of retro robots by charles taylor, via Shutterstock.

    The post The Rise of Chatbot Banking and AI Money-Managing Assistants appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

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