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  • user 12:18 am on August 28, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , Notable, ,   

    3 Notable VC Rounds in Alternative Credit 

    funding this year has been on the rise. In the second quarter alone, funding for financial companies around the world reached $ 20.3 billion in nearly 400 deals. Right now, venture capital firms, , and investors are pouring funds into companies Artifical Intelligence, the clear flavor of the year. But AI means more than chatbots [&;]
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 pm on July 30, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Fundings, , Notable   

    5 Notable Fintech Fundings in July 

    funding is already breaking records this year. For the first half of the year, there has been $ 41.7 billion invested in fintech globally, eclipsing the 39.4 billion total raised last year according to Fintech Global. As the world of fintech funding continues to gain momentum, there are some deals that stand out. Bank Innovation [&;]
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 pm on July 26, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , Movers, Notable, , Shakers, ,   

    Movers and Shakers: Notable Summer Hires in Digital Financial Services 

    Behind every great is a human mind… well, obviously, right? That’s why FIs are always on the prowl for finding the most adept people that fit in with the institution’s philosophy. Whether it’s a chief innovation officer spearheading major initiatives like creating an AI-powered bot or engineers orchestrating smaller changes to enhance the [&;]
    Bank Innovation

  • user 3:36 am on June 8, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , June, Notable, , ,   

    4 Notable Fintech Events in Europe this June & July 

    The 4  in below that you should not miss will celebrate the innovation and disruption in finance. All areas of financial innovation are showcased and the hottest and most innovative & disruptive startups and companies in the area will present. International and national experts share insights and experiences. Find your next great experience in fintech  &


    Amsterdam 2016
    June 9th, Amsterdam

    Blockchain Amsterdam Conference

    We’re in the early stages of a mass transformation in industry, the third phase of the information age. The first phase saw the introduction of computers, in the second phase they became interconnected and gave rise to the digital economy. The third phase is now among us. Computers and digital are now ubiquitous, we have more data than we know what to do with and we’re redefining sectors that seemed untouchable for decades.

    We are in the age of realignment and that’s where we find Blockchain technology. A distributed ledger, born from clever mathematics and a desire to transact anonymously while maintaining trust on both sides of the exchange. The world is starting to wake up to the vast number applications for such technology. The internet changed the world in 20 years. Blockchain will do it in 10. Welcome to year one. Welcome to Blockchain Amsterdam.

    >> Sign up now with code FTSW to get 20% discount!

    FinCoder 2016
    June 20th, London, UK


    The organisers of London Fintech Week bring you the 2nd Annual Fincoder, a conference tailored especially for Fintech technologist, developers and coders. Fintech developers are changing the face of the financial services industry. Hear from some of the brightest developers and technical leads from large financial services firms and fast-growing start-ups. Learn what it takes to work with large financial services firms and what investors look for in emerging financial technology. Discover new opportunities, ways to tackle challenges and the latest trends in financial services technology. From enterprise to start-up and everything in between, 140 attendee will join together at Aviva&;s Digital Garage in Hoxton on June 20th 2016. This event is part of London Tech Week.

    International Money-Tech

    June 28th, Zurich, Switzerland

    initernational moneytech zurich

    Money-Tech features 20 international digital payment and finance technology company pitches and offers 1on1 meetings.

    Innovations presented will include digital currencies, mobile banking, peer-to-peer financing (crowdlending, crowdfunding), crypto finance, new trends insurance tech, advisors, among many others.

    Speakers will include academics and executives from fintech startups and financial services firm including Roland Berger, Ascribe, the Ethereum Foundation, Nexussquared, Wikifolio, Crowdhouse and more.

    >> Sign up now with code fintech16 to get 15% discount!

    London Fintech Week 2016
    July 15th-22nd, London, UK

    London Fintech Week 2016

    Fintech Week is a series of conferences, workshops, hackathons, meetups and parties. Each day we focus on a different topic. We always ensure that there is plenty of time for networking and meeting other innovators. In 2014, we successfully organised London’s first Fintech Week. In 2015 we scaled up and attracted delegates from across the globe, got some of the brightest minds in financial services on our stage and ran a Blockchain Hackathon in Canary Wharf.

    The main conference/exhibition takes place at the Grange Tower Bridge Hotel, but other events take place across the City of London, Canary Wharf and “Tech City.” In 2016 we’re going bigger.

    Fintech Week 2016 aims to unite the world of Fintech in the world’s financial capital – London of UK. Series of events will help to enhance the dialog between established multi-nationals, innovation firms, disruptive start-ups, governments, media and investors. You will be inspired, learn something, meet new clients, partners, developers, investors and find value for your business.

    >> Sign up now with code FTSW to get 15% discount! Limited offer.

    The post 4 Notable Fintech Events in Europe this June &038; July appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

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