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  • user 3:36 am on November 26, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , Lykke, Preisgeld, ProjektCrowdsourcing, Streams   

    Lykke lanciert Lykke Streams – Projekt-Crowdsourcing mit Preisgeld 

    Das Schweizer -Unternehmen Lykke kündigt an, eine Plattform, auf der Projekte veröffentlicht und mittels Crowdsourcing umgesetzt werden können. Die Beta-Version von Lykke Streams ist unter https://streams.lykke.com/ verfügbar.

    Lykke streamAuf Lykke Streams können Projektideen veröffentlicht und von Talenten aus der ganzen Welt umgesetzt werden. Auftraggeber stellen ihre Ideen auf Lykke Streams vor und hinterlegen verschiedene Preisgelder, die nach erfolgreicher Umsetzung an die Gewinner-Teams vergeben werden. Technologieprofis wie Entwickler und Designer können so an interessanten Projekten zusammenarbeiten und gemeinsam Preise gewinnen.


    richard olsen

    Richard Olsen

    «Lykke Streams ist der Ort, wo brillante Ideen auf helle Köpfe treffen, um erstaunliche Dinge in die Tat umzusetzen», sagt Richard Olsen, Gründer und Geschäftsführer von Lykke. «Wir wollen grosse und kühne Konzepte mit talentierten Menschen zusammenbringen. Niemand braucht mehr auf Innovatoren zu warten, um sich zu verwirklichen.»

    Lykke ist auf ähnliche Weise entstanden. «Lykke ist im Grunde das erste erfolgreiche Projekt auf Lykke Streams», sagt Richard Olsen. «Wildfremde Menschen haben über das Web zusammengefunden und den auf der -Technologie basierenden digitalen Marktplatz entwickelt. Viele von ihnen nehmen heute Leitungspositionen im Unternehmen ein. Wir hätten sie wohl nie auf traditionelle Weise gefunden.»

    Die ersten Projekte sind bereits auf Lykke Streams ausgeschrieben, wie Atomic Crosschain Swap Transactions ( Ethereum), Lykke Services Identity und Tradelog Data Research Paper.

    Atomic Crosschain Swap Transactions

    Atomic Crosschain Swap Transactions

    Interessenten registrieren sich per E-Mail auf der Plattform und füllen das Anmeldeformular aus. Um später das zu erhalten, muss zudem die Lykke Wallet-App installiert werden. Nach Ablauf von Betaversion (Release) können alle Mitglieder der Lykke-Gemeinschaft eigene Projekte auf Lykke Streams starten.

    The post Lykke lanciert Lykke Streams – Projekt-Crowdsourcing mit Preisgeld appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 3:35 am on September 16, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: 1.5M, , , , , , , , , Lykke, , , ,   

    Blockchain Marketplace Lykke Begins Crowd Sale; Looks to Raise 1.5M CHF 

    , a Swiss startup seeking to build a global marketplace powered by , has begun its Initial Coin Offering (ICO) campaign as the company to CHF 1.5 million.

    Lykke blockchain global marketplaceLykke seeks to sell 30 million Lykke coins at the price of 0.05 CHF each. Lykke coins represent ownership of Lykke, an exchange for trading financial instruments built on top of blockchain technology.

    &;Lykke is looking for investors who want to change the face of the global market,&; Richard Olsen, co-founder and CEO of Lykke, said.

    &8220;Our goal is to upset the inefficiency and unfairness of the existing financial system, giving people a better way to manage their money and their assets.&8221;

    The is available to anyone over 18 years old (except for US citizens) and will run until October 10, 2016. Individuals can purchase these tokens using the Lykke Wallet application for iOS or Android devices using Swiss francs, US dollars, bitcoins and ether, the native of Ethereum. (more information here)

    The Lykke Wallet lets users purchase &8220;any kind of financial instrument,&8221; trade them in a peer-to-peer manner, with &8220;second-by-second interest payments.&8221;

    &8220;We want to give our customers and those who believe in our vision a chance to participate in owning part of the company,&8221; Olsen said.


    Lykke&8217;s technology

    Launched in 2015 and headquartered in Zurich, Lykke is building a single where any sort of financial instrument can be traded and settled. Unlike the structure of traditional markets, Lykke aims at being a &8220;level playing field to which anyone with an Internet connection can have access.&8221;

    By using blockchain technology, Lykke offers immediate settlement and direct ownership for zero commission. According to the company, revenues will come from providing liquidity, offering issuance services, and supporting institutional clients.

    Lykke uses the Colored Coin protocol to list financial instrument on the blockchain in the form of a digital tokens. Colored coins follow the idea of &8220;coloring&8221; a specific &; the issuer guarantees to hand out the underlying assets to the person, who returns the colored coin.

    According to its whitepaper, all of the software underpinning the Lykke Exchange are being developed in open source.

    Lykke WalletThe Lykke ecosystem will be composed of several elements: the Lykke Wallet for core currency trading with 0% commission; the Lykke Exchange, a semi-centralized online exchange for trading financial instruments issued in the form of colored coins and a marketplace for retail and institutional clients; as well as the yet-to-be launched Competition Platform, which will allow users to crowdsource the most innovative ideas.

    Lykke also plans to partner with , corporations, and municipal entities to speed up adoption of its software wallet though white-labeling.

    Lykke Exchange was developed since December 2015 and went live in beta on March 2016 with wider industry testing starting in May 2016. The exchange was initially launched with the Lykke coin, shares of Lykke, and started two innovative projects: colored coins for music rights and colored coins for CO2 certificates.

    The company is looking to include several asset classes such as future and options on digital assets, crowdfunded loans for retail and private equity financing for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME), contracts for difference, zero coupon bonds and other fixed income, and natural capital bonds, among others.

    Lykke received initial seed funding in 2015. Philipp Netzer, an investor in the country says that &8220;Lykke is the begging of a giant movement that will trigger a lot of very important changes in the financial industry.&8221;

    Prior to founding Lykke, Olsen was the chairman and co-founder of OANDA, a Canadian-based foreign exchange company.

    You can be part of Lykkes Initioan Coin Offering here,.

    Lykke Wallet_iOS_and_Android

    The post Blockchain Marketplace Lykke Begins Crowd Sale; Looks to Raise 1.5M CHF appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 3:36 am on September 1, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , Lykke, , , , Powered, , , , ZeroCommission   

    Startup of the Month: Lykke, a Next-Gen Zero-Commission Trading Platform Powered by Blockchain 

    and has gotten a major boost in Switzerland as Richard Olsen, the co-founder of OANDA and a former CEO of the North American FX Brokerage, is looking to harness the power of the technology to disrupt digital currencies and assets .

    Lykke, Olsen&;s latest venture, has just released a mobile app for Android devices, which follows its iOS counterpart released in June. The Wallet lets users trade digital currencies and assets, and come with a number of innovative features including instant settlement, direct ownership and zero commission.

    Lykke Launches Wallet App for Android Devices

    Through the app, users can track asset prices in real time, check their balances, transaction history and blockchain details for all transactions, move assets to any bitcoin wallet, deposit and withdraw bitcoins via QR codes with no fees.

    &;Lykke Wallet, currently in beta, aims to prove the concepts and the technology behind the new global marketplace,&; Olsen said in a media release.

    Signing up to Lykke is quite simple: you can use your smartphone camera to take pictures of yourself and your identification documents.


    Lykke&8217;s technology

    Founded in Zurich in 2015, Lykke aims at cutting out intermediaries in financial markets by allowing participants to transact in a peer-to-peer manner.

    It uses a technology called &;colored coins;&8217; tokens that represent assets. &8220;If a colored coin is hacked, the issuer can cancel the colored coin and issue a new colored coin,&8221; explained Olsen in a recent interview with Finance Magnates.

    Another interesting feature is the &8217;s use of multisignature (multisig) wallets, which require two signatures (one from Lykke, one from the client) to spend funds from a particular wallet.

    The Lykke Exchange itself doesn&8217;t take custody of client funds but also holds one of the two needed private keys. If, for some reason, the Lykke Exchange goes down, there is a &8220;refund mechanism&8221; for the private key held by the company.

    &8220;We have solved the cyber security issue that plagues bitcoin exchanges and offer restitution, which is more efficient than a depositor insurance scheme in that is limited to specified amount of money,&8221; Olsen said.

    lykke launches iOS mobile wallet app

    Lykke is building a global marketplace where users would be able to trade all classes of financial instruments issued in the form of colored coins in order to enable direct ownership and immediate settlement on the blockchain.

    In May 2016, Lykke closed a second seed funding round, welcoming new investors Marco Brockhaus and Carlo Koelzer, founding partner of 360T&8217;s Group Executive Board and member of Deutsche Börse Group Management Committee.

    That same , the company announced the addition of Nick Szabo, a Bitcoin pioneer, into its Advisory Board.

    Lykke is currently on an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) which it plans to begin in September.

    &8220;Blockchain is an opportunity for all businesses – literally all businesses can embrace the technology and seize the opportunities, such as issuance of new instruments, explosive growth of transaction volumes, new types of banking, investment management and insurance products – these markets have huge potential,&8221; Olsen said.

    &8220;Companies that close their eyes to the new opportunities are at risk – they will be latecomers and will have to restructure, when revenues nosedive – a bad environment to embrace new business models.&8221;

    The post Startup of the Month: Lykke, a Next-Gen Zero-Commission Trading Platform Powered by Blockchain appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

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