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  • user 7:35 am on September 29, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: connected insurance, InsurTech,   

    Connected insurance is here to stay—are you ready for this new insurance paradigm? 


    Italians want policies; they are not afraid of “Big Brother.” According to the Ania-Bain Observatory, can take off in the home and health sectors. Now is the time for both the model and management of connected insurance to be structured.

    As of today, 22% of Italian households that have no home insurance are inclined to buy it—if it were connected insurance. This was the starting point of July’s meeting of the Connected Insurance Observatory, an Ania–Bain think-tank, which has put together executives from 30 insurance groups within the Internet of Things (IoT) sector to discuss the great potential of connected insurance, as well as the challenges it poses to the insurance business.

    Among those challenges is the protection of auto insurance telematics data, a topic that the Data Protection Authority has recently tackled, promising to offer clients appropriate visibility into the usage of collected data.

    “There has been an explicit acceptance of the validity of a try-before-you-buy application in auto insurance from the Italian regulator,” says Matteo Carbone, principal at Bain & Company and founder of the Observatory. Regulatory acceptance of the validity of this principle has proved that there are no real obstacles to innovation in this area—except when it comes to the rights of the insured, which have to be respected. (Of course, this includes the provision of a detailed explanation to insurance customers of the business purpose for which the data is being collected.) Carbone continues, “In Italy, if there is the will, innovation can be achieved just as easily as in Silicon Valley.”


    A new model

    On one hand, InsurTech and connected insurance are transforming insurance business lines. On the other, it is essential to create the conditions needed for insurers and other specialized players to fulfill their role as providers, each in its own sector: from e-health to antifraud and from driverless cars to electronic payments and product design. “A new and more connected insurance model has to be defined In order to achieve this, so that the full potential of the can be exploited,” says Luigi Di Falco, Head of Life and Welfare, Ania. “In our opinion, there are many opportunities and areas to be explored within connected insurance that would allow for a more client-centric offering to be created. The demand would be easier to aggregate, and thus more client categories that are not insurable today would become insurable. Last, it reduces claims through the use of sensors with advantages for both the insurer and the insured.”


    Managing an ecosystem

    There are still plenty of challenges. Chief among them, according to Ania, are the evolution of rules and regulations on privacy, the risk of data monopoly from players like Google, the arrival of new insurance start-up competitors and the danger of insurance disintermediation. Di Falco warns that “the Observatory has to look at understanding both the advantages and the dangers that come with InsurTech.”

    At the foundation of everything is the synergy between numerous partners that drives insurance toward becoming the coordinator of a highly complex system. According to Carbone, “Insurers today are aware that using external providers is simply not enough and that the orchestration of the whole ecosystem needs to happen. This is a relatively new trend that represents the next frontier of connected insurance and is essential for reaching full potential.”


    Regarding privacy issues, the accepted principle states that if the client wants additional services, he or she needs to enable the insurer to provide them. According to research conducted by the Observatory on the propensity of customers to buy home insurance policies, which include intelligent devices installed at home, there are positive signals: Clients that do not have home insurance show more interest in buying a connectedpolicy. As Di Falco confirms, “If the insured believes that a service is useful, he or she will be ready to renounce the privacy of his or her data. But this has to be reflected by a legal framework that specifies that the loss of privacy is strictly connected to perceived benefits on behalf of the client.”


    Innovation are moving to the home and health sectors

    Being aware of this, 76% of the insurance carriers participating at the Observatory expect to see significant innovation activity related to home products (the “connected home”) in the next 12 months. Also, 43% of companies believe the health sector—(“connected health”)— will be ripe for innovation, whereas in the life and industrial sectors, the potential for innovation is expected only in the medium term. Di Falco says that people are more likely to buy insurance for the home. But this is not the only sector experiencing innovation: Some specialized insurance companies are already offering health insurance coverage related to wearables, claim detection and sideline services, starting with health monitoring, second opinions and medical consultation via chat and continuing with access to networks of healthcare structures and drug stores. Di Falco underscores the point: “In a country where the proportion of people over 65 will grow to become a third of the entire population, it is important to develop forms of insurance protection in rehabilitation and long-term assistance where the state is less present and the nuclear family is not holding together as it once did.”


    The Connected Insurance Observatory was created with the purpose synthesizingItalian excellence in the connected insurance sector. It has three main goals: first, to rationalize existing industry knowledge and experience; second, to identify together with the companies what needs to be improved, what the main challenges and critical points are, and what the main ambitions are; and third, to promote a culture of innovation in the insurance sector by encouraging dialogue between all players involved. “To sum it up,” says Carbone, “we have created a think-tank centered on the insurance sector that boasts the participation of more than 15 other players—including the Italian Association of Insurance Brokers (AIBA)—coming from different backgrounds that are interested in sharing their own experiences with the insurance carriers.”


    Intermediaries’ interest on the rise

    Forty percent of Italian brokers believe that connected insurance represents an interesting business opportunity in the medium term. A recent survey developed by AIBA and the Connected Insurance Observatory shows that, other than the growing interest of intermediaries in connected solutions, larger brokers are more likely to see the business opportunity within connected insurance: 67% of big brokers expressed this, compared to 60% of medium-size brokers and 40% of small brokers.

    (The original version of this interview initially appeared in Insurance Review.) 


    Matteo is Principal in Bain & Company’s Financial Services and Digital Practices, Founder and Responsible of the Connected Insurance Observatory, Thought Leader in InsurTech, Top 50 InsurTech Influencer.

  • user 12:19 pm on September 13, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    A Simple Way to Profit from the InsurTech Boom 

    Image source is booming. Or at least a lot of investors think it will soon as demonstrated by how much money they are investing – hitting US$ 1bn across 47 deals in H12016 according to the latest quarterly venture capital report KPMG and CB Insights. How canRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 3:35 am on September 5, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Deutschland, , InsurTech,   

    Zukunft von InsurTech in Deutschland 

    InsurTechs sorgen momentan mit ihren neuen und modernen Technologien für einen grossen Innovationsschub im Versicherungsgeschäft. Durch die Digitalisierung lassen sich Innovationen entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette finden.

    In einer aktuellen Studie von Oliver Wyman wird das Phänomen systematisch beleuchtet und als Ergebnis wird das erste InsurTech-Radar vorgestellt. Dabei werden die neuen digitalen Geschäftsmodelle kategorisiert, bewertet und die jeweiligen Gewinner je nach Segment definiert.

    Das InsurTech Radar

    Der Versicherungssektor in hat global gesehen eine sehr gute Position und weist neben weltweit agierenden Unternehmen, auch die höchste Anzahl an InsurTech Gründungen auf. Auch wenn es noch sehr viel Arbeit und Investition bedarf, zeigen einige deutsche InsurTechs bereits Potential um auch international zu agieren. insurtech nach ländern

    Durch die neuen Digitalkonzepte, die es ermöglichen Kundenbedürfnisse besser zu bedienen, stehen jedoch Versicherer mit traditionellen Geschäftsmodellen vor großen Herausforderungen. Um das Potenzial und die Erfolgschancen der InsurTechs in Deutschland zu erfassen, werden zunächst die drei Stufen Angebot, Vertrieb und Betrieb der Wertschöpfungskette separat betrachtet und schliesslich bewertet. Man unterscheidet dabei InsurTechs, die neue Versicherungsangebote anbieten, neue Ansatzpunkte im Versicherungsvertrieb finden oder den Versicherungsbetrieb optimieren. Diese drei Bereiche lassen sich wiederum in weitere Kategorien einteilen.

    Bildschirmfoto 2016-08-31 um 17.45.12

    InsurTechs gegen Traditionelle Versicherer

    Die meisten Geschäftsmodelle der InsurTechs sehen eine Zusammenarbeit mit bereits etablierten Versicherern vor, sodass das Potenzial zu einer Partnerschaft zwischen „Alt“ und „Neu“ besteht. So gesehen stellen InsurTechs keine Gefahr für die traditionellen Versicherer dar, sondern sollten eher als eine Chance für die bereits etablierten Versicherer gesehen werden. Nichtsdestotrotz kommt es durch die neuen InsurTechs zu einer Verschiebung der Werte und je nach Segment sind daher unterschiedliche Gewinner zu erwarten:

    InsurTechs werden voraussichtlich die Gewinner in den meisten Bereichen des Versicherungsvertriebs und –betriebs sein. Im Betrieb haben InsurTechs vor allem im Schadenbereich viel Potential da dieser Bereich in Deutschland noch wenig adressiert wird. Im Vertrieb wiederrum liegt die momentane Hauptaktivität in Deutschland auf Gebieten welche nur mittleres Potential haben. Deswegen bieten die beiden Felder Versicherungsvertrieb und –betrieb große Chancen für weitere Gründungen und Finanzierungen.

    Im Feld „Angebot“ haben InsurTechs mit ihren neuen digitalen Versicherungsprodukten die höchsten Erfolgschancen in Nischenbereichen und somit in den beiden Kategorien „situativ“ und „community-basiert“. Diese beiden Kategorien erfordern Innovationen und den Mut neue Modelle auszuprobieren verbunden mit neuen innovativen Mitteln der Kundeninteraktion.

    Traditionelle Versicherer haben im Feld „Angebot“ die grössten Chancen bei der Platzierung von digitalen Angeboten zur Absicherung digitaler Risiken am Markt und im Low-Cost Segment. Im Vertrieb haben traditionelle Versicherer jedoch Probleme mit allen digitalen Modellen. Dies bedeutet aber nicht, dass der Vertrieb zukünftig komplett auf neue Modelle umsatteln wird, sondern ein bedeutender Marktanteil dennoch für traditionelle Vertriebe bleibt. Im Bereich Versicherungsbetrieb werden laut der Studie vor allem die Rückversicherer als potentielle Gewinner identifiziert.

    Fazit und Ausblick

    Obwohl der Versicherungsbranche der grösste Wandel ihrer Geschichte bevorsteht, nutzen die bereits etablierten Versicherer das Potenzial der neuen Technologien noch nicht konsequent genug. Dadurch besteht die Gefahr, dass neue Anbieter die bekannten Schwächen ausnutzen und Teile des Marktes für sich erobern können. Obwohl InsurTechs nicht grundlegend die Existenz der etablierten Versicherer gefährden, dürfen sie nicht verharmlost werden. Wie sich der Versicherungssektor jedoch langfristig entwickeln wird, ist abhängig von künftigen Kundenbedürfnissen und Marktstrukturen.

    Digitale Angebote Insurtech BeispieleDigitale Angebote Insurtech Startups


    Digitale Angebote Insurtech Beispiele Vertrieb

    The post Zukunft von InsurTech in Deutschland appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 12:18 pm on August 27, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    We Look at Biggest Fintech VC Deals of 2016 To See Where the Insurtech Puck Is Going 

    Image source We looked at the 30 VC in for (courtesy of CB Insights Pulse of Fintech Report) to see where the is to. The answer is blindingly obvious when you at the 3 out of 30 that we tagged as primarilyRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 pm on August 13, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Can InsurTech Make Miracles Happen in US Healthcare? 

    Photo credit This is a guest post by Amy Radin. It is a two-parter. The second part will be a week from today (Thursday is always day on Daily ). As an American and the de facto administrator of my family’s health insurance, I am reminded routinely of someRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 4:40 pm on July 25, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Is Innovation in Insurance Happening Right Now? 


    occupies a sector of our economy that has not seen any major tech disruptions until recently. Its history goes back to the Lloyd’s of London in the 1600s, who mitigated their risk exposure by posting notices of their cargo headed for the New World. The cargo would ship out only when enough merchants signed up to undertake the travel risk. The risk-takers eventually came to be known as underwriters and the bonuses they received for undertaking that risk were called premiums.

    With a space so antiquated and full of consumer trust issues, why has nothing changed? Well, 66% of consumers have distrust for the insurance industry. 70% of consumers feel that choosing financial products are confusing [1]. The distribution model is outdated; insurance agents are still making house calls. Market conditions create an interesting opportunity for startups vying for a seat at the table. There is a need for newer distribution models, a simplification of consumer products, and a shift in a mindset among customers.

    Also, today’s household decision makers are becoming harder to sell to. A 2015 LIMRA study found that the majority of Gen X and Y consumers know they are under-insured, but less than 20%said they are likely to buy life insurance [2]. Millennials also have a strong opinion about current insurance policies. Bob Mozeika, head of Munich Re’s Executive Strategy, stated at the Plug and Play Insurance kick-off event that “Millennial’s really want more transparency in their products… people want to fully and easily understand their coverages and value they are receiving, Not just easy access” [3].

    There are many barriers to entry for new innovative insurance companies. For one, insurance companies have been slow to adopt innovation. They are also making expensive acquisitions with Price to Book Values falling between 10x to 16x. [4] Large insurers have had difficulty implementing IT system integrations. Many are still relying on old legacy infrastructure. With current regulation stifling advances in peer-to-peer insurance there are still many significant barriers to entry for startups to get off the ground.

    The market is already starting to make way for . In the past six years, early stage ‘insurtech’ funding has grown from less than $50 million to close to $350 million [5]. The new inflow of cash mimics the trends in the space.

    New ‘insurtech’ companies are leveraging the power of shared economy made popular through services like Uber and Airbnb. On top of that, there are now more effective communication platforms to reach customer segments. The Internet of Things and ‘Big Data’ have given unprecedented insights into customer habits in real time. New tech such as autonomous driving will also significantly change the future of auto insurance [6]. These tools will allow the insurance sector to move from a reactive model, to a proactive one – a revolutionary turn.

    We are starting to see mobile and in-app solutions develop in this market space. A number of high caliber startups are beginning to deliver innovation especially in the on-demand insurance space. Trov offers a mobile app that tracks, prices, and delivers insurance coverage for single items and possessions. Early this year, they raised $25 million. [7] Slice offers on-demand insurance to the ride sharing economy on the drivers side. They just closed 3.9 million early this year. [8] Bunker raised $2 million in a seed round in effort to provide insurance for freelancers, otherwise known as on-demand employees.

    These investments pale in comparison to the massive war chests of major insurers. That said, the nimbleness of these startups, tapping into the on-demand hype, could eat away at the market extremely fast.

    Business models are being reinvented as we speak, especially in the insurance sector which is often marked by low customer interaction, limited service levels, complex IT systems, and masses of data. A new digital revolution has created more data enabling new risks, tailored products, performance warranty, and new ways of underwriting. It has given insurance companies access to customers they have not been able to access before. Given the complexity of insurance products, technology can arm agents with resources to access traditional customers in new ways. Industry has also not been growing at the same rate as GNP and is losing relevance. Their is a desperate need for innovation to expand boundaries of insurability in an effort to bring new premiums into the market.

    Disruption may not necessarily mean a complete overhaul to the traditional underwriting and premium model, but can we improve the risk assessment process? What about the way in which policies are sold to consumers? Will insurance policies work like the real-time stock market? Will we need completely different insurance products to safeguard against new and emerging tech such as cyber threats?

    That’s a lot to think about.

    Article written by Kevin Wang and Ali Safavi from Plug and Play Insurance, in collaboration with Munich Re (Robert Mozeika and Philip von der Schulenburg) and Deloitte (Daniel Gadino and Prashanth Ajjampur) and has also been published on http://bit.ly/2a1BTgG 


    [1] http://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/us/Documents/financial-services/us-fsi-meeting-the-retirement-challenge-09302014.pdf

    [2] http://www.limra.com/Posts/PR/News_Releases/LIMRA_Study_Finds_Majority_of_Gen_X_and_Y_Consumers_Believe_They_Need__More_Life_Insurance,_But_Few_Will_Buy.aspx

    [3] https://youtu.be/IpziR-F3-Qo?t=7m7s

    [4] http://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/financial-services/articles/2014-insurance-mergers-and-acquisitions-outlook.html

    [5] https://www.cbinsights.com/blog/2016-insurance-tech-startup-launches/

    [6] https://www.pwc.com/us/en/insurance/publications/assets/pwc-top-issues-insurtech.pdf

    [7] http://dupress.com/articles/mobility-ecosystem-future-of-auto-insurance/

    [linkedinbadge URL=”https://www.linkedin.com/in/asafavi” connections=”off” mode=”icon” liname=”Ali Safavi”] is Director, Insurance | Senior Venture Associate at Plug and Play Tech Center and this article was originally published on linkedin.

  • user 12:19 pm on July 22, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Breaking Banks: FinTech + InsurTech = SuperTech! [AUDIO] 

    Host Liz Lumley takes a look at and speaks to Ofer Deshe, CEO of Tobias &; Tobias, David Stubbs, CEO of RightIndem, and Risto Rossar, CEO of Insly.
    Bank Innovation

  • user 4:19 pm on July 16, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    How InsurTech is reinventing insurance 


    Our 2016 global report has just been released with a particular focus on . Yes, yet another -Tech, after RegTech, etc. but it was about time FinTech reaches the industry. While all and everyone in banking and wealth Management has come to realise that digital and Fintech is here to stay, the insurance industry has ultimately come to the same conclusion at a slower pace.

    yet, as of today, 74% of Insurance executives see their industry at risk of disruption through InsurTech over the next years – see Figure 1


    The biggest game-changers that interviewees see in InsurTech are:

    • Responding to changing customer needs and behaviours (most likely through new value propositions and enhanced UX)
    • Using data analytics on existing data to generate better risk assessments


    Even bigger disruption potential lies in combining the IoT (Internet of Things), with smart sensors, and linking it to data analytics for risk assessments. These approaches, however, are not yet in the Focus of Insurance executives around the world. But they soon may be. A shift from risk pooling and “averaging” premiums to individual, tailored solutions even in personal line insurance, incl. risk adjusted pricing, will lead to a “Segment of one”, where every customer is unique and gets her individual insurance solution that fits like a glove.


    Interestingly, not too many well known start-ups have emerged in Insurtech (yet). But the interest especially of the larger insurance companies around the world in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and advanced analytics shows that InsurTech is taking more and more center stage.

    And: other than their colleagues in banking, the insurance industry did not have their 2008 crisis as a “moment of truth”, but still benefits from a untarnished image in the public opinion.

    Lots of opportunities for new (and old) InsurTech start-ups.

    A nice example for the new wave in InsurTech is Berlin-Based P2P start-up “friendsurance” (http://www.friendsurance.com/). For risks that traditional insurance companies are not prepared or willing to underwrite, a p2p sharing (insurance) economy may be the answer.

    People pool their premiums and then decide on pay out against claims from real or virtual “friends”. There are similar ideas around that even take that process decentral, and put it onto a blockchain. Thus we may see insurance-type smart contracts soon managed decentrally on a blockchain.

    Exiting times and clearly worth following the InsurTech field closer.

    Start by reading the full 2016 InsurTech report here: https://www.pwc.lu/en/fintech/docs/pwc-insurtech.pdf

     [linkedinbadge URL=”https://www.linkedin.com/in/ddiemers?trk=pulse-det-athr_prof-art_hdr” connections=”off” mode=”icon” liname=”Dr. Daniel Diemers“] is Partner/ Vice President at Strategy&, a member of the PwC network of firms (formerly Booz & Company)

  • user 6:00 am on July 16, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    My four Ps of InsurTech 

    A concrete approach to focus innovation efforts in the sector

    The insurance sector, which is considered to be fairly traditional and resistant to change, is currently being overtaken by a macro trend of digital transformation. This is causing institutions with hundreds of years of tradition to rethink their insurance business models, by identifying modules within their own value chain that need to be transformed or reinvented with the help of and data usage. represents a macro trend destined to take on an ever-growing relevance in a world which tends toward hyperconnectivity and the infiltration of technology into all aspects of society. The insurance business will become more InsurTech-oriented, and technology will have a decisive role in reaching strategic goals. This applies to insurance companies, reinsurers, intermediaries and newcomers. During 2015, InsurTech startups received around $2.5 billion in funding, according to LTP.

    Schermata 2016-07-15 alle 15.58.45

    The number of innovative initiatives is growing exponentially, raising interest for all phases of the customer journey and all steps in the insurance value chain. This reveals a very crowded map of innovations that were introduced by the incumbents of the insurance sector or by startups. The innovations can be divided into seven macro areas: awareness, choice, acquisition, use, recommendation, Internet of Things (IoT) and peer-to-peer (P2P). One of the main challenges for analysts, incumbents, startups and investors is identifying the degree of relevance that these innovations represent for the insurance sector.

    InsurTech: My way to answer to the question: “Should I invest on this?” [ Click to Tweet]

    After many discussions with venture capitalists and insurance thought leaders, I’ve come up with my own answer for the following question: What is the potential of each InsurTech initiative? My approach is based on four axes related to the fundamentals of the insurance business:

    1. Profitability: Impact which an innovation may have on the level of profitability of the insurance portfolio, acting on the loss ratio level or on the cost level without an increase of volumes.
    2. Proximity: Contribution for creating improved relationship that is based on numerous touchpoints during the customer journey. Bain’s international research reveals that the customer satisfaction (measured with the Net Promoter Score approach) of those clients that have interacted directly with the insurance company is markedly superior to those who have not. Obviously, there is a predictable relationship between satisfied clients and their economic effects.
    3. Persistence: The reach of the new initiative in terms of renewal rate increase, and thus of stabilization of the insurance portfolio.
    4. Productivity: Evaluation of the contribution that a certain InsurTech approach can have at the top-line insurance level in terms of new client acquisition, cross-selling or additional fee collection for services.

    These considerations refer to a specific innovation initiative and are not absolute. On the contrary, they should be customized to each specific market, line of business, and client segment. In a similar manner, an insurance company has to make these considerations by taking into account both the contribution brought toward the achievement of strategic priorities and the coherence with its distribution approach.

    I am convinced that evaluating InsurTech opportunities based on this pragmatic approach clarifies the rationale behind each innovation initiative. It facilitates the prioritization of initiatives and ultimately helps focus investors’ and innovators’ efforts.

    InsurTech: Connected insurance is here to stay [ Click to Tweet]

    If we consider some connected insurance use cases, it easy to understand the reason why the World Economic Forum identified connected insurance as one of the main insurance innovation trends:

    • Profitability: From this perspective, the experience of the Italian insurance market in motor telematics (which is the most advanced market at an international level, with a 16% penetration for private use vehicles) shows how this approach is able to generate actual value for the insurance bottom line by acting on risk selection and the claims management process.
    • Proximity: Nowadays, within the connected car line of business, there are dozens of different services based on data collected from black boxes—services which the insurance company offers to the final client. By focusing instead on health insurance business, the Chinese insurer Ping An has built an initiative based on connected health that recently raised a round A financing of $500 million, with an evaluation of $3 billion.
    • Persistence: The experience of Discovery Holding in the field of protection has shown relevance when it comes to reducing the lapse rate by using the Vitality approach—which works by identifying and rewarding healthy behaviors.
    • Productivity: The data recorded by sensors represents a great opportunity for getting to know customers and to send personalized offers at the best moment possible. This potential, which is yet to be explored, is precisely the driver that helped create the Neosurance, recently awarded the IoT Newcomer award at the Insurance IoT Europe Summit.


    These insurance approaches suggest the use of sensors for data collection for different business lines. This data refers to the status of an insured risk, and to the telematics for remote transmission and informatics management, alongside the insurance value chain of the collected data. These approaches represent a great opportunity for connecting the insurance sector with its own clients and their risks.

    Italy is today one of the most advanced ecosystems of connected insurance, encompassing 4,9 million auto insurance contracts, which include a box provided by the company, and almost 50,000 home insurance contracts, which are characterized by the use of sensors communicating with the company. In this context, the Connected Insurance Observatory was born: a think tank dedicated to spreading the culture of insurance innovation. I put together the Observatory at the beginning of 2016 with the support of the Italian National Association of Insurance Companies (ANIA). The Observatory has made it possible to unite 30 primary Italian and international insurance groups and some 15 other interested players to bring a contribution to the InsurTech story in the making.

    Matteo is Principal in Bain & Company’s Financial Services and Digital Practices, Founder and Responsible of the Connected Insurance Observatory, Thought Leader in InsurTech, Top 50 InsurTech Influencer.

  • user 12:19 am on July 11, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Wrap of Week #27: Swiss Fintech conference, Sentiment Fintechs, Open Data in banking, InsurTech Winners, Blockchain pitchathon 

    We started the with the&;main takeaways from the Swiss International finance forum&160;after hearing from UBS, Blackrock, FINMA and Ian Goldin. We initiated a landscape report of using&160; analysis in the East and Europe. The US will follow next week. The&160; issue is really a double edge sword, especially for . Some thoughts&;Read more of Week :&160;Swiss , Sentiment Fintechs, Open Data in , , &160;
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