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  • user 3:35 am on August 31, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Switzerland Opens up to Blockchain Tech 

    Appetite for is growing worldwide as venture capital investment in and blockchain startups exceeds US$ 1.1 billion and major financial institutions begin trialing the technology for varied applications.

    Perceived as the trigger to &;a profound technological shift&; by authors Don and Alex Tapscott, blockchain technology not only promises to help save up to US$ 20 billion in infrastructure costs but could also disrupt other industries as well including insurance, healthcare, education and governance.

    While Silicon Valley reminds a hotspot for blockchain development, hosting 30% of the world&;s bitcoin and blockchain startups and attracting 51% of the total venture capital investment globally, according to CoinDesk&;s Q1 2016 State of Blockchain report, other locations around the world are working towards building a strong domestic ecosystem.

    In June, 24 members of the Swiss Parliament proposed a motion to reduce the regulatory burdens of blockchain startups. The motion, aimed at defining the term &8216;client deposit&8217; from banking bills, was rejected earlier this month, implying that FINMA, &8217;s financial watchdog, would consider blockchain and bitcoin startups as being qualify as banking businesses, according to a report by Startupticker.ch.


    Switzerland is exploring other options including creating an entirely new license category for financial innovators carrying out some banking activities but with limited acceptance of client assets and no lending activity, as well as a license-exempt area, also referred to as a &8216;regulatory sandbox.&8217;

    On January 01, 2016, FINMA revised its Anti-money Ordinance for businesses dealing with new payment methods and virtual currencies. Regarding virtual currencies, the authority equated them with money-transmitting services.


    Switzerland&8217;s Bitcoin and blockchain ecosystem

    In recent years, the Swiss canton of Zug has welcomed a growing number of Bitcoin and blockchain startups settling and opening offices in the location. This has led to the emergence of the &8220;Crypto Valley&8221; nickname which today hosts the likes of Monetas, Shapeshift, Xapo and Blockchain Source.

    Monetas is a software company focused on next-generation financial services, providing banks and firms with a platform that allows for safe, fast, and very low cost transfers of any asset. In October last year, the company announced a pilot for a nationwide transaction platform for Tunisia&8217;s postal services.

    Shapeshift is a exchange platform that allows for instant trade.

    Blockchain Source is a consulting firm specializing in blockchain for the financial services industry.

    Xapo provides users with a bitcoin wallet as well as a &8220;deep cold storage wallet.&8221; The company has raised US$ 40 million in funding so far. The company, initially based in Palo Alto, relocated its corporate headquarters to Switzerland in May 2015, citing the country&8217;s long history of neutrality and stability.

    Alongside its vibrant startup community, Switzerland is also home to Nexussquared, a blockchain-focused incubator founded by former senior UBS banker Daniel Gasteiger and property specialist Daniel Grassinger that aims at &8220;establishing Switzerland as a nexus for blockchain technology.&8221;

    In July, Nexussquared wrapped up the first edition of nexuslab, a virtual blockchain startup program co-organized with Startupbootcamp .

    PHOTO: PIOTR PIWOWARSKI www.fotopi.ch

    PHOTO: Nexuslab Festival Finale by PIOTR PIWOWARSKI http://www.fotopi.ch, via Nexussquared

    Eight startups presented during the nexuslab Festival finale in Zurich on July 07. These ventures included Agrello, an Ethereum-based platform for managing contracts and legal documents; Doqum.io, a peer-to-peer community system for digital documents; First Wallet, a payment system for content providers; and Taqanu Bank, a neo-bank that leverages blockchain technology to provide banking services to people who don&8217;t have a fixed address; among others.

    The event gathered nearly 170 investors, industry experts and journalists. The presentations by the eight startups &8220;pointed to Switzerland&8217;s strong position as a blockchain hub,&8221; Nexussquared said in a media release.

    &8220;From trading ownership in music as a form of alternative investment to a banking solution for refugees and creating and signing electronic contracts, festival attendees got a taste of how blockchain technology can be applied to develop tangible business models.&8221;

    On September 13, the Finance 2.0 Crypto &8217;16 conference in Kunsthaus Zurich will welcome industry experts to discuss &8220;how cryptofinance will change the world.&8221;

    Topics will include the use of blockchain technology in art and music, decentralized autonomous organizations, smart contracts, business applications for private and open chains, as well as international settlements using cryptocurrencies. Get an exclusive 25% Discount with Code &8220;FinTech&8221; .


    Featured image: Chain and padlock by ifong, via Shutterstock.

    The post Switzerland Opens up to Blockchain Tech appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 3:35 pm on August 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Visa LibertyCard mit Apple Pay 

    Im September 2014 stellte eine Innovation im mobilen Bezahlsystem vor, das sogenannte „Apple Pay“. Mit der Nutzung von Apple Pay können Nutzer einfach und sicher unterwegs, in Geschäften oder in Apps mit ihrem iPhone, der Apple Watch oder dem iPad bezahlen. Zunächst konnte Apple Pay aber nur in den USA, Grossbritannien, Kanada, Australien, China und Singapur verwendet werden. Doch nun, knapp zwei Jahre später ist Apple Pay auch in der Schweiz, als siebtes Land, verfügbar und passend dazu wurde als Starttermin der 07.07. gewählt.

    Wer kann Apple Pay verwenden?

    Zunächst müssen zwei Voraussetzungen erfüllt werden. Man benötigt das richtige Gerät, in diesem Falle mindestens das iPhone 6, die Apple Watch oder ein iPad. Ausserdem muss man um Apple Pay nutzen zu können die richtige Kreditkarte besitzen. Die , ist eine von der BonusCard AG herausgegebene Kreditkarte, welche Apple Pay unterstützt. Mit dieser Karte profitiert man von einem Bonusprogramm, mit welchem man pro bezahltem Franken einen Liberty Punkt erhält und welchen man sich als “Kick-Back” auf das Konto zahlen lässt und später gegen attraktive Prämien tauschen kann.  Neben der klassischen Visa LibertyCard gibt es noch die Visa LibertyCard Prepaid und die Visa LibertyCard Plus.

    Bildschirmfoto 2016-08-28 um 16.11.30


    Wie funktioniert Apple Pay?

    Nachdem Nutzer von Apple Pay eine Kreditkarte hinterlegt haben, können sie Apple Pay an allen Kassengeräten nutzen, die für kontaktloses Bezahlen per NFC ausgerüstet sind. Die Bezahlung mit dem iPhone ist sowohl einfach als auch sicher, da bei der gesamten Übertragung weder Kartennummer noch sonstige sensible Daten übertragen werden.

    Das iPhone muss bei der Bezahlung zunächst an das Contactless-Terminal gehalten werden und danach wird per Touch ID, also dem Fingerabdruck autorisiert. Ähnlich funktioniert dieser Prozess auch mit der Apple Watch. Hier muss einmalig zunächst die Apple Watch mit dem iPhone verbunden werden, indem die im Wallet erfasste Kreditkarte auf der Apple Watch hinzugefügt wird. Die Apple Watch verfügt über einen eigenen NFC-Chip und die Autorisierung der Bezahlung erfolgt durch das zweimalige Drücken der Seitentaste.

    Wird sich Apple Pay in der Schweiz durchsetzen? 

    Grundsätzlich hat Apple große Chancen auf dem Schweizer Markt, da fast jeder zweiter Schweizer im Besitz eines iPhones ist. Zudem ist kontaktloses Bezahlen an vielen Verkaufsstellen möglich, wie beispielsweise bei Migros und Coop.

    Besonders für Apple Pay sprechen die Gründe: Bequemlichkeit, Sicherheit und Datenschutz. Das iPhone ist meist schnell zur Hand, die Bezahlung läuft sicher über den Fingerabdrucksensor und bei jeder Bezahlung erhält der Händler nicht die komplette Kreditkartennummer, sondern nur eine einmalige Nummer. Nichtsdestotrotz konkurriert Apple Pay mit Twint auf dem Schweizer Markt.

    Twint hat den Vorteil, dass es plattformunabhängig ist, das heisst sowohl auf Android als auch auf IOS funktioniert und zudem auch Funktionen besitzt, die über die Funktionen von Apple Pay hinausgehen, wie beispielsweise die Einbindung von Kundenkarten oder auch Coupons. Beide Systeme, sowohl Twint als auch Apple Pay, haben groses Potential. Ob sich Twint oder Apple Pay auf dem Schweizer Markt durchsetzt, oder ob beide nebeneinander existieren werden, wird sich wohl in den nächsten Monaten oder Jahren zeigen.

    Apple Pay bzw. Liberty Card wird derzeit u.a. mit Plakatwerbung beworben. Ob diese Form der Werbung sinnvoll ist, lassen wir mal im Raum stehen, aber zumindest eine Landing-Page würde wohl aufs Plakat gehören.

    apple pay liberty card




    The post Visa LibertyCard mit Apple Pay appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 12:18 pm on August 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , fintech, InCred, MobiKwik, Notonthehighstreet,   

    Top 5 Fintech Raises: InCred Finance, Notonthehighstreet, MobiKwik 

    funding is still an area of interest for investors worldwide, the only question is: Which startup stands out from the crowd this week? For the latest funding round, investors across the globe have backed P2P lending services, online e-commerce marketplaces, “non-banking” financial services, and food services, which leads to BI’s topRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 3:35 am on August 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Schweizer FINTECH-Regulierung Roundtable 

    Herausforderungen von Unternehmen eine Anhörung der Behörden.

    Am Mittwoch, 24. August haben sich Mitglieder der FINMA, EFD, SIF und SECO mit den unterschiedlichsten FinTech-Unternehmern auf Organisation und Einladung der Swiss Finance + Association im Prime Tower in Zürich zum Thema FinTech Regulierung getroffen.

    Einerseits ging es darum, die Geschäftsmodelle der FinTech-Unternehmen aus erster Hand kennen und verstehen zu lernen und gleichzeitig die grössten regulatorischen Herausforderungen und Hürden zu definieren, um den FinTech-Standort Schweiz noch besser fördern und unterstützen zu können.

    Die älteren FinTech-Unternehmer stellen ein zunehmendes Verständnis für die speziellen Anliegen und individuellen Probleme einzelner Geschäftsmodelle und attestieren heute eine hohe Kooperationsbereitschaft und Effizienz bei Abklärungen mit den zuständigen Ämtern. Die Kommunikation zwischen FinTech und Behörden ist beiden Parteien wichtig und wird bereits mehrheitlich als konstruktiv empfunden.

    Obwohl keine Unternehmer aus und Kryptowährung vertreten waren, nahm das Thema einen grösseren Teil der Diskussion ein. Hier kam der Wunsch nach mehr Aufklärung und regulatorischer Sicherheit von beiden Seiten auf. Es wird darauf verwiesen, dass hier noch ganz andere ungelöste Anknüpfungspunkte wie Mehrwertsteuer, wirtschaftliche Berechtigung usw. und schliesslich auch noch das Parlament darüber entscheiden muss.

    Es sei zu bedenken, dass ein verfrühter parlamentarischer Vorstoss auch in die falsche Richtung gehen kann, wenn aus einer gewissen Unkenntnis heraus die neue Technologie verhindert wird. Es brauche hier noch mehr Aufklärung auch von Seiten der Anbieter.

    From Pixabay

    From Pixabay

    Auf der Lending-, und Crowd-Funding-Seite wurden diverse Beispiele aufgezeigt, weshalb die „20er-Regelung“ für Konsumenten ein Nachteil darstellt und dies für die Anbieter in der Folge grosse wirtschaftliche Nachteile mit sich bringt.

    Auf der Investment-Seite wurden der Marktzutritt EU, der Kunden-Onboarding-Prozess mit doppelter Regulierung sowie die fehlende Standardisierung der Schnittstellen bei Banken als grösste Herausforderung und Wettbewerbsnachteil thematisiert.

    Die Rechtssicherheit ist jedoch für alle FinTech-Unternehmer von zentraler Bedeutung. Ohne klare Rahmenbedingungen wird kein Risikokapital für innovative Projekte zur Verfügung gestellt, denn die erste Frage lautet häufig:&;Und wie sieht das aus regulatorischer Sicht aus?&8221;

    Abschliessend sind die Behördenvertreter zwar nicht auf einzelne Punkte konkret eingegangen, haben jedoch von einer bevorstehenden allgemeinen Deregulierung und Vereinfachung gesprochen. Man sei bereits an gewissen Themen sehr nahe dran.

    Folgende Schmerzpunkte kamen zur Sprache:

    • Marktzutritt EU / Reziprozität
    • Rechtssicherheit (Bsp. AIA)
    • Anknüpfungspunkt der Regulierung
    • „20er-Regelung“ auf Schuldner-Ebene
    • regulatorisches „Qualitätssiegel“ im Ausland
    • Sprache / Verständnis Juristen / Berater
    • Klassifizierung als Advisory unter FIDLEG
    • standardisierte Schnittstellen bei Banken
    • FINMA-Kommunikation mit Stakeholdern


    Dieser Artikel erschien zuerst auf Investory

    The post Schweizer FINTECH-Regulierung Roundtable appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

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  • user 3:35 pm on August 29, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    BLOCKCHAIN – The Internet of Value 

    Let’s get serious about this hyped : the momentum is now

    The buzz surrounding is comparable to that surrounding the in the early 1990s

    Do you remember the nineties? Everyone was talking about the internet and its potential, about life changing moments, about disruption, but no one could imagine what is possible? And today: our lives changed fundamentally. Everyone is communicating everywhere, new business models emerged &; just to name the platform model, perfectly turned into revenue streams by AGFA &8211; Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon. The company AGFA overslept this life changing moment: the Internet.



    Some go even further to suggest that the Blockhain has the potential to reinvent key institutions. Ten years from now we will wonder how societies could have been survived without the Internet of . But let’s step one step back: What’s Blockchain?

    Blockchain Is Like The European idea

    Blockchain is the technology behind the digital currency , but Blockchain is unequal Bitcoin! The Blockchain is a kind of super sophisticated distributed ledger that keeps track of things on thousands or even millions of disparate computers, all coordinating with one another. Most simply, the Blockchain protocol is a cryptographically secure system of messaging and recording in a shared database.

    Working in tandem, these systems enable a secure recording, verification and confirmation of transactions without the need of any single entity in charge. To write it in pictures: Today the Internet is an army with generals, we call them AGFA and the future?

    The Blockchain is like the European idea &8211; each encoded and work for the good of the whole: for a common decentral network.

    Blockchain Is a Trust Machine

    Using cryptography to maintain a peer-to-peer distributed, time-stamped and immutable consensus ledger of all past transactions. Each transaction is similar to a ledger item, which is aggregated with other blocks into a block of transactions, each connected to the last and needs to be agreed by consensus before adding to the chain. Transaction records cannot be forged, censored or reversed once a block is added. Transacting without trust and a third party becomes reality &8211; with three main disruptive advantages:

    &8211; Trust: Less reliance on trusted third parties. Reducing or eliminating third party risk as trust is distributed over a decentral network

    &8211; Immutable Record: All participants share and consensually update the record. This permanent record imparts confidence in the provenance of value being transacted and enhances fraud detection

    &8211; Smart Contracts: Self-executing commitments. Obligations codified by smart contracts are easily replicable with the benefit of security, translucency and immutability of the Blockchain

    Welcome To a Digital Borderless World

    As blockchain develops, instead of having an internet that puts information and content online, we will get a system that essentially automates trust and verification. Information we now rely on accountants, , lawyers and governments to do. We will be able to know that anything on a Blockchain &8211; land rights, money, a deed &8211; is authentic and everyone around the world agrees on its value.

    Facts & Figures: Blockchain Has Captured Venture Capital and Global Wallets

    We saw over $ 1.4b in investments over the past three years &8211; just in the first quarter of 2016 VC firms invested globally $ 160m into Blockchain startups, up from $ 26 million compared to the previous quarter regarding CB Insights and KPMG. Three significant funding rounds on Blockchain Startups &8211; Circle with $ 60m (Series D), Digital Asset Holdings with $ 60m (Series A) and Blockstream with $ 55m (Series A) we have seen so far in 2016.

    More than 2500+ Blockchain patents were globally filed over the last 3 years. 90+ central banks are engaged in Blockchain discussions worldwide as well as 90+ corporations have joined Blockchain consorts. Today, the pool of strategics investors in the Blockchain space has expanded from banks and VCs into insurance companies, payments and telcos.


    But What Are The Use-cases?

    Today use-cases are about Banking, or challenging the platform model, like Uber and AirBnB just to name a few. The Blockchain has the potential to eliminate intermediaries. Some other fascinating business concepts are about ownership and land rights or redefining the value chain of fair trade coffee. Software enabled contracts, called Smart Contracts, can verify if a job is made, and make the payment without a middleman.

    Some InsurTech companies are even working to leverage Blockchain Technology as a mechanism for providing automatic payouts, particularly in the peer-to-peer insurance space where smart contracts could ensure payouts are made accurately and efficient. A song on the Blockchain could ask you to pay of it before it plays, cutting out Spotify and sending the money directly to the artist &8211; fair trade music! Disruption. Furthermore Digital Identity will be a critical enabler to broaden applications to new verticals for instance a digital system for storing and transferring identity.

    Blockchain Use-Cases

    Graphic: Blockchain Use-Cases (extract), by @jan_wich

    Currently VCs are betting its money especially on Blockchain Startups that are focusing on middleware and services, payments/remittance and capital market solutions.

    Potential and Critics

    The global discussions worldwide are growing significantly, but significant hurdles remain to large-scale implementation. An uncertain and unharmonized regulatory environment, nascent collective standardization efforts as well as an absence of formal legal frameworks draw the current situation.

    The technology has the potential to drive simplicity and efficiency through the establishment of new infrastructure and processes across financial services and data driven businesses. Blockchain is not a panacea, but has the potential to redefine current processes and call into question today’s business models.

    Honestly to catch the real impact of the Blockchain Technology is difficult. But &8211; did we all know about TCP/IP and HTML once the internet had the breakthrough? No! Don&;t struggle to understand the technology, search for the use-cases. Trial and Error. The Blockchain is more than a technology. It is a strategy.

    Sources: Own research and ideas, WEF and CS


    This article is first appeared on LinkedIn | Featured Image: Fotolia

    The post BLOCKCHAIN &8211; The Internet of Value appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

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  • user 12:19 pm on August 29, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Y Combinator Brings the Fintech In Day 2 

    Y President Sam Altman knows &; he helped Green Dot build GoBank, after all. So when only two fintech startups made it to the stage yesterday at Day 1 of its Summer Demo Day(s) 2016, we took notice. But today 10 of the 48 demoing companies are fintech-focused,Read More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 3:35 am on August 29, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    FinTech DACH News Rückblick der Woche 34 

    Fintech.Li präsentiert hier wöchentlich die wichtigsten rund um in der Schweiz, Liechtenstein, Deutschland und Österreich.

    Fintech Top News


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    / News


    Nicht sexy genug: Darum verlassen die Blockchain-Hirne ihre Banken
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    google apple prefer ripple blockchain tech over visa

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    Fintech EVENT Hinweis

    Zum Abschluss noch Informationen in eigener Sache von Fintech.LI.

    ‎FinTech‬ Konferenz Liechtenstein 2016

    Das Programm zur Fintech Konferenz in Liechtenstein finden Sie auf der Homepage.

    Fintechnews Leser erhalten einen exclusiven Discount von 20% mit dem Code &8220;fintechnews20&8221;.

    The post FinTech DACH News Rückblick der Woche 34 appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

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  • user 12:18 am on August 29, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Visa’s Head of Global Strategic Partnerships To Speak at Israel Event 

    Bill Gadja, senior vice president of innovation and , has confirmed that he will attend Bank Innovation to about payments. Bank Innovation Israel is the leading in Startup Nation, as Israel is called.
    Bank Innovation

  • user 3:35 pm on August 28, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , fintech, Medien, , Verantwortung   

    Fintech und die Verantwortung der Medien 

    Sobald die ein Thema für sich entdeckt haben, schnellt die Zahl der Beiträge, die sich mit diesem neuen Phänomen beschäftigen, in die Höhe. So auch bei . Insofern also nichts Neues. Problematisch wird das dann, wenn die Medien die nötige kritische Distanz vermissen lassen. In letzter Zeit haben sich die Fälle gehäuft, bei denen Unternehmen von zahlreichen Medien förmlich &;hochgejazzt&; wurden. Beispielhaft dafür sind LendingClub, The DAO und der Themenkomplex .

    Wie die Studie Wirtschaftsjournalismus in der Krise &8211; zum massenmedialen Umgang mit Finanzmarktpolitik im Jahr 2010 feststellte, unterließen die Medien in ihrer Gesamtheit, die Entwicklung der Finanzindustrie in den Jahren vor Ausbruch der Krise kritisch zu begleiten bzw. zu hinterfragen. Die Autoren kamen zu dem Ergebnis:

    Die kritische Darstellung der neuen Finanzbranche, ihr Wandel von einem Dienstleister zu einer Art Finanzindustrie, die Folgen daraus für das Gemeinwohl, also die Perspektiven von Volkswirtschaft und Gesellschaft waren dagegen kein Thema. Wenn berichtet wurde, dann über die neue Finanzindustrie als Zeichen von internationaler Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und als Quelle für Gewinne und Arbeitsplätze am Standort Deutschland. Hier handelt es sich um eine Perspektivenverengung mit enormen Wirklichkeitsverlusten, die als schwere journalistische Verfehlung einzustufen ist.


    Caleb Pershan beleuchtet in The Troubled Tale Of Lending Club And The Problems Created By Glowing Tech Press die Wirkmechanismen des Tech-Reporting am Beispiel von LendingClub. Im Silicon Valley, wie überhaupt im Tech-Sektor, gehe es häufig nur noch um Erzählungen, Narrative. Ob und inwieweit diese mit der Realität im Einklang sind, ist eher nebensächlich; Hauptsache die Botschaft ist cool: Die Welt wird an der neuen Technologie genesen. Probleme, die uns heute noch unslösbar erscheinen, werden sich in nichts auflösen. Die Gesellschaft wird gerechter, die Menschen werden glücklicher: Alles wird gut.


    Image credit: Pixabay


    Pershan erwähnt den Bericht Access, Accountability Reporting and Silicon Valley des renommierten Nieman Lab. Darin schildert Adrienne Lafrance an verschiedenen Beispielen die Veränderungen, die sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten im Tech-Reporting ereignet haben. In den 1980er Jahren, als Technologiekonzerne wie Apple noch Exoten waren, war der Zugang zu den Exponenten der Tech-Szene leicht und die Atmosphäre offen, wie bei den sog. Homebrew Meetings:


    John Markoff, a long-time reporter for The New York Times, remembers the original culture of Silicon Valley as open and collaborative—even welcoming to journalists. In the early ‘80s, Markoff had access to the Homebrew Computer Club, a legendary hobbyist group whose members included the technologists who would go on to run Silicon Valley. Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple, first shared his design for the Apple I computer at a Homebrew meeting in 1976.


    Diese Kultur änderte sich in den nächsten Jahrzehnten drastisch:

    Over the next few decades, the people running the tech sector went from occupying a niche cultural and economic space to being some of the most powerful business leaders on the planet. And the culture and influence of Silicon Valley changed dramatically. “Early on, Apple was fringe,” says Kevin Kelly, founding executive editor of Wired magazine. “It was nerdy-techy. The difference now is that these companies are the most profitable companies in the world. This is no longer the sideshow; this is the main show.”


    Sobald man in die Sphäre der Technologiefirmen und Startup-Szene gelangt, treten manche Fragen fast schon automatisch in den Hintergrund. Es scheint so, als betrete man eine andere, heile Welt, wie David Streitfeld, Tech-Reporter bei der New York Times, berichtet:

    “There’s a sense, in too much tech reporting, that when you cross the bridge into Silicon Valley, you’re in a world where the old rules of journalism don’t apply. One of the biggest clichés of Silicon Valley is when they say, ‘It’s not about the money. We just want to change the world.’ Sometimes that even may be true. But that’s a reason for better coverage, not weaker.”

    Dass aufstrebende Fintech-Startups sich mit kritischen Fragen schwer tun, durfte das Handelsblatt bei Number26 vor einiger Zeit erfahren.

    n26 number26


    Um die Defizite im Tech-Reporting zu beheben, sei, so Pershan &; wie sollte es auch anders sein &8211; eine disruption nötig:

    Possibly a good way to disrupt this system is to hire dedicated reporters with a narrow focus, such as on a single company, investigative journalists who can cultivate sources outside that company&;s PR department and beyond the scope of its own self-serving narrative.


    Weitere Informationen: New Banking und die Rolle der Medien


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  • user 4:29 pm on August 27, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Why should bank boards care about APIs? 


    The discussion around digital transformation in has long revolved around the nexus of technologies that are globally driving this change. Technologies such as mobile, social, big data and cloud computing are surely impacting significantly all industries, but for financial services there are other silent technological revolutions taking place that, at the very least, can massively accelerate the technological disruption occurring in the sector.

    If mobile, social, big data and cloud computing are the core technologies of digital transformation, for financial services the emerging underlying substrate are APIs (Application Programming Interface). Now, APIs have been around ever since someone wrote a piece of computer code that was meant to be reused by someone else and are common parlance in IT. However, the threat of fintechs and regulations such as the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) are elevating the IT lexicon to board-level discussions. Bank boards, in many cases for the first time, are being exposed to IT concepts and jargon that, not only they cannot afford to dismiss, but in effect they need to deeply understand as it becomes a key part of the future of competitive advantage in a digitally transformed industry.

    Why should care about APIs?

    APIs expose banks’ products and processes for use by third-parties. Since banking products are inherently digital and processes already are or can largely be automated, the development of an strategy drives three key advantages for banks:

    1. it enables banks to become a part of an integrated and larger value-chain;
    2. it offsets the threat of new entrants by establishing from the onset a “coopetitive” position for traditional banks;
    3. it drives from within.

    I. Vertical disintegration of banks and ecosystem integration

    The various impacts of globalization and in the financial services industry led to the emergence of niche providers, specializing in key activities of the banking value-chain. Most traditional banks tend to be vertically integrated organizations with relatively fixed cost structures and, as transaction costs decline, some of the key activities in the banking value-chain suddenly become cheaper to procure externally than to execute internally. As a result, we see a move to vertically disintegrate these activities and outsource them.

    With the threat of fintechs and neo-banks looming, an API strategy enables banks to streamline their internal value-chain, becoming at once leaner and more focused, while at the same time, transparently integrate themselves into a broader ecosystem exploring new revenue streams and business partnerships. For instance, consider the ability of a car dealership to provide an immediate loan for a customer at the point-of-sale. In this scenario, the cost of sales would be handled by the car dealership. From the dealership standpoint, they would be able to close a sale on the spot providing great value and a great experience to the customer. Also, consider the fact that this is a contextual sale, where additional products, such as auto insurance with multiple coverages, can (and should) be recommended with increased probability of acquisition by the customer. Now, I’m not naïve to the point of disregarding the many existing hurdles of this or other similar scenarios, such as compliance and legal issues. However, even compliance and legal are prone to disruption by APIs and automation as well as by self-regulating technologies such as distributed ledgers and smart contracts (but that’s a topic for another post).

    II. Healthy coopetition with fintechs and neo-banks

    There’s no longer any question about the threat that fintechs, neo-banks and non-banks pose for the future of traditional banks. After the boom of late 2014, the “movement” came of age during 2015 and is now competitive across all categories – lending, personal finance, payments, retail investments, institutional investments, equity financing, remittances, consumer banking and more. CB Insights reports that global fintech investment is rising and that Q4 of 2014 was the busiest of the last 5 years with a total of $3.1 billion invested across 214 deals – that’s an average of $14.5 Million dollars per deal. There’s also increased acquisition activity, mostly by established fintechs rather than by traditional banks.

    Additionally, regulations such as PSD2 will inevitably push traditional banks into the playground of fintechs and neo-banks. Strategically, it’s a dangerous place to be in for traditional banks, since most of them are not yet ready to compete with these new enterprises in their own ground. However, with the right invesments, such as APIs and open banking, banks are starting to develop the resources that’ll be a key part of the answer to long-term prosperity in an evolving and growing eco-system. Here are four key areas of cooperation and competition with fintechs and neo-banks that banks can explore in the course of their API/open banking strategy:

    1. Replace costly parts of the bank’s value chain with services provided by fintechs and neo-banks – this can reduce the bank’s cost structure and improve cost-to-income ratios;
    2. Increase the reach of the branch network through partnerships with non-traditional and specialized players (car dealerships, realtors, etc.) and increase the breadth of products by integrating specialized products from fintechs and neo-banks – this can increase share-of-wallet and sales;
    3. Provide OEM financial products and services, acting as the backbone for neo-banks – this can improve operating income;
    4. Traditional banks still have a lot of infrastructure that fintechs and neo-banks don’t have and do not want to have as it will hurt their business model. Banks can provide back-office services that are too costly for fintechs and neo-banks to develop – this can increase the interdependency of these players on the bank, mitigating the risk of their threat.

    III. Looking within for innovation

    It’s true that when talking about APIs and open banking, we usually address it from the standpoint of an outward-facing competitive advantage that can enable incumbents to compete and/or partner more effectively with fintechs. However, looking within traditional banks, we can also find areas where APIs and an open platform can help drive increased performance and efficiency.

    To be fair, through the years banks have made significant investments in IT and in services platforms, primarily driven by interoperability and modernization rationales. The problem with these approaches is that they have mostly been IT-led and for a long time there wasn’t really a great business justification for them so they weren’t typically discussed from the business standpoint as a key strategic investment. Where these investments occurred, banks are now taking a new look at their IT assets and resources and realizing that they are better off than they actually thought. Some of those past IT investments have become key in this new digital economy, particularly when it comes to simplifying business processes and products.

    Internal APIs are also key to driving innovation from within. They can work as a sandbox for internal development of ideas before external exposure to partners and others. In this area we see several banks hosting internal Hackathon events, pairing business and IT people in the development of new digital products and in the automation and simplification of internal processes. Internal innovation is key as the rate of change accelerates in the industry. Simpler processes, new innovative products, and a leaner organization will drive growth and efficiency for traditional banks. I believe that in the short term, we’ll see an increased focus in using APIs to build resilience into the banking business model, whether through innovative products and services, or through the ability to replace internal processes and services with external providers.

    [linkedinbadge URL=”https://www.linkedin.com/in/josealmeida” connections=”off” mode=”icon” liname=”José Almeidaos”] is digital advisor at Microsoft and this article was originally published on linkedin.

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