Google And Amazon Favor Fed Role In Real Time Payments
If #banks are worried about big tech players getting into #payments, they have a right to be — #Google and #Amazon, among others, would like access to Fed faster payments.
Financial Technology
If #banks are worried about big tech players getting into #payments, they have a right to be — #Google and #Amazon, among others, would like access to Fed faster payments.
Financial Technology
Issuer fraud rates have remained fairly constant across payment card products following the Europay, Mastercard and Visa (EMV) liability shift. Yet, issuers’ net fraud losses for credit and signature debit have decreased and the long-predicted migration from counterfeit fraud to Card-Not-Present (CNP) fraud is becoming visible, according to Accenture’s annual survey of US major card issuers.
Survey results¹ show slight changes in reported payment card fraud (“Gross Fraud”) from year-end 2016 to first quarter 2017:
This is the first year in which the issuer study did not show a material rise in Gross Fraud rates across all transaction types.
Despite modest changes in total reported Gross Fraud, issuers experienced a decrease in Net Fraud Losses on credit and signature debit cards due to higher recovery rates. The largest change was in recovery rates for counterfeit fraud, which increased to nearly 55 percent post-EMV, up from single-digit recovery rates in prior years. While average Net Fraud Losses for credit cards declined by 1.5 bps and average Net Fraud Losses for signature debit declined by 1.3 bps, Net Fraud Losses remained steady for PIN/ATM debit (Figure 2). We expect the recovery rates for PIN/ATM to increase significantly following the Visa ATM EMV liability shift in October 2017; some Mastercard debit issuers have already seen a significant increase in recoveries following that network’s ATM liability shift in October 2016.
Net Fraud Losses for credit and signature debit are significantly lower in this sample than in 2015, when average credit Net Fraud Losses were above 13 bps and signature debit Net Fraud Losses averaged nearly 7 bps (recognizing that the survey participant list varies from study to study). Average PIN debit Net Fraud Losses are more than a basis point higher than reported Net Fraud Losses in 2015. This increase is likely due to more frequent ATM and Automated Fuel Dispenser (AFD) skimming incidents and the delayed Visa EMV liability shift for ATM transactions.
Across the sample, most issuers reported that EMV migration efforts were almost complete for credit (for example, +95 percent of active cards were EMV-enabled); half of the issuers reported the same level of adoption for debit. Only one credit issuer indicated it was below 90 percent EMV enablement for credit, while three issuers reported lower than 75 percent completion of debit migration.
As issuers have migrated to EMV, #fraudsters have moved away from the card-present environment, and CNP fraud has become the most common type of fraud. CNP fraud (with an average case size of ~US$ 175) accounted for 55 percent of Gross Credit Card Fraud reported in Q1 2017, up from 49 percent in 2016 and 39 percent in 2015. Counterfeit fraud (with an average case size of US$ 200) constituted only 23 percent, down from 29 percent in 2016 and 50 percent in 2015. Meanwhile, Lost/Stolen and Application fraud—with average case sizes of US$ 2,000 and US$ 5,700—have increased to 10 percent and 9 percent, respectively, a significant increase over prior periods.
In a post-EMV world, US issuers will continue to see fraud shift to areas that are more difficult to detect. Application channels and remote/digital servicing channels are prime targets for sophisticated fraudsters using ID theft and synthetic IDs to hit issuers for high-dollar losses on Account Take Over and Fraud Application cases. While issuer investment continues to focus on the core “blocking and tackling” of fraud management (such as alert engines, back-office efficiency and reporting and so forth), all issuers must be aware of these evolving threats to the card business.
Beyond EMV, card issuers must stay vigilant around their defense measures. They can continue to tap new technologies—from geolocation data and acoustic analyses to biometrics—to more tightly secure payments data and other assets, and outpace sophisticated fraud.
The post Fraudsters favor card-not-present appeared first on Accenture Banking Blog.