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  • user 12:18 am on December 11, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Disappointing, Fall, , ,   

    LendingClub Shares Fall After Disappointing Investor Day 

    for marketplace lender, , plunged sharply yesterday the company lowered its profit guidance during its day presentation. The company’s shares went down 15% to 22% yesterday, according to various sources, and reached an all time low of $ 3.29 per share — approximately an 80% drop from its initial IPO price in 2014, [&;]
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 am on September 17, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , , Fall,   

    China Closes Bitcoin Exchanges as Prices Continue to Fall 

    The price of continues to teeter today, with the having lost a third of its value in the last week. Bitcoin’s sharp drop comes after rising uncertainty in the Chinese market, with two major Chinese currency , BTC and ViaBTC, having announced that they will halt trading by the end of this [&;]
    Bank Innovation

  • user 3:35 pm on August 15, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Attend, , , Fall, , , , ,   

    Top 5 London Fintech Events To Attend This Fall 

    Nearly two months after the Brexit vote, now has a new prime minister, a new government and a new outlook. The capital, the British economy, the rise of UK’s industry, and by extension all other aspects of financial services in Europe have been undergoing and adapting to these new tremendous changes.

    Many people are wondering if London will lose its title &;the fintech capital of Europe&;. For now, London&;s fintech scene seems to remain strong and promising. Many fintech are set to take place in London for the rest of 2016. With these fintech events in London, the capital still keeps its position as a strong fintech hub in the region.

    Take a look at the outstanding fintech events in London below:


    Robo Advisors Congress 2016

    Special Offer: 10% Off with code &8220;FTN10&8220;. Register NOW

    This One Day deep dive congress in London will bring together traditional Financial Services firms and the hottest emerging FinTechs from across the globe to plot the future of Advice and wealth management. Featuring discussions on target demographics, technological advances and platform differentiation, along with the opportunity to learn from translational case studies; the congress will highlight the opportunities Robo Advisors can present while addressing the challenges surrounding its optimisation and practical implementation. For more information, visit http://www.roboadvisorcongress.com


    Blockchain for Finance Conference LondonBlockchain

    Blockchain for Finance Conference LondonBlockchain

    The focus on global expansion and foreign investment makes Global Expansion Summit the ideal event platform for much needed discussion on the impact of Brexit on inward investment into the UK and FDI around the world. The event is extremely well timed and the audience and conference content particularly pertinent.

    In recognition of this, we are re-branding the show to Brexit & Global Expansion Summit. Our focus on ICT, BPO & Financial Services as well as the underlying theme of global expansion and digital transformation are still the essence of our event. However, we will be adding some Brexit focused content to the conference.


    LendIt Europe 2016 with the P2PFA

    lendit europe

    Special Offer: 15% Off with code &8220;FNS16VIP&8220;. Register NOW

    Where platforms and investors come to learn, network and do business. The 3rd annual LendIt Europe conference and expo will take place at the InterContinental London &; O2. This year’s event will bring together more than 1,000 industry leaders and include the region&8217;s largest online lending expo with more than 2,500 square metres of exhibition space.


    European RegTech Congress

    European RegTech Congress 2016

    Special Offer: 10% Off with code &8220;FTN10&8220;. Register NOW

    The European RegTech Congress will provide a platform for the discussions really needed to move the space forward. With a dedicated track to exploring the realities of Regtech adoption, how to harmonise wide ranging platforms and the standards the needs to meet. Our practical ‘RegTech in Action’ track featuring dedicated seminars on topics such as the impact the move to Mifid II will have and how RegTech can manage Post-Brexit uncertainty. For more information, visit http://www.regtechevent.com


    Brexit & Global Expansion Summit

    Brexit & Global Expansion Summit 2016

    Special Offer: 15% Off with code &8220;FNS16VIP&8220;. Register NOW

    The focus on global expansion and foreign investment makes Global Expansion Summit the ideal event platform for much needed discussion on the impact of Brexit on inward investment into the UK and FDI around the world. The event is extremely well timed and the audience and conference content particularly pertinent.

    In recognition of this, we are re-branding the show to Brexit & Global Expansion Summit. Our focus on ICT, BPO & Financial Services as well as the underlying theme of global expansion and digital transformation are still the essence of our event. However, we will be adding some Brexit focused content to the conference.

    The post Top 5 London Fintech Events To Attend This Fall appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

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