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  • user 12:18 pm on December 31, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Top 10 Fintech Headlines of 2016 

    If nothing else, was a year of change—nowhere more than in , where developments in , payments, artificial intelligence, financial regulations, chatbots, and mobile rippled across the space to do what fintech does best—disrupt. With that in mind, let’s take a look back at our top ten fintech Read More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 11:35 pm on December 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Blockchain, , , ,   

    The Blockchain explained to my VP (and my President-CTO) 

    Last week I was contracted by my last employer before I retired, a world-class satellite operator in Luxembourg, to do a training on satellite business and — it’s always a pleasure to meet old friends again. I had the opportunity to discuss with 2 VPs who asked me about the and how it can be useful for the satellite and space industry. It was a nice opportunity to discuss about what the blockchain is useful for, instead of the usual speech on what the blockchain is.

    I made a 1-minute elevator pitch, which proved itself interesting enough that we chained on a 15-minute coffee explanation immediately after that. Note: This has also been checked by my former President 🙂

    Executive Summary – 1-minute elevator pitch

    • Today’s services bookkeeping and reporting rely heavily on the double-entry ledger.
    • This method of bookkeeping is a kind of manual checksum that has been invented in 13th century to support the lucrative wool trade across Europe. Doing this, each of the parties maintain their view of the ledger and the counterpart’s view, and both views must balance (“reconciliation”)
    • Mathematically speaking, the number of links among n parties grows as n-square in a peer-to-peer organisation, while it grows much more slowly (only logarithmically) in an hierarchical organisation.
    • So the double-entry ledger favoured a centralised model of trade, with layers of intermediairies, but also generated a need for regulations and auditing. Today’s entire financial world actors, regulators and auditors are organised from this double-entry ledger of the 13th century.
    • The blockchain brings back the simplicity of the single-entry ledger (journal) and peer-to-peer transactions protected by cryptographic primitives from glitches, from errors in operations sequencing or from deliberate frauds. We take full advantage of the speed of communication and of the calculation accuracy of computers.
    • But despite its great promises of simplification and cost reduction, its adoption may be hindered by the threat of disruption of the existing organization (actors, regulators, auditors).
    • Outside the finance world, every day-to-day activity that would be essentially peer-to-peer may benefit from the blockchain. The has the most success currently, but its blockchain is dedicated to crypto-currency transactions, while Ethereum and other blockchain platforms, being Turing-complete, have more potential.
    • Some examples of peer-to-peer activity: housing swaps, hotel rooms or airplane seats booking, spare parts tracking in airliners maintenance, tracking freight containers load, individual healthcare history, real estate transactions, proficiency certification of non-commercial pilots, mutuel pension funds, mutuel health funds, micro-insurance, micro-finance etc.

    What are the problems that the blockchain solves?

    The blockchain is best known through its impact on financial services, so we’ll start with this application before moving to other fields.

    The of keeping accurate records of commercial transactions existed since the Egyptians, but was not solved satisfactorily until back in the Middle Age. At that time, Flanders was the center of the wool textile industry. Merchants all over Europe bought the finest wool clothes there and retailed them to the richest families in the rest of Europe. Payment was done partly with various currencies, partly in kind. Some were done cash, some were paid at term.

    Let’s take the example of a wool merchant located in Munich, with subsidiaries in Paris, in Frankfurt, in Warsaw, and local representatives and warehouses in Bruges, in Brussels, in London. At that time, communication was done at the speed of a walking man, at best of a galloping horse.

    The problems were:

    • how to keep track of the amounts owed by customers, as well as owed to suppliers, in different locations?
    • how to keep accurately inventory of goods at different warehouses with their delivery status and synchronise the information among locations?
    • how to make sure that the same piece of cloth in Bruges warehouse is not sold simultaneously by both the Paris agent and the headquarters in Munich? accessorily how to make sure that the same piece of cloth has not been smuggled out and falsely booked as sold to someone?

    One could use a single-entry ledger per location, a journal, to record each operation. But it was very difficult to detect when and where an error would occur, until it would create an inconsistency with the rest. During the 13th century the double-entry ledger started to be used (the Farolfi ledger of 1299 in Nîmes, France). In such a ledger, each transaction would appear twice, once in the column of credit (where the article came from) and once in the column of debit (where it went). With this method, each transaction could be double-checked, making sure that any flow of goods or money has a starting point and an ending point, and that the total of both parties were equal (balanced). We can see it as the ancestor of a checksum :-).

    In practice, the journal would still be used to record the transactions and, at the end of the day, the accountant would copy and dispatch the transactions in the double-entry ledgers, identifying the origin and destination of each movement, making sure that all accounts were balanced after each operation and matched the journal (reconciliation).

    In 1495, an Italian named Luca Pacioli formalised in a printed book the details of the method and made it popular (Gutenberg’s first book was 1439). So popular that this double-entry ledger is still the basis of today’s accounting practices, of today’s official regulations, and of today’s financial processes. It is so deeply embedded in the commercial practices that the most recent payment settlement automation efforts of the Bank of England, of the Monetary Authority of Singapore and of the Australian New Payment Platform faithfully reproduced this process.

    I met concretely the reality of this kind of issues when I accepted to be treasurer of the Luxembourg Air Museum in Mondorf. This non-lucrative association has one bank account, one petty cash box for operations, one petty cash box for the Museum (selling tickets and souvenirs). It has also an inventory of postcards, DVDs, catalogs and wine bottles bearing the logo of the Museum. I use the bank account to receive subsidies and to pay suppliers. I use the cash boxes to feed the bank account, and I track the inventories. Considering the limited activity of the Museum, we do the bookkeeping ourselves instead of hiring an accountant. I discovered thus the mysteries of manipulating double-entry ledgers, inventories and journals.

    What are the steps involved in a financial transaction?

    To follow the steps of a transaction, let’s imagine I received an SMS from the president of the association “let’s take 100 € from our account to the petty cash box of the Museum“.

    • Step1 – submission: the president sent me a transaction request. In this case it is a SMS. For a bank transaction it could be submitted either with a check (in France or in UK), or a money transfer in the other countries. Generated from paper or directly by web banking, a formatted electronic message is sent to the bank’s payment system. For large amounts between , the interbank SWIFT messaging network would be used (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication).
    • Step2 – validation: I checked that the SMS came indeed from the president. A bank would check that the accounts of the payer and beneficiary indeed exist. It would check the syntax, verify that the amount is within some threshold, control an authorised signature etc.
    • Step3 – confirmation: I checked that Museum’s bank account had enough balance for me to withdraw 100 €. In real life, the bank would check the account balance, the regulatory status of the transfer (reporting threshold, exchange control etc.)
    • Step4 – settlement: I withdrew the amount and fed the Museum petty cash box. For a bank transaction, one account would be credited and the counterpart would be debited.

    Now that the payment is settled, comes the serious job: I have to record the operation in my journal, update the double-entry ledgers of the Museum’s account and of the petty cash box (in my case they are simply 3 worksheets of the same Excel file) and make sure that both have their double-entry balanced. At the end of the month, I’d verify that the bank statement carries the same amount as in my journal.

    On the bank’s side, in addition to keeping the equivalent books for the Museum’s account (journal, general ledger) it has also to keep an archive of the transaction, add it to the monthly reporting to the authorities for Anti-Money Laundering purposes etc.

    • Now what if I, the Museum M, have to pay a supplier S; and if M has an account in Bank A and S has an account in Bank B? In its simplest form, in cascade, Bank A would debit M and credit Bank B, and Bank B would debit Bank A and credit S. The double avalanche of updates and archives and reporting as above would also be unrolled.
    • What if between Bank A and Bank B there is no commercial relationship? The would be to involve a Bank C who would have relationship with both Bank A and Bank B. There comes another avalanche of updates and archives and reporting.
    • What if Bank B goes bankrupt before S is credited but after having received the credit from Bank A or Bank C? The answer is to involve a Central Bank that would never go bankrupt. We have another avalanche of updates and archives and reporting.
    • What if at the end of the day, there has been 200 billions Euros worth of transactions between the nation-wide set of 200 banks? Would all the 20’100 possible pairs of banks proceed to the mutual transfers knowing that the total compensated amounts will be much smaller? The solution is a common Chamber of Compensation (for example Clearstream) that would simply debit each bank of the difference. We have another avalanche of updates and archives and reporting.

    All this complexity was progressively built because initially the double-entry ledger was invented to do somehow a manual and medieval version of a checksum.

    Side note: all payment services Fintechs actually handle steps 1, 2 and 3, the easiest and most lucrative ones. Step 4 and the actual burden of complexity are still left to banks. This is why the European Payment Directive (PSD2) calls these services “Payment Initiator Services”, not “Payment Services”.

    Today the computing power is such that an iPhone 6 has 115 GFLOPs while a Cray-2 (a super computer of 1989) had only 2 GFLOPs. A GFLOP is one billion floating-point operations per second. And with the Internet, information travels at the speed of light, not at the speed of a galloping horse. In the same time we are still doing banking operations as if calculations were done manually, and indeed hundreds of thousands of accountants are still employed to verify manually on the double-entry ledgers the tricky cases generated by manual entry. Let’s go back to the initial questions and see how the blockchain solves them.

    How does the blockchain solve these problems?

    To start with, by definition the blockchain is a set of data that is shared by all computers (“nodes”) that participate as peers to a blockchain network and use the same blockchain protocol executed by a “client” software.

    How to keep track of the amounts owed by customers and owed to suppliers in different locations?

    Each participating node receives a copy of all transactions. It executes steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 above and share the result with peers.

    • Step1 – submission: this is solved with the blockchain by purely data network transmission.
    • Step2 – validation: cryptographic primitives are used to validate signatures; they involve heavy computing. It is part of the blockchain protocol and done by all nodes.
    • Step3 – confirmation: checking that there are sufficient funds to pay the transaction is part of the blockchain protocol and done by all nodes.
    • Step4 – settlement: the updated balances (or outputs of the transaction) are broadcast over the network to all other participating nodes and a consensus is build to record the settlement.

    How to keep accurately inventory of goods at different warehouses and their delivery status and synchronise the information between locations?

    Because the computation is now done electronically by the same “client” software, any discrepancy between nodes may come from a computing glitch, or from a difference in the sequence of execution of transactions: some nodes may receive transaction B before transaction A and other nodes in the reverse sequence.

    Addressing a computing glitch is easy: the faulty node is isolated and the corresponding result is rejected by peers. Handling a discrepancy in sequence is more subtle because there may be a minority subset of nodes that agree on a diverging sequence.

    The blockchain protocol states that if nodes achieve different results, they would all agree to chose randomly one of them to be right. This is called the “consensus”: the others discard their calculations and use the result of the chosen one. There are many ways to achieve consensus, the most widely used is the “proof of work”: the competing nodes try randomly to find a number that satisfies a given property. It may takes billions of billions of trials before finding it. The first node who finds a solution wins the consensus.

    How to make sure that the same piece of cloth in Bruges warehouse is not sold simultaneously by both the Paris agent and the headquarters in Munich?

    This can happen by coincidence in time, or by deliberate fraud. It is called “double-spending”. The blockchain protocol solves this problem by using a cryptography primitive called a “hash”. A hash of a document proves that it has not been modified. It is very difficult to forge but very easy to verify. We talked above about the “proof of work”: it consists of collecting a number of transactions together in a “block” and calculating a hash of it, as part of the work of finding a random number. If a block is modified, a verification of the hash will reveal it immediately. The blocks are “chained”, i.e. each block contains the hash of the previous block. If this previous one is modified, its hash changes and therefore the content of the next block also is, as well as the hash of this next etc. As a result, the whole (block)chain would reveal this single change.

    If the double-spending incident happened by coincidence, the problem is similar to the above: it is a matter of sequencing, so the transaction that gets first its block approved by the general consensus is the only one valid.

    If the double-spending was done on purpose for fraud, subsequently to the first spending being approved, the cheater will issue a second spending of the same good and this must also be approved, and at the same time somehow the block containing the first spending needs to be invalidated.

    However, because this previous block has already been approved by consensus and chained to other blocks, the cheating node that wants to invalidate that block must build a variant chain faster than the rest of the community. This means it needs more computing power than the rest of the community. It is not impossible, but economically very unrealistic because of the cost versus benefit of such cheating.

    As a result, there is a minimal need for auditing and verification from a higher authority because of the consensus is always achieved among all actors.

    So is the blockchain only good for financial transactions?

    If we take a step back and look at the big picture, the general problems that the blockchain solves are:

    • how can we track the inflows and outflows of something (money or token), among a large number of peer actors?
    • how can we protect against a quasi-simultaneous commitment (spending) of this “something” by 2 or several actors or by a same fraudulent one?

    Does it sound familiar to you?

    • have you ever been victim of an airline seat overbooking?
    • how can a tour operator makes sure that a hotel room has not been booked twice?
    • how can a peer-to-peer Uber reservation avoid that the same taxi be booked to 2 clients?
    • how can an air traffic controller be sure that another flight sector has not assigned the same flight level and same route than his, to another plane?
    • how to track over the lifetime of an liner aircraft the spare parts replaced gradually and independently by different airlines and repair shops? Airbus has 7000 subcontractors.
    • how to simplify registration and declaration of all customised add-ons equipments to homebuilt and kit aircrafts made by passionate “homebuilders“, instead of today’s heavy process of paper work and local inspection made by Civil Aviation delegates or private Quality Control agencies.
    • how about letting each private pilot log their hours in a blockchain and letting the doctors log the medical certificates of these pilots, both of which naturally confirms their proficiency for flying, instead of spending time and effort of all national aviation agencies to certify them, controlling an activity that is non-commercial.
    • how to track individually the placement of identified satellite parts in subsystems by subcontractors?
    • how to make sure that the same KWh from a solar array has not been sold to 2 different clients?
    • how to guarantee that a house has not been sold simultaneously by 2 remote real estate agents?
    • how to keep track of the loading of a fleet of container ships by peer forwarder stations?
    • etc, etc.

    All these problems have already been solved today by introducing some central coordination and distributed databases, which may be suited below a certain number of stakeholders and become polynomially complex when this number grows. But such centralisation is a source of failure, is of error-prone complexity and is a target for attacks. Above a certain volume and number of more or less independent actors, these problems would benefit from a peer-to-peer solution, and the resulting system would gain in flexibility, efficiency and resilience.

    Why did the financial services become the first application of the blockchain?

    • Since beginning of mankind, everybody uses some sort of financial service, every day. It’s an ideal peer-to-peer candidate application.
    • The lack of a satisfactory technology to detect and correct distributed mistakes fostered the creation of a multi-layered centralised system.
    • Then the centralisation and aggregation of transactions lead to huge movements of funds…
    • … and huge financial flows created a need for strict regulations, to detect and punish frauds.
    • A transformation into a peer-to-peer model needs significant changes in regulations and may deeply transform the financial industry.

    Which one of the above use cases are better candidates than the finance industry for blockchain transformation? Probably none. That’s why the first applications of blockchain were in this field. But all the other examples can at some stage take profit of the blockchain technology.

    The Bitcoin, the first well known blockchain platform, has been designed specifically for monetary transactions with a remarkable incentivizing scheme to support its use. This is why it is so successful. The Ripple blockchain platform has also been designed for monetary transactions. The Ethereum blockchain platform is more ambitious and targets to be universal. The task is huge and the product takes time to mature, but ultimately, it would not be limited to financial transactions and support the other use cases cited above.

    What else?

    If Ethereum succeeds, the question is “would it make sense to store in the same public blockchain the information of all the above use cases, and more (for example trading Pokemon-Go characters)“? Probably not. This is why there would be most certainly in the future

    • one public (Bitcoin or Ethereum or other) blockchain that supports public peer-to-peer trading Pokemon tokens, DVD cassettes, antique stamps, collector vynils, house swaps (AirBnB), car transportation services etc.,
    • and a number of private and restricted Ethereum-based (or not based) blockchains to manage more confidential matters.

    To cite only the current contributions to the open source Hyperledger project, that pave the road for different types of blockchains, we have today:

    But talking about them will be another discussion, that I’ll have with the same ex-colleagues VPs of the space industry, or with others.

    [linkedinbadge URL=”https://www.linkedin.com/in/kvutien” connections=”off” mode=”icon” liname=”Khang Vu Tien”] is Blockchain & Ethereum practitioner and this article was originally published here.

  • user 7:35 pm on December 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: alternative lending, , Blockchain, , ,   

    Europe 2017: Key Trends to Watch in Alternative Lending. Interdependence and collaboration. 


    Connectivity and interdependence have increased in most industries, including financial services in the last decade. In the wave of digital transformation, new business models are born.

    From the crisis of 2008 to date, EUR 19 billion has been invested in companies (CB Insight, 2016) with hundreds of them newly founded. Though this number may not seem very high in the context of the balance sheets of the entire financial sector (EUR 28 trillion) or the recent fines some needed to pay, there are many aspects that are clearly changing in the landscape of financial services. Customer expectations drive changes in business models. New partnerships as well as methods of connecting borrowers and lenders are born.

    Herein I provide my reflection on recent trends and highlight some key predictions for 2017 in the landscape in .

    1)    Banks will continue to shrink their Balance Sheets and will invest in new business models and partnerships

    Europe relies heavily on banks. Therefore, in order to assess the lending ecosystem, I always start with what is going on with the banks. Banks have been shrinking their balance sheets since the crisis. In 2008, the total assets of banks in the Euro region stood at EUR 33 trillion and declined to EUR 28 trillion by 2015 (ECB, 2016). Just to put this number into context, the decline is higher than the combined balanced sheet of five major banks (Rabobank, ING, ABNAMRO, Deutsche Bank and Unicredit) as of June 30, 2016.

    In terms of profitability, it did not really improve this year. Interest rates continued to be low, capital requirements became harder, compliance rules and penalties remain harsh.

    The first 6 months of financials in 2016 indicate declining trends in many aspects, including revenue and deposits. The net interest margin of the Top 10 listed banks in the sector further reduced to below 1.5%, which is structurally lower than in the US. Return on equity was 5.8%, which remains below the cost of capital, estimated to be around 9%. The prolonged low profitability is very challenging, especially as it coincided with a low equity base and increasing capital requirements.

    Regarding outlook, the quantitative easing program is being extended so any interest rate hike is pushed well into the future. This environment forces banks to be more efficient with all of their key resources: people, branch network, system and their balance sheet. In practice, this implies closing down branch offices, reduction of headcount, further consolidation and tighter balance sheet management. Since the peak of 2008 till 2016, more than 350,000 jobs disappeared. This seems high, but between 2000 and 2008, almost 1 million jobs had been added to the sector. In this context, there might be still potential for job cuts. (The figures are based on listed banks representing approximately 80% of the total assets of the European sector.)

    In order to create operational leverage of their business origination capacity, banks are likely to rely on future partnerships.

    Banks will further explore alternative lending avenues and strengthen cooperation with institutional investors and Fintech companies. This creates new attractive opportunities for investors or potential partners that may have limited business origination or risk management capabilities but offer balance sheet capacity or more efficient business execution.

     2)    Political support to alternative lending will strengthen

    The funding needs of the European economy remains larger than ever. The sentiment that Europe in terms of economic growth is lagging behind the USA seems more widespread than ever. The need for a more diversified funding source in Europe is more urgent than ever.

    I see strong evidence that the conviction among key decision and policy makers in Europe is leaning towards increased lending via alternative sources. Over-reliance on banks made us too vulnerable and constrained our economic development and we need to increase resilience via diversifying funding sources towards the European economy.

    This vulnerability of Europe is clearly illustrated by the Basel IV debate in recent months. The proposed legislations, which had been discussed in Santiago some weeks ago, favor a regime shift towards a less risk-based approach for credit risk. These would need to be aligned and inserted in capital requirements of European banks (Capital Directive) with very significant potential impact on the economy, including mortgage lending. Proposals to increase capital requirements for lower risk-weight portfolios, such as mortgage loans are disproportionately hitting European banks (Fitch, 2016).

    As the European banking system finances about 75% of the economy, the potential adverse impacts are a lot higher. In contrast, only 25% of the US economy is financed by banks. It is largely capital market-based and long-term residential property risks are covered by government agencies (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac). This diversification enables the US banks to operate with lighter balance sheets and any new legislation has less impact. 

    European banks are more sensitive to any regime shift and could be forced to decrease their direct lending to corporations and households. More importantly, any of these adverse changes in lending capacity has a direct impact on the economy. They understandably issued a strong pushback on the proposal.

    This illustrates profound vulnerability. As Olivier Guersent, DG for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Market Union at EU pointed out this month, “We have to set the rate of retention in securitization market to make sure that there is a market. Legislations are no use if there is no market anymore.”

    I believe our policy makers in Europe will become more articulate about the need for a diversification of funding sources.

    This implies a stronger push for support for developing alternative lending channels, securitization market and capital market union initiatives. There is also likely to be more scrutiny and consequently, regulation to ensure consistency and a more level playing field between risks of banks and non-banks and transparency to investors about risks they are taking.

    3)    Institutional investors will show increasing acceptance to alternative fixed income products (e.g. private debt)

    The search for yield remains a key theme in a low-return, volatile environment. Those who can deal with and accept the illiquid nature of the asset class will find a safe haven in private debt. These assets have limited liquidity and mark-to-market pricing; consequently, they “look and feel” stable.

    Institutional investors (insurance companies, pension funds, etc.) are inherently more suited to participate in funding the economy because they capture a large percentage of long-term savings. However, the infrastructure to facilitate this remains mostly at the banks and the investments need to be channeled via capital markets and partnerships. The growth of partnerships has been painstakingly slow. There needs to be significant education and convincing done also at supervisory board level at these institutions.

    Last but not least, investors seem to have high return expectations from private debt instruments that need to be managed. At the moment, a high percentage of investments are going to the highest risk basket in private debt (e.g., direct lending with return exceptions of 6-10%). The potential private debt universe is a lot larger than lending at 6-10% to sub-investment-grade companies. European banks have about 1.5% net interest margin and lend at an average interest rate of 2.5%. The bulk of the traditional banking products are safer assets and can be an excellent alternative to traditional fixed income products. Some of these new assets classes (like Dutch mortgages) has been favored by many institutional investors recently and a lot of similar product initiatives are likely to come.

    4)    Fintech: Getting more mature, more regulated with new collaborations

    Many companies were formed with a mission to implement a new business model in the financial services industry. 2017 is likely to be an important year for Fintech when many of these business models will be tested on their ability to scale and operate under increasing regulatory scrutiny. The market will understand the significant differences between certain sub-segments of Fintech companies. Payments and services are likely to cause the most disruption and we will see further diversification of deposits payments from retail clients.

    Some new companies will simply run out of money to support their business model. The market is likely to test the real value contribution of “smart algorithms”. With increased interdependence, potential defaults will have negative impact on others in the sector.  Fintech companies will further recognize the importance of operating in a regulated environment in order to build trust and scale their business model. Regulations above a certain size is inevitable and unfortunately, extremely costly (systems, KYC, compliance and risk management costs). In contrasts, risk management and compliance are core competencies of banks and the associated costs are already inherent.

    Rather than perceiving Fintech companies as competitors, financial services companies will be reviewing avenues to develop collaboration models for mutual benefit and assess to what extent they can incorporate innovative business ideas in their incumbent setup.

    Many financial services companies (e.g., BBVA, Santander, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan) have established incubation centers, dedicated VC activities and M&A departments to capture on the most interesting opportunities.

    A recent survey conducted by Roland Berger confirms that over 85% of Fintech companies anticipate stronger cooperation with incumbents. The most important reason mentioned was the access to a stronger customer base.

    The power of this approach is to ensure that business or product innovation can be scaled up in a regulated environment, create a mode of comfort and eventually generate a critical mass.

    Companies on different sides (banks, investors, Fintech companies) will have to realize that a collaborative approach is a very powerful way not just to overcome the challenges they face but to thrive.

    [linkedinbadge URL=”https://www.linkedin.com/in/kindert” connections=”off” mode=”icon” liname=”Gabriella Kindert”] is Head of Alternative Credit – NN Investment Partners and this article was originally published here.

  • user 12:18 am on December 30, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Blockchain, , , , Patenting,   

    Creating a ‘Blockchain Industry:’ Patenting the Blockchain 

    Patent filings for have more than tripled since 2014; this spike includes patents filed by exchanges such as Coinbase, payment processors like Mastercard, and like Goldman Sachs and the Bank of America. According to a report conducted by law firm Reed Smith, the most popular areasRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 1:25 pm on December 27, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Blockchain,   

    Briefly about Blockchain 

    is undoubtedly a buzzword nowadays – same as . However, it is often difficult to comprehend, and in fact, many people do not have a clue what is it all about. Being at the heart of FinTech and having very strong potential to disrupt and revolutionize the way our world functions now, the concept of blockchain definitely needs a proper understanding.

    The Blockchain Begins

    It all started back in 2008. Short after the Lehman Brothers’ collapse, when the world was in a global financial decay and stock markets had hit historic lows, a person or a group of persons called Satoshi Nakamoto came into the global arena to disrupt it.

    The notion of blockchain materialized in the form of a white paper which described the now well-know of and the underlying concept on which it operates. The blockchain.

    The Concept

    Generally speaking, the blockchain is a distributed public ledger. Instead of data being accounted and stored on a central server’s database, it is encrypted, and a copy is kept on every node connected to the network. There are as many copies of the ledgers as there are nodes connected to the network.

    Where’s the Revolution?

    Blockchain uses its distributed network approach to revolutionize the process of verification and transfer ownership. This provides a lot of advantages over the current centralized network systems, and here we are speaking about security and preservation of data. Basically, it cuts out the middlemen.

    Nowadays, more or less everything happens via centralised networks – governments, , you name it (=the middlemen). They appear to be doing quite good with their job, but in case a central server’s integrity gets compromised, the data stored within can be hacked.

    Yet, if the database gets distributed amongst multiple nodes, it becomes much harder to hack it. Anyone wishing to alter the data in a blockchain network would need simultaneously to modify the ledger on 51% of all the nodes on the network. If they do not get altered simultaneously, the blockchain nodes will automatically recognize that the modified copy is a forgery and correct the changes.

    Also, it is important to note that each block in the blockchain is encrypted. This makes it impossible to change after it gets authenticated and chained to the previous link.


    Living in the age of Internet, privacy is often an issue. In fact, many of us do not know how often we are being monitored by various institutions (take it governmental or private ones). For example, various online services often monitor and track our usage, and later use that information for marketing or other purposes.

    In case of blockchain, all transactions are identified by a code, hence, the actual user identity is kept private. Only those with the appropriate code or key can access the relevant information.

    The anonymity has obvious advantages. Records cannot be stolen, and accounts cannot be frozen, as there is no central power. Because no chief command exists, nobody has the authority or access to facilitate these of actions. Of course, this raises some underlying threats and issues as well, but let’s stick with the as for now.


    Undoubtedly there are lost of benefits, applications and added value that comes with the blockchain . Nevertheless, I would like to put an emphasis on 3 of them regarding the financial system.

    • Cost and Efficiency. Moving everything to a blockchain reduces the reliance on third party intermediaries (=middlemen), because digital transactions can clear and settle peer to peer instantly (similarly like transaction in cash).
    • Inclusion and Performance. With the help of blockchain, the financial services industry could do more and be more inclusive. This might help to bring billions of unbanked people in the the economy. Savings and loans, the basics of retail banking, could become available to all.
    • Transparency and Risk Reduction. Blockchain could reduce settlement risk, as well as systematic risk because regulators and central bankers will have better information and can easier respond to crisis. Also, greater transparency will force more accountability for the institutions.

    Videos worth watching:

    Bettina Warburg: “How the Blockchain Will Radically Transform The Economy”

    Alex Tapscott: “Blockchain is Eating Wall Street”

    [linkedinbadge URL=”https://www.linkedin.com/in/linasbeliunas” connections=”off” mode=”icon” liname=”Linas Beliūnas”] is Foreign Business Development & Sales at Paysera and this article was originally published here.

  • user 12:18 pm on December 23, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Banque, Blockchain, , France, , Zcash’s   

    Blockchain for Gold, the Banque de France, and Zcash’s Decline 

    The Euroclear Bankchain has successfully completed its first pilot, in partnership with financial solutions firm Paxos and the Euroclear Bankchain Market Advisory Group. The bankchain is designed for the settlement of London’s bullion () market, and is scheduled to go live for the first time in 2017. According toRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 am on December 23, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Blockchain, , ,   

    Top 10 Blockchain Headlines of 2016 

    —possibly the buzziest of buzzwords in . The world saw the rise of new enterprise blockchains, how the might be used to transport gold, to safely move perishable items like pork through a supply chain, and most importantly for those of us in the trenches, we saw ,Read More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 3:35 am on December 22, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Blockchain, Common, Diamonds, , , , , ,   

    Diamonds, UNICEF and The Music Industry, What Do They Have In Common? 

    Luis Carranza, founder of Worldwide and organiser of London Blockchain Week discusses and Distributed Ledger (DLT) in 2017

    There’s been a lot of talk about blockchain over the past year. Sometimes I think back to when I opened the first Blockchain Conference back in 2015, and the look of bewilderment on people’s faces as tried to get their heads around my chosen focus. ‘Don’t you mean ?’ they used to say.

    But the distributed ledger technology that was initially overlooked as the underlying tech that facilitated bitcoin transactions soon rose to prominence and is now being discussed at a global level by key players and not just in the financial sector. Investors, developers and entrepreneurs have recognised the versatility of Blockchain and its potential for greater transactional speed, security and simplicity.

    PSD2 and Blockchain

    As the relationship between countries fragments, blockchain will take a leading role in financial services, notably cross border payments and trade finance, and leading concepts that have been in the making will see the necessary investment that lifts them off the page and into fruition. The planned revisions to PSD2 in 2018 will undoubtedly lead to stronger relationships between and fintech start-ups over the coming year.

    Closer to home, the UK government will take centre stage as the driving force behind blockchain development. This year saw Credits awarded the first G-cloud blockchain platform-as-a-service agreement by the government &; a major step forward in public sector acceptance of the technology.

    London-Fintech-Week-2016-DAY3-0513 (2)

    Luis Carranza, founder of Fintech Worldwide and organiser of London Blockchain Week discusses Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in 2017

    There’s no doubt more UK government funding will be pumped into blockchain, in a report on the subject, the Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Mark Walport, wrote: &;distributed ledger technology has the potential to redefine the relationship between government and citizens in terms of data-sharing, transparency and trust,&; which accurately sums up the benefits for wider society, from healthcare to pensions.

    Something that’s impossible to miss is the wide variety of sectors that blockchain is applicable to. Supply chain transparency and simplicity of asset transfer make it a popular point of focus for industries that rely on provenance, such as the diamond trade. To have an immutable ledger that traces the authenticity of precious materials all the way back to their inception is of obvious benefit and investors will no doubt be pouring money into platforms that confirm attribution and improve logistics.

    Cut out the middle men, Brexit and Trump&8230;

    Systems that cut out the middle men, streamline processes, cut costs and prevent fraud are of natural interest to sectors that count the pennies. With charities, large scale aid and infrastructure projects always see a percentage fall through the cracks. The digitisation of aid will continue as organisations like work on projects (e.g. Donercoin) to increase transparency in global aid.

    Additionally, the creative industries, historically underfunded and plagued by complex revenue streams, will look to the support of big names to promote blockchain as a means for ensuring artists are paid fairly and digital content is accurately measured and attributed to the right parties, taking blockchain into the mainstream.

    2017 is set to be a year of many uncertainties: Article 50 & Brexit, global markets, Trump… but the one thing that you can be sure about is that fintech will play a big part in helping to overcome some of the bigger obstacles that we face, and London will lead the way, as it always has, with innovation and expertise in developing new technology.

    london blockchain week

    Blockchain Week kicks off with the Hack-The-Block Blockchain Hackathon at Launch 22. Followed by a two day conference at The Grange Tower Bridge Hotel. The first day will focus on Crypto/Bitcoin/Public Blockchain, while the second day will focus on Blockchain/DLT in hybrid and public ledgers. Get 20% Discount With Code: &8220;FTSW&8220;. Register NOW!

    The post Diamonds, UNICEF and The Music Industry, What Do They Have In Common? appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 3:35 pm on December 21, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    First Digital Bank Launched in Dubai 

    The Commercial of (CBD), announced late in November that it is launching “CBD Now”, Dubai’s -only bank. They aim to target millennials and digitally connected customers early in 2017.

    Peter Baltussen, CEO of Commercial Bank of Dubai said, “The launch of CBD Now during 2016 UAE’s innovation week is a timely example of how CBD supports the vision of the UAE government to develop innovation and drive client happiness.”


    Digital-only Banking allows customers to totally change how they manage their finances. They can now use smart to fulfil all their banking needs. CBD will offer customers a technologically smart, and seamless mobile bank, personalised to enable them to perform all their usual financial services from anywhere via their smartphone. So whether it’s managing your current accounts, savings accounts or credit cards that you need, this new development will serve you well.

    This news comes hot on the heels of Emirates NBD’s announcement in June that they would be investing Dh500million (US$ 136million) in digital banking systems. Mindful of the fact that the bank is losing its appeal with Millennials, this move is aimed squarely at younger customers.The bank’s Chief Executive, Mr Shayne Nelson said, “We are making a commitment to the future with our digital transformation plan.”

    Commercial Bank of Dubai

    The move into digital banking, globally, has seen huge benefits for and customers. For customers there is a huge improvement in convenience and speed of service, whereas these systems also make cost savings for the banks. There are approximately 800 million customers now using mobile banking systems worldwide. This number is expected to increase to over 1.9billion by the year 2019, according to a report by the auditing company KPMG.


    The UAE has a young and affluent population, which is driving the move to digitisation. According to a recent Google study, its 9.2 million population has the highest penetration of smartphone use in the world, at about 70 per cent. Traditionally here, cash has always been king, with credit cards often shunned by young affluent people. However, the ease of use of digital banking is starting to capture the imagination.

    EY GCC Digital Banking Report 2015 found that half the banks they surveyed have budgeted between US$ 5 million and US$ 20 million for digital initiatives. These included automation, channels, customer journeys and new technologies etc. Furthermore they found that many of the larger banks were demonstrably willing to spend even more. Possible even more exciting was the fact that banks saw this as a rebirth, rather than an incremental approach to modernisation. Digital-first, a Sharia-compliant retail bank in Saudi Arabia, more than demonstrated this.

    The island kingdom of Bahrain is also moving swiftly to keep up. A number of state bodies including the Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) are involved in looking at ways in which to develop its sector. Areas of interest are: Islamic finance, in which in which Bahrain has strong global standing; crowdfunding; payment services; online wealth management service (-advisors); and .

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    Moving forward, CBD Now Co-founders programme being in the near future involves enabling pioneering customers to provide input into building the bank of their dreams. Murray Sims, General Manager Personal Banking Group at Commercial Bank of Dubai, said, “We believe our customers have a lot of know-how when it comes to banking services. Customers can assist during the piloting phase to influence product development and refinements before rolling out the brand to the public.”

    Things are really hotting up in the digital banking sector within the Emirates.

    The post First Digital Bank Launched in Dubai appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 3:35 pm on December 20, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Blockchain, Books, Christmas, , , , , ,   

    12 New Fintech Books To Offer This Christmas 

    is coming and if you are a junky, you might want to ask your friends, boss and relatives for one (or more) of the following fintech .

    These books, which have all been released in the past six months, cover every aspect of fintech from digital payments, mobile to and Big Data.

    For books that were released earlier, you can check article or have a look on our Fintech Book Page.

    12 new fintech books christmas

    Blockchain: Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Investing in Ethereum, FinTech

    by Jeff Reed

    Blockchain- Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Investing in Ethereum, FinTechBlockchain: Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Investing in Ethereum, FinTech by Jeff Reed combines four of his best-selling books, all covering blockchain technology and fintech. These are:

    Blockchain: The Essential Guide to Understanding the Blockchain Revolution

    Blockchain is far more than technology, and even in its infancy, it is taking the world by storm, from major to the U.S. Department of Defense. This book is a comprehensive guide to blockchain, helping you understand what it is and why it matter.

    Smart Contracts: The Essential Guide to Using Blockchain Smart Contracts for Exchange

    This book explains the fundamentals of Smart Contracts and how they work. The practical uses of Smart Contracts are enumerated in this book and you will also learn how you can make your own Smart Contracts in the Ethereum system. You will also get tips on how you can make your Smart Contacts easy to understand and user-friendly. This book also covers some of the myths surrounding smart contracts and the reasons why they exist.

    Investing in Ethereum: The Essential Guide to Profiting from Cryptocurrencies

    This book explains the reasons to invest in Ethereum and not just because of the potential ROI, but also the benefits of cryptocurrencies in themselves. The overall risks, obstacles, and major changes in Ethereum will also be addressed. There are over 1,000 cryptocurrencies that currently exist, it’s important to choose wisely and understand everything you can if you’re going to be putting real money into the blockchain.

    FinTech: Financial Technology and Modern Finance in the 21st Century

    This book will introduce you to the basics of FinTech and equip you with the knowledge to get on the cutting edge of age we live in today. It covers the impact of fintech on the global economy, the payment ecosystem, fintech solutions in the business-to-business sector, fintech and investing, and much more.


    FinTech: The Beginner&8217;s Guide To Financial Technology

    by Jacob William

    FinTech- The Beginner's Guide To Financial TechnologyThe term “FinTech” is shrouded a mystery, even to more tech-savvy individuals. Since it’s such a new innovation, much about it, as well as where it’s heading is still unknown.

    In FinTech: The Beginner&8217;s Guide To Financial Technology, Jacob William explains what FinTech is, why it matters to everyone, future predictions about it, possible dangers, and its origins and history.

    This book will give you the information you seek in a digestible and easy-to-follow format. No prior knowledge of technical subjects is necessary because understandable examples are given throughout.

    Learning more about something that is so prevalent in our society is undeniably beneficial whether you are a business owner, technology enthusiast, or just a curious layman.


    FinTech: The Impact and Influence of Financial Technology on Banking and the Finance Industry

    by Richard Hayen

    FinTech- The Impact and Influence of Financial Technology on Banking and the Finance IndustryWe’re in the middle of the FinTech revolution, and it’s a big one. Everything that we know about the world of finance is changing before us. Innovation is constantly happening. FinTech: The Impact and Influence of Financial Technology on Banking and the Finance Industry is going to help you get up to speed on all of the change that’s happened and the things that are important right now.

    This book is going to teach you about several things, including the fintech sector and its impact on traditional banking, on the global economy, and on the world at large.

    It will teach you about cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, blockchain technology, -advisors, peer-to-peer lending, crowdfunding, but also about the state of FinTech and where it is heading.


    Blockchain: 4 Manuscripts—Blockchain, Fintech, Investing in Ethereum, and Smart Contracts

    by Oscar Flynt

    Blockchain- 4 Manuscripts—Blockchain, Fintech, Investing in Ethereum, and Smart ContractsBlockchain: 4 Manuscripts—Blockchain, Fintech, Investing in Ethereum, and Smart Contracts combines four of Oscar Flynt&;s books covering blockchain technology, fintech, Ethereum and smart contracts:

    Blockchain: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Hidden Economy

    Blockchains are changing everything from banking, shopping, peer-to-peer exchange, and our daily lives as a whole. Those who learn blockchain and how to utilize them will have a preemptive jump on their competition. You’ll discover how to use them, their shortcomings, all about smart contracts, and much more.

    FinTech: Understanding Financial Technology and its Radical Disruption of Modern Finance

    This book covers everything from future trading, online banking, conducting business, daily living, and much more. You’ll discover the exciting opportunities that await in the coming years and how you can capitalize on them.

    Investing in Ethereum: The Ultimate Guide to Learning—and Profiting from—Cryptocurrencies

    Ethereum is one of the most profitable and promising platforms to trade cryptocurrency on to date. In this book you’ll learn all about this amazing platform, how to trade on it, how set up smart contracts, and how to program the right software to use it.

    Smart Contracts: How to use Blockchain Smart Contracts for Cryptocurrency Exchange

    Smart contracts are speculated to lower legal disputes, re-structure banking and finance, and change the way people shop and make money forever. This book will teach you how to create them.


    Bankruption: How Community Banking Can Survive Fintech

    by John Waupsh

    Bankruption- How Community Banking Can Survive FintechCommunity banking can flourish in the face of fintech and global competition with a fresh approach to strategy. Bankruption: How Community Banking Can Survive Fintech offers a survival guide for community banks and credit unions searching for relevance amidst immense global competition and fintech startups.

    Author John Waupsh is the Chief Innovation Officer at Kasasa, where he helps spearhead financial product development and implementation across hundreds of institutions.

    In this guide, he draws on more than a decade in the industry to clear, practical advice for competing with the megabanks, direct banks, non-banks, and financial technology companies.


    Fintech: Financial Technology Beginner Guide CherryTree Style

    by Mark Jobs

    Fintech- Financial Technology Beginner Guide CherryTree StyleFinTech, or financial technology, a financial technology service industry, is defined as &;innovation in financial services&; by National Digital Research Centre. With $ 138 billion market opportunity in the United States, FinTech has become a hot topic for entrepreneurs, visionaries and investors. However, with it&8217;s rapid growth, little in-depth information can be found regarding to FinTech, especially the relationship between FinTech and wealth management.

    Fintech: Financial Technology Beginner Guide CherryTree Style aims at demystifying fintech, providing a comprehensive overview of the industry, the impact of fintech in different sectors, the leading fintech players, among other things.


    Blockchain: Blueprint to Dissecting The Hidden Economy!- Smart Contracts, Bitcoin and Financial Technology

    by Tony Scott

    Blockchain- Blueprint to Dissecting The Hidden Economy!- Smart Contracts, Bitcoin and Financial TechnologyBlockchain: Blueprint to Dissecting The Hidden Economy!- Smart Contracts, Bitcoin and Financial Technology provides informative and easy tips that will let you know everything you need to know about the hidden economy and how to capitalize on this amazing technology.

    The book covers blockchain technology, smart contracts, fintech, among many other topics.

    It breaks training down into easy-to-understand modules and starts from the very beginning of blockchain, so you can get great results &; even as a beginner.


    Digital Banking Tips: Practical Ideas for Disruptors! 2nd Edition

    by Tolga Tavlas

    Digital Banking Tips- Practical Ideas for Disruptors! 2nd EditionDeveloping a digital banking presence is a daunting task, especially when you consider the financial resources and education needed to achieve telephone, online, mobile, and other digital banking capabilities.

    Digital Banking Tips: Practical Ideas for Disruptors! 2nd Edition is a quick and easy read that provides you with tips that are simple to implement, and which will help you through the process.

    Even if your company has been offering digital banking services, this book can help you build out that part of your business further by assisting with areas such as identifying users&8217; needs, increase usage, improve systems, multi-channel business needs, among other topics.


    Blockchain: The Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Hidden Economy

    by Timothy Short

    Blockchain- The Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Hidden EconomyBlockchain: The Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Hidden Economy provides you everything you need to know about blockchain technology including how it was created and where it is likely to be headed in the near future.

    You will also learn how to tell if a blockchain distributed database can replace your current database as well as how to create one and common mistakes to avoid while doing so.

    In this book, you will find:

    • Arguments against blockchain and how and why they are misguided
    • The best ways to put blockchain to use for you
    • The many impressive uses for smart contracts and even how to make your own
    • And much more…


    Frontiers of Financial Technology: Expeditions in future commerce, from blockchain and digital banking to prediction markets and beyond

    by David Shrier (Author), Alex Pentland (Editor)

    Frontiers of Financial Technology- Expeditions in future commerce, from blockchain and digital banking to prediction markets and beyondFinancial technology innovation has exploded in the popular consciousness, and promises a radical transformation of the global financial services industry. Over US$ 20 billion is expected to be invested in fintech projects in 2016.

    MIT Professor Alex Pentland is joined by fintech intrapreneur and educator David Shrier in curating an exploration of several major trends and technologies that are changing the face of financial services.

    Co-authors include Deven Sharma, the former President of S&P, and Alex Lipton, the former head of quantitative analytics for Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

    From blockchain to artificial intelligence, this series of articles helps the reader grapple with this exciting area of technology innovation.


    Blockchain: Quick Start Guide to Understanding Blockchain, the Biggest Revolution in Financial Technology and Beyond Since the Internet

    by Seth Ramsey

    Blockchain- Quick Start Guide to Understanding Blockchain, the Biggest Revolution in Financial Technology and Beyond Since the InternetBlockchain is a revolutionary technology that was created for bitcoin, but has since found a wide variety of other applications from ecommerce and retail, to securing health care records, to maintaining all kinds of important databases.

    Chances are your life has already been impacted by a blockchain database. The influence of blockchain continue to grow exponentially in the coming years, leading some people to call it the greatest technological revolution since the internet.

    Blockchain: Quick Start Guide to Understanding Blockchain, the Biggest Revolution in Financial Technology and Beyond Since the Internet provides a quick start to understanding how blockchain technology works. The book explores the opportunities and challenges related to distributed ledgers and what&8217;s to expect in the future for the technology.


    Fintech: Financial Technology &8211; 2 Manuscripts &8211; Bitcoin & Blockchain

    by Luke Sutto

    Fintech Financial Technology - 2 Manuscripts - Bitcoin & BlockchainFintech: Financial Technology &8211; 2 Manuscripts &8211; Bitcoin & Blockchain combines two books:

    Bitcoin Trading &8211; A Complete Beginner&8217;s Guide

    Bіtсоіn Trаdіng: A Beginner’s Guіdе to a Strategic Trading & Invеѕtіng offers іnѕіghtѕ into this vital subject mаttеr rеlаtіng to financial іndереndеnсе. Thіѕ book рrеѕеntѕ an exploration into thе іntrісаtе but profitable wоrld оf Bіtсоіn trаdіng thrоugh аn еxрlісіt аnаlуѕіѕ оf the nіttу-grіttу as wеll аѕ expounding on its mоduѕ operandi ѕо as tо bеttеr еduсаtе trаdеrѕ аnd investors аlіkе оn thе bеѕt роѕѕіblе wауѕ tо mіnіmіzе thеіr rіѕkѕ whіlе аt the same tіmе, rеwаrdѕ аrе bеіng mаxіmіzеd.

    Blockchain &8211; A Complete Beginner&8217;s Guide

    Bitcoins as a game changer have virtually set people&8217;s imagination into flight. Bitcoins are based on the blockchain technology. Increased exploration of the further uses of blockchain technologies have showed that there is immense promise in blockchain technologies.

    The post 12 New Fintech Books To Offer This Christmas appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

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