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  • user 12:18 am on February 16, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , ‘Innovating’, , Blockchain, , , ,   

    A Guide to Genuine Innovation When Everyone Is ‘Innovating’ 

    This bank created an lab, and that bank is launching a team. But this other bank just started a focus group, and everyone else is investing in tech. Gone are the days when could afford to be “conservative” with new product launches and tech projects, whichRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 9:30 am on February 9, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Blockchain, , , , , Pipeline, , ,   

    BMO’s Innovation Pipeline Includes Smart Branches, Roboadvisory, and Blockchain 

    BMO Bank has been “heavily” investing in its architecture for the past five years. The bank reached a &;major milestone&; at the end of 2016, according to David Gordon, the bank’s U.S. chief technology and operations officer. “That’s in terms of all the tech capabilities we have built, which willRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 am on February 7, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Blockchain, , CrossCurrency, , , , Tramonex,   

    Tramonex To Use Smart Contracts for Cross-Currency Money Transfer 

    Regulators are waking up to the potential of , just in time for the rise of . , a London-based , has announced today that it has been granted a registration as a Small Electronic Institution with the Bank of England Financial Services Register, or FCA.  The companyRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 4:18 pm on February 5, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Blockchain,   

    Blockchain in the London Commercial Insurance Market ? 

    In early 2016, as part of the London Market Target Operating Model Programme (see http://isupporttom.london for details), an initiative began to investigate and the opportunity for its adoption in the London Commercial Insurance Market.

    When the work started there was limited knowledge (or even awareness) of blockchain across the market and there were, to the best of the author’s knowledge, no active investigation into the by the community.

    The intention of the initiative was to increase awareness in the market, generate support for exploring the opportunity, with representation from the broking and underwriting community, and to learn more about it.

    A series of Proof of Concept’s (POC’s) were undertaken to explore the use of blockchain – using business processes that provided representative use cases. These were used to validate that it could provide an alternative approach and to explore what benefits it could offer. Additionally, independent research by Z/Yen was commissioned to investigate the potential of smart contracts for wholesale insurance.

    It was very timely that, on the same day as the 3rd London Blockchain Week began, a series of reports about the work undertaken were published.  Details can be found here.

    [linkedinbadge URL=”https://www.linkedin.com/in/garynuttall” connections=”off” mode=”icon” liname=”Gary Nuttall MBCS CITP”] is Managing Director at Distlytics Ltd

  • user 12:18 am on January 24, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Blockchain, , , Trademark,   

    What’s in an Ethereum Trademark? (Money) 

    It turns out, brand recognition is one of the few things that works the same on or off a . Grayscale Investments, the Digital Currency Group investment company in the news for publicly listing its investment trust or GBTC fund on the NYSE, is in the spotlight again. ThisRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:19 pm on January 11, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: 300500, Blockchain, , ,   

    IBM Is Working on 300-500 Blockchain Projects [VIDEO] 

    IBM is way past looking for use cases &; it has between 300 and 500 blockchain going at the moment, according to CEO Ginni Rometty. In an interview with Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan (Moynihan interviewed Rometty) Rometty revealed some of the areas where she sees blockchainRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 pm on January 7, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Blockchain, , , , ,   

    Braintree CTO to Do Fireside Chat at Bank Innovation 2017 

    Juan Benitez, general manager and chief officer of , a PayPal subsidiary, will participate in a at  . Bank Innovation 2017, March 6-7 in San Jose, Calif., will feature dozens of speakers on investing in innovation, chatbots, open banking ecosystems, and more. Benitez has been CTORead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 pm on January 5, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: #Bitcoin1000, , Blockchain, , ,   

    How Long Will #Bitcoin1000 Last? 

    certainly celebrated the New Year right. Crossing over into 2017, the original topped $ 1,000 US in value, just in time for its birthday (yesterday marked the anniversary of the day the genesis block of the bitcoin was created by the still-elusive Satoshi Nakamoto.) This also marks theRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 am on January 5, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Awesome, Blockchain, Brokers, , , , Ripio, Rockets, ,   

    Top 4 Fintech Funding Rounds: Tiger Brokers, Rockets of Awesome, Monese, Ripio 

    Another day, another dollar—only this is , so it would be more accurate to say another day, another multi-million investment in , virtual currency, mobile banking, e-commerce, and/or all of the other technologies on the playground. So far, 2017 fintech hasn’t veered far from the areas of interest inRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 4:54 am on January 3, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Blockchain, , , , Wishlist   

    My Current Fintech Wishlist 

    There are many nitty gritty problems that need solving in the financial services industry. , common sense, thoughtful regulation and new business models will address these over time.

    There are also complex problems, bigly ones, that will require either deceptively simple solutions and/or intricate collaboration among many stakeholders.

    I invest in solutions that address either, depending on scale and economics, and am passionate about the latter.

    Here is a non-exhaustive list of solutions that address complex solutions which I am passionate about.



    1) Low cost reliable banking: We know many consumers are underbanked, non banked or unhappy with their . We still have not cracked the code for low cost reliable banking. I have invested in neo banks as well as digital startup banks in the UK. I still think there is much to do in this field and am interested in digital startup banks in the US to foster further competition and usher new simple licensed banking business models. I am equally interested in retail and SME low cost banking models.

    2) New core banking/insurance systems: There are no new core banking systems in use by banks, same with insurers. This is a technology anomaly in need of being rectified. What with new technologies, new needs centered around data analytics, edge computing on the horizon and interoperability, we are in dire need of new core systems that are low cost to develop and low cost to maintain. I am keenly interested in open source initiatives in this space as a means to unlock this major issue.

    3) Open Source financial technology: This is linked to the above core banking systems item. The power of open source software is tremendous. We see it with technology, we see it with AI. Developing business models around open sourcing of basic code that powers financial services will deliver untold riches.

    4) Bank as a Service platforms: I have written about this subject extensively. My interest lies in technology platforms that will drive the marginal cost of delivering a set of financial services or products to near zero. One can argue this is linked to points 2 & 3 above. (I need to think about Insurance as a Service).

    5) Low cost savings platforms for the US: The 401K market is woefully inefficient, fees are too high, the value chain is too sclerotic. A new cheaper 401K platform would be ideal, but maybe there is a need for a new product altogether which would need legislative & regulatory nudges. Either way this is a massive investment opportunity in the US.

    6) Secure micro payments platforms: There are no inexpensive and secure micro payments solutions for either digital goods & services, person to machine or machine to machine interactions. I do not see credit or debit card rails addressing this need. Maybe new models built off of Ethereum, maybe something else?

    7) Regtech as a Service platforms: I believe regtech solutions will still be needed going forward for certain use cases even if we move towards a financial deregulation era. I do not believe in the viability of point solutions in regtech. I also do not believe one vendor will be able to provide a best of breed portfolio approach &; the needs are too heterogenous, the technologies too varied. Hence, applying the concept of Bank as a Service to Regtech as a Service, with platforms that allow demand to meet supply in a frictionless way will be winners.

    8) Digital Identity solutions: We live more of our lives digitally, we buy, sell, interact with one another, on social media platforms, on mobile apps. Our data is insecure, our payment data is insecure and our identities are are nightmare to manage. Comprehensive digital identity solutions that allow us to build trust, interact with one another and with companies, while securing our data and our privacy will emerge. I am keen to participate and collaborate with the winners in this space. Incidentally, I am equally interested in digital identities for things and for enterprises. Whoever cracks this space will have a very large success on their hands.

    9) Data Marketplaces: By that I mean data marketplaces to monetize financial services data whereby at least one stakeholder (the seller or the buyer) needs a very different level of assurance with regards to data privacy & financial regulation. If we are enterting the digital age, and if data is a key ingredient of that age, then ways to monetize, exchange, buy, sell data that is tied to the financial service industries will be big businesses. Think the NYSE or NASDAQ, but for data and data sets.

    10) House Purchasing/Renting platforms: Face it, buying or renting a home is a pain. It is a pain to show you are a good tenant, and it is a pain to secure a mortgage. There are many documents to procure, many signatures to make, many steps to go through, much due diligence on the buyer/tenant and seller/landlord side for buying/renting. Any solution that helps make the experience a delight, with little friction and with embedded financial services/products is a winner.

    11) Cybersecurity insurance: Nascent space for sure, with lack of understanding of the risks. I dream of a marriage of reason between a insurtech startup and a cybersecurity consulting firm, backed by a forward thinking reinsurer. Definitely interested in exploring this space, especially knowing about the untold risks of IoT security or lack thereof.

    12) Securitization markets for insurance: Admittedly I know little about this space, but the potential for pooling risk, segmenting risk, providing liquidity to certain asset classes seems rather interesting. Big problem to solve, bigger opportunity.

    13) On demand micro insurance platforms: Mostly for retail, tailored for new usages of any type of asset, or new behaviors &8211; gig economy or otherwise &8211; on the fly. We have barely scratched the surface on this one.

    14) Specialized Climate *Change* Insurance platforms: For farming in developed or emerging markets for example. Enough said.

    Let me know about what makes you tick and which solutions/problems in financial services should be tackled.

    ps: I have several other pipe dreams that are not as investable as the above, the main one being digital fiat currencies (physical fiat be gone). Maybe the subject for another post.

    pps: Even though I am bullish on enabling technologies &8211; AR/VR, blockchain, AI, advanced data analytics, quantum computing &8211; I have not focused on these in this post, believing any of the above will be powered by one or several of them, hence my agnosticism.



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