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  • user 3:35 am on October 28, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    The atomization of payments: Part two 

    In one of my blog on atomizing , I explained how payments volumes are likely to expand 25 times or more in the future, resulting in trillions of new payments. In part two, I explain a precedent for this and its implications, and how the payments industry needs to prepare.

    Precedent and Implications

    Atomization of communication is a precedent. Nowadays, communication is dominated by e-mail, texts and social media posts in volumes that dwarf those of the past using paper. Individuals typically send and receive hundreds of texts and e-mails each week, compared to a few letters in the past. It has taken about 20 years to reach this state, and volumes are still growing.

    If atomization of communications is replicated in the payments industry, trillions of payments can become a realistic prospect. The implications are far-reaching.

    • Firstly, cards have no role to play. They may endure for many more years, but as an innovation of the 1960s, they are inefficient, expensive and fraud-prone, unsuited to the atomized payments landscape.
    • Secondly, merchant acquiring may disappear over time. Necessary in the past to connect merchants with the banking system and enable commerce, (for example open APIs) is superseding their role.
    • Thirdly, payment revenue will drop towards zero. Merchant fees are not sustainable and will simply be bypassed if maintained. Instead, new business models will emerge, based on the security, resilience and reach of transactions.
    • Fourthly, new account-to-account payment infrastructures and controls will be required to support the volume and bandwidth needed for atomized payments.
    • Lastly, the payment industry needs foresight to plan for this change.

    Sleepwalking towards the future

    Kevin Hanley at RBS recently gave a great Finextra interview in which he talked about the divergence between technology changing exponentially and industries, organizations and individuals thinking linearly. Payments is an industry changing exponentially, however, much of it remains in a linear mode, underestimating the impact of this change. For example, earlier this year, at a conference I was rebuked for forecasting UK contactless card volumes would rise from three billion in 2016 to six to nine billion transactions this year. A member of the ATM industry, passionate about cash, described my forecast as irresponsible. However, UK Finance figures already show the country is clearly on track to exceed six billion contactless transactions in 2017.

    My point at the time was that no one is predicting these volumes, or planning for them, yet they are happening. The payments industry is sleepwalking towards its future. The industry needs to think and act exponentially, and it needs a vision. A 25-times increase in volumes over 30 years is only an 11 percent per year compound growth rate—a rate that the world-leading UK Faster Payments system has exceeded consistently for many years.

    We are already in an exponential payments world. The good news is that innovation and change in payments will be sustained for many years and the responsible action to take is to embrace it now.

    My thanks to Nick Caplan, Chairman of Faster Payments Scheme Ltd for the inspiration behind this blog.


    The post The atomization of payments: Part two appeared first on Accenture Banking Blog.

    Accenture Banking Blog

  • user 3:35 pm on September 26, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    In my view, electronic will accelerate dramatically over the next decade, driven by the “ of payments.” New business models are emerging, enabled by , resulting in increased transactions that will scale and scale. We are fast moving from batch to real-time transactions, with payments made continuously from bank accounts.

    Examples may include shopping: in-aisle buying with an instant payment for every item picked off the shelf; self-driving cars, where ownership will diminish, replaced by on-demand rides, and payment for every journey; salaries, typically paid monthly to be paid daily, even hourly; company dividends paid daily (already evident in the BnkToTheFuture investment platform); smart meters will pay electricity daily and so on.

    Benefits to expect from this transformation

    The benefits will be broad: new products and services, improved cash flows, financial efficiency, improved certainty for businesses and individuals, better fraud prevention, reduced or eliminated reconciliations and errors. Changes will be driven by technology and new business models, and will be pervasive and profound. For example, payroll, billing systems and processes will be very different, and often unnecessary, and personal and business cash management will be largely automated.

    Quantifying the impact of atomization

    While it will take years for payments to atomize fully, let’s put some figures to quantify the impact using the UK as an example.

    The UK has 19 million households. Assuming they buy 50 items a week (mainly groceries), which translates to 49 billion payments and items purchased. The UK has 37 million vehicles. Let’s assume each averages 10 trips per week—which is 19 billion annual trips and payments. Around 31 million people are employed in the UK—adjusting this for -time workers, daily salary payments would amount to 7 billion payments annually. About 10 million people own UK shares, assuming they average 5 shares each—which is potentially 18 billion daily dividend payments annually. Finally, if the 19m UK households have smart meters making daily electricity payments, that is 7bn payments annually.

    So, with some very basic analysis, we have identified around 100 billion future UK payments, and have barely scratched the surface. Add in other utilities, daily mortgage and other interest payments, on-demand music, phone calls, TV/video, media and new business models that are yet to be invented, and it is easy to see UK payments reaching up to one trillion transactions per year in the future, and multiplying by relative GDP factors, seven trillion in the US, six trillion in Europe and 30 trillion globally.

    There are currently about 38 billion payments in the UK (including cash, cards and electronic) according to Payments UK (now part of UK Finance), so payment volume in the UK could rise 25 times or more.

    When this will happen is anyone’s guess—10 years? 20 years? 40 years? But we need to plan for it!

    In part two I will explain a precedent for this atomization and its implications, and what the payments industry needs to do.

    My thanks to Nick Caplan, Chairman of Faster Payments Scheme Ltd, for the inspiration behind this blog.


    The post THE ATOMIZATION OF PAYMENTS: PART ONE appeared first on Accenture Banking Blog.

    Accenture Banking Blog

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