Tagged: Apple Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • user 3:35 pm on August 25, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Apple, , , easyJet, Fingerprint, , Flights, ,   

    easyJet Launches Apple Pay Integration: Book & Pay For Flights in CHF With a Digital Fingerprint 

    easyjet apple pay-

    Finally a very smart of Mobile Payment:

    has announced that its customers shall from now on be able to use Apple Pay to pay for their tickets in Switzerland via an iOS App.

    and pay for and extras using just your

    • One of the first European airlines to introduce Pay

    • It’s quick and convenient

    • Secure with Touch ID


    Using Apple Pay passengers booking flights through the airline’s app on selected iOS devices (see deatils below) will be able to process their booking in just a matter of seconds thanks to Apple Pay’s secure quick one-touch payment function.

    Phone requirements: easyJet mobile app iOS version 3.7 and above, iOS 9 and above required

    Card types supported: VISA, MasterCard, American Express

    iOS devices supported: iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone SE, iPad Pro, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 4 and iPad mini 3

    Currencies supported: GBP – British Pounds, EUR – Euro, USD – US Dollars, CHF – Swiss Franc

    easyjet apple pay

    This allows passengers to select the card of their choice and authorise a secure payment via fingerprint recognition on their device.

    “We’re delighted that from today we’re one of the first European airlines to introduce Apple Pay. Gone are the days of scrambling around searching for a bank card to book a flight. Checking out on our app is as easy as selecting Apple Pay and placing your finger on Touch ID. Booking flights or adding extras has never been so easy!” &James Millett, easyJet’s Head of


    Since the launch of easyJet’s iPhone app in 2011 the app has evolved from easy booking and check-in functionality to include features like passport scanning, live flight tracking, mobile boarding passes and Touch ID. It is also complimented by the easyJet Apple Watch app and real-time airport push notifications for go-to-gate and bag reclaim information.

    The easyJet app is available for download now from the App Store.


    Featured Image: Genève Aéroport&;s Twitter

    The post easyJet Launches Apple Pay Integration: Book &038; Pay For Flights in CHF With a Digital Fingerprint appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 12:18 pm on August 22, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Apple, , Brawl, , ,   

    Apple and the Banks Appeal to Regulators in Down Under Brawl 

    and three of Australia&;s Big Four are fighting about mobile payments &; and both sides are appealing to for help. National Australia Bank, Commonwealth Bank of Australia and Westpac have united to fight the Cupertino, Calif.-based giant &8212; which is bigger than all of them combined. Australia and New ZealandRead More
    Bank Innovation

  • user 10:40 pm on August 17, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Apple, ,   

    Could Apple be your next bank? 


    A few weeks ago, I was enjoying a lazy Saturday morning in London loitering on social media, when I got an unexpected message from Pay. It was a payment confirmation to Uber. I checked the App to find 5 transactions on Uber between 1:00 and 5:00 am, when I was fast asleep. I logged-in to the Uber app to find 5 long distance trips in the Philadelphia area – I had been hacked.

    I immediately checked my Amex app – the payment card on the Uber account – to block payment. There was no trace of the fraudulent transactions. I called Amex customer service and they (somewhat unapologetically) explained that transactions in their App can take up to 24 hours to appear “That’s just how the app operates”. What struck me about this was not that Amex could not provide data to me in real time – they clearly could if Apple could – It’s that they felt it was not necessary.

    Those who use it know, that Apple Pay is a better card payments interface than those most card companies currently offer – and they have done this using the card companies’ own infrastructure. Apple understands the value of a good user experience that truly addresses the needs of a card customer, much better than the card companies themselves seem to do.

    In the last few years, we all know how Apple disrupted the media distribution, mobile phones and photography industries. They did this, not because they were attracted to the economics of these industries, but because they wanted people to buy more iPhones, iPads and iPods. So a question many should ask is: what if If Apple decides that banking is the next service they need to provide to sell more boxes?

    What would Apple Banking look like? I would suggest that they would build their proposition on top of three key things they are very good at: user experience, authentication and data analytics.

    This platform would engage with a number of third parties that would provide a banking service superior to anything in the market. Considering Apple’s customer base, skills and financial strength – Apple Banking could easily become the world’s most formidable challenger .

    The Apple Banking platform would offer three main services that would enable customer to do the following:

    • Manage: Brilliant user experience to understand and supervise how customers manage their money enabling users to control their money
    • Optimise: Provide customer the knowledge and the ability to be always getting the best provider for their financial needs
    • Reward: Use their understanding of the customer to provide them relevant and valuable rewards


    First and foremost Apple Banking will be a mobile application integrated with Apple Pay. Apple is very good at making complex processes appearsimple to the end-user. The Apple Pay proposition, even in its current incarnation, is a distinct improvement on many other mobile payment propositions in the market. Apple Banking would do the same.

    Customers would be able to engage with their banking platform in a simple and clean interface that provides them with a snapshot of their financial situation. Powerful PFM (good examples of Personal Financial Management businesses are Quicken and Geezeo) would provide customers with clear insight and possible actions that they could take to get the most from banking provision. Apple would get customers’ permission to access their bank accounts and populate the Apple Banking application with real-time customer transactional information. This would then be re-presented to customers in a way that is straightforward to understand and easy interact with. This interface would enable customers to interact with their bank through the Apple Banking interface, making it possible for the customer to do anything they can do on their Bank’s web and mobile offerings through their App. A brilliant example of good banking services UX is provided by the Finnish non-bank wallet Holvi (recently acquired by BBVA).

    To get access to live customer data, Apple could use the (few for now) existing banking APIs or resort to a screen-scraping solution. Yodlee andeWise are good examples of businesses that already offer this service. In Europe with the advent of PSD2 (European Payments Services Directive) EU will be mandated to let their customers enable “Trusted Third Parties” to access their personal bank accounts through APIs. Apple will then be able to reinvent the digital banking UX available to most bank customers.

    Within this new UX, Apple could provide insight on the quality, pricing and features of the services customers are receiving from their bank. This would be equivalent of a whole-of-market impartial shopping comparison, using real customer data that requires almost no effort for customers to set up. Customers would quickly see if they are getting value for money or if they would be better off with another provider. A good example of this approach is provided by Ontrees in the UK.

    All of this would reduce the need for customers log in to their bank to bank. Customers would begin prefer to use Apple Banking to other interfaces available to them gradually becoming dis-intermediated from their bank, eventually resulting in the customer loyalty to shift from the Banks to Apple. This would lead customers to see banking as a commodity with Apple Banking as their trusted advisor protecting them from being taken advantage from the unscrupulous banks. All of which neatly leads to the next feature of Apple Banking.


    Once Apple Banking becomes the primary way customers engage with their bank, providing them with insight on the quality of the banking services they are receiving, the next logical step is to enable customers to optimise their banking provision. Apple Banking could not only show customers which provider would offer them the best service and value for money – they could also make it extremely easy for customer to move their custom to the best provider.

    Apple Pay’s core proposition is to identify and authenticate the customer at the point of sale. Apple owns most of the data a bank needs to open a new customer account. Apple captures demographic data, details on ownership of other financial products and even biometric information that could be relatively easily bundled into an authentication / account opening service for banks. Apple Banking could allow customers to authenticate and open a new account with a new provider with a few taps. Making the commoditisation of the bank complete. The challenger bank Mondo is aiming for such an approach.


    Once Apple Banking is able to provide all of the above the services to their customers, the next step is provide rewards. Apple Banking could leverage Apple’s relationship with the retailers and manufacturers to provide cash-backs and incentives to their customers. This would be a supercharged version of the. big-data cash-back propositions provided by businesses likeCardlytics and Meniga.

    Apple has gone out of their way to announce that they would not use customer data for marketing purposes without their consent. But if customers consent, the richness of the data that Apple has access to would enable the rewards that it could provide be more substantial and better targeted that any other provider today.

    If Apple decides to launch Apple Banking it would give banks a real run for their money. Apple has a better grasp on user experience and customer engagement than most businesses – not just banks. They have close to a billion iPhones in customers’ hands, a good few hundred millions with Touch-id authentication built-in, it has a trusted brand, very deep pockets and the skills to completely revolutionise the retail banking industry.

    The attractiveness of the banking sector for Apple is not in its financial return. Banking is a relatively low margin, highly regulated and difficult business – so it’s unlikely that Apple will want to become a bank. Apple’s interest is in becoming an even more integral part of its customers’ life, creating an even higher barrier for them to switch hardware provider.

    In a few years we could see that, not only does the world’s biggest taxi service not own any cars and the world’s largest hotel chain not own any property also the world’s greatest bank doesn’t have a banking license.

    [linkedinbadge URL=”https://www.linkedin.com/in/aehatami” connections=”off” mode=”icon” liname=”Alessandro Hatami“] is Founder at The Pacemakers and this post was originally published on linkedin.

  • user 3:35 am on July 8, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Apple, , , , heute, Karteninhaber, ,   

    Apple Pay – ab heute für Visa Karteninhaber in der Schweiz erhältlich 

    teilte mit, dass rund 1 Million Visa in der nun Apple Pay nutzen können. Dies ermöglicht Visa Karteninhabern das einfache und sichere Bezahlen mit dafür vorgesehenen Geräten – national und global.

    Apple Pay ist ab heute Kunden von Cornèrcard und BonusCard.ch verfügbar. Diese können mit ihrem iPhone oder der Apple Watch schweizweit an über 100‘000 kontaktlosen Zahlterminals bezahlen. Bis 2020 müssen europaweit alle Visa Zahlterminals das kontaktlose Bezahlen akzeptieren.

    Stefan Holbein, Country Manager von Visa Europe Schweiz, sagt dazu „Mit dem heutigen Launch von Apple Pay ist eine globale Mobile Payment Lösung in den Schweizer Markt eingetreten, die auf Kreditkarten und NFC (Contactless) basiert. Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass Apple Pay durch die hohe iPhone- und NFC-Zahlterminal-Dichte in der Schweiz zur bequemsten Mobile Payment Lösung wird.“

    Apple Pay funktioniert an allen kontaktlosfähigen Zahlterminals. Um Apple Pay mit Visa zu akzeptieren, benötigen Händler keine neuen Zahlterminals, da mobile Zahlungen auf die gleiche Weise funktionieren wie kontaktlose Visa Karten – in der Schweiz und global.

    Das kontaktlose Bezahlen entwickelt sich in Europa rasant. Von Mai 2015 bis April 2016 hat Visa Europe mehr als 3 Milliarden kontaktlose Transaktionen abgewickelt. In Europa sind eine von fünf Visa Transaktionen mit der Karte oder dem Smartphone im Handel kontaktlos. Verglichen zu 2014 ist der Anteil der Kontaktloszahlungen von 4.1 Prozent auf 21.1 Prozent angestiegen.

    Sicherheit und Datenschutz bilden die Basis von Apple Pay. Ab heute können BonusCard.ch und Cornèrcard Kunden ihre Visa Kredit- und Prepaidkarten mit Apple Pay nutzen. Bei Visa Karteninhabern, die ihre Karte mit Apple Pay verwenden, wird die Kartennummer weder auf dem Smartphone noch bei Apple gespeichert.

    Stattdessen wird ein einmaliger Token („Device Account Number”) zugewiesen, verschlüsselt und auf dem Smartphone sicher gespeichert. Bei der Bezahlung wird der Token („Device Account Number”) zur Autorisierung der Zahlung an den Händler übertragen – Rückschlüsse auf die tatsächlichen Konto- oder Kartendaten sind nicht möglich.

    Sollte ein Smartphone gestohlen werden oder abhandenkommen, kann der darauf gespeicherte Token sofort gesperrt werden. Die hinterlegte Visa Karte muss dabei nicht gesperrt und ausgetauscht werden. Da Apple Pay auf der Visa Karte basiert, profitieren Konsumenten von denselben Dienstleistungen und Sicherheitsmechanismen, mit denen sie von der herkömmlichen Kartenzahlung her vertraut sind.

    Die Tokenisierungs-Technologie von Visa Europe ermöglicht Visa Karteninhabern das schnelle und einfache Hinzufügen der Visa Karten ins Apple Wallet sowie das sichere Bezahlen. Das Aufschalten der Visa Karte für Apple Pay ist einfach. Visa Karteninhaber können entweder die bereits im iTunes Account hinterlegte Visa Karte auswählen, oder eine neue Visa Karte hinzufügen. Beim Einkaufen im Handel kann das iPhone ans kontaktlosfähige Terminal hinge­halten werden, während die Zahlung mit der Touch ID (Fingerprint) bestätigt wird. Apple Pay funktioniert mit dem iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone SE und der Apple Watch.

    legt nicht die Preise und Gebühren für Karteninhaber fest. Visa Innovationen ermöglichen es Finanzinstituten, ihren Kunden eine grössere Auswahl zu bieten: unabhängig davon, ob sie mit Debitkarten direkt, mit Prepaidkarten im Voraus oder mit Kreditkarten im Nachhinein bezahlen.

    The post Apple Pay – ab heute für Visa Karteninhaber in der Schweiz erhältlich appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 3:36 am on June 20, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Apple, , , , , , , ,   

    MasterCard Will Bring Apple Pay To Swiss Customers This Summer 

    announced that it will its and cardholders Pay, which is transforming mobile payments with an easy, secure and private way to pay that&;s fast and convenient.

    Apple Pay allows MasterCard cardholders to use their cards where and how they want with a seamless payment experience. For consumers and merchants alike, that means that every purchase made with Apple Pay will offer the security, benefits and guarantees of any MasterCard transaction. MasterCard is working with several and card issuers to enable cardholders to use their MasterCard credit or prepaid cards with Apple Pay.

    Security and privacy is at the core of Apple Pay. When you use a credit or prepaid card with Apple Pay, the actual card numbers are neither transferred to Apple, nor stored on the device or on Apple servers. Instead, a unique Device Account Number is assigned, encrypted and securely stored in the Secure Element on your device. Each transaction is authorized with a one-time unique dynamic security code.

    mastercard applepay swiss

    Image source: Apple.com

    &;Apple Pay allows consumer to pay easily and securely, wherever contactless MasterCard cards are accepted at POS or Apple Pay is accepted for in app payments, be it in Switzerland or across the globe,&8217; said Guido Mueller, Country Manager Switzerland. &8216;MasterCard was the first in the world to offer contactless and mobile payment solutions, and the Swiss are rapidly adopting well-established global standard for convenient, secure payment with a tap. In Switzerland, at more than 100,000 locations including Migros, Coop or Kiosks, more than 3 million contactless purchases are made every month, up 100% compared to the previous year[1] .

    With this clear shift in payment preferences, we are excited that MasterCard cardholders will soon be able to make payments in store or in app with Apple Pay, knowing that every purchase brings the unrivaled ease and security of NFC payments to mobile payments, together with all the same guarantees and benefits they&8217;ve come to expect from using their MasterCard.&8217;

    Apple Pay is easy to set up and users will continue to receive all of the rewards and benefits offered by their card of choice. In participating stores, Apple Pay works with iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone SE and Apple Watch. Online shopping in apps accepting Apple Pay is simple, without needing to repeatedly fill out lengthy account forms or type in shipping and billing information. When paying for goods and services within apps, Apple Pay is compatible with iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone SE, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3, iPad mini 4 and iPad Pro.

    For more information on Apple Pay, visit here


    The post MasterCard Will Bring Apple Pay To Swiss Customers This Summer appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

  • user 12:54 pm on June 15, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , Apple, , , ,   

    The big Apple to square off against online payment giants 

    Recently H&;M opened its doors here in Australia. Devoid as we have been for some time down under of fast fashion, the past few years have seen a flood of global retailers open on our high streets, including Zara, Gap, Uniqlo and Forever 21 to name a few. In my university days overseas, H&38;M was&;Read more The big to off &;
    Bank Innovation

  • user 3:35 pm on June 14, 2016 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Apple, , , , , Karten, ,   

    Apple Pay – bald für Schweizer Visa Karten erhältlich 

    Karteninhaber in der Schweiz ist Pay ab Sommer über mehrere Kartenherausgeber verfügbar. Apple Pay funktioniert an allen kontaktlosfähigen Zahlterminals in der Schweiz und global. Die Tokenisierungs-Technologie von Visa Europe ermöglicht Visa Karteninhabern das sichere Bezahlen mit dafür vorgesehenen Apple Geräten sowie das schnelle und einfache Hinzufügen der Visa ins Apple Wallet.


    Visa und Apple Pay nutzen die gleiche Schlüsseltechnologie wie beim kontaktlosen Bezahlen mit der Visa Karte: Near Field Communication (NFC-Technologie). Visa Karteninhaber können so mit ihren mobilen Devices schweizweit bereits an über 100‘000 Zahlterminals bezahlen, was 60 Prozent aller Zahlterminals im Handel ausmacht. Bis 2020 müssen europaweit alle Visa Zahlterminals das kontaktlose Bezahlen sowohl per Karte als auch mit dem Smart­phone und anderen kontaktlosfähigen Devices akzeptieren.

    Stefan Holbein, Country Manager von Visa Europe Schweiz, dazu Um Apple Pay mit Visa zu akzeptieren, braucht der Handel keine neuen Zahlterminals, da mobile Zahlungen auf die gleiche Weise funktionieren wie kontaktlose Visa Karten &; in der Schweiz und global.“


    Sicherheitund Datenschutz bilden die Basis von Apple Pay

    Apple Pay Visa card | Tokenization protection

    Sicherheit und Datenschutz bilden die Basis von Apple Pay. Bei Visa Karteninhabern, die ihre Karte mit Apple Pay verwenden, wird die Kartennummer weder auf dem Smartphone noch bei Apple gespeichert. Stattdessen wird ein einmaliger Token oder eine „Device Account Number” zugewiesen, verschlüsselt und auf dem Smartphone sicher gespeichert. Bei der Bezahlung wird der Token oder die „Device Account Number” zur Autorisierung der Zahlung an den Händler übertragen – Rückschlüsse auf die tatsächlichen Konto- oder Kartendaten sind nicht möglich. Sollte ein Smartphone gestohlen werden oder abhandenkommen, kann der darauf gespeicherte Token sofort gesperrt werden. Die hinterlegte Visa Karte muss dabei nicht gesperrt und ausgetauscht werden. Weitere Devices (wie iPad etc.), auf welchen die gleiche Visa Karte hinterlegt wurde, werden davon nicht betroffen und können für Zahlungsvorgänge unverändert genutzt werden. Da Apple Pay auf der Visa Karte basiert, profitieren Konsumenten von denselben Dienstleistungen und Sicherheitsmechanismen, mit denen sie von der herkömmlichen Kartenzahlung her vertraut sind.


    Das Aufschalten der Visa Karte für Apple Pay ist einfach

    Das Aufschalten der Visa Karte für Apple Pay ist einfach. Visa Kartenhalter können entweder die bereits im iTunes Account hinterlegte Visa Karte auswählen, oder eine neue Visa Karte hinzufügen. Beim Einkaufen im Handel kann das iPhone ans kontaktlosfähige Terminal hinge­halten werden, während die Zahlung mit der Touch ID (Fingerprint) bestätigt wird. Apple Pay funktioniert mit dem iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone SE und der Apple Watch.

    Weitere Informationen:


    The post Apple Pay – bald für Schweizer Visa Karten erhältlich appeared first on Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH.

    Fintech Schweiz Digital Finance News – FintechNewsCH

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