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  • user 3:35 am on September 23, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    New private banking frontiers: mobile apps, convenience & personalization 

    In the first blog in this series, we discussed how seeking to expand their presence in and wealth management should employ digital solutions to provide customers with the and they have come to expect from other companies with which they do business.

    are an essential part of such an integrated private banking strategy. Rather than an “add-on” feature, they should be a central element in providing exclusive services to people with premium needs. These services can range from personalized financial advice (delivered at the frequency the customer desires) to digital feeds of financial media tailored to customer needs.

    A first-class mobile app should be:

    Secure & private

    The app should have two-step authentication and may incorporate a biometric login such as voice, facial or thumbprint recognition, as well as data encryption and fraud protection.


    The app may connect the customer with the private bank via a chatbot or may enable voice-controlled, hands-free interaction. It may aggregate all the customer’s accounts with that institution or with other institutions.


    It should provide the customer with a portfolio overview and interactive tools for portfolio analysis and personalization, using both human and -advisory capabilities. The app should support trading, brokerage and foreign exchange transactions as well.


    Through the app, the customer should be able to interact with client services via live chat, through call-backs or through other apps such as WeChat or Whatsapp. The app should also enable direct contact with the financial advisor via direct messaging, direct dial or video conferencing.


    The app should notify the customer of product and service offerings, provide tailored market and economic research and offer educational content using interactive tools and gamification.

    Of course, the question now is not whether private banks should have a mobile app—but how to develop an attractive, value-added offering. Human interaction is still essential to private banking, but wealth managers using mobile apps in concert with other digital technologies will have more time and better insights with which to cultivate their customers.


    The post New private banking frontiers: mobile apps, convenience &038; personalization appeared first on Accenture Banking Blog.

    Accenture Banking Blog

  • user 12:19 am on June 25, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Personalization,   

    Data, Trust and the Age of Personalization 

    We live in an incredible, and incredibly connected, world with nearly half the population now online – and there is no turning back. The estimated 8.4 billion connected devices through the internet of things combine with advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and other innovation to deliver personalized payments. For the millions of digital natives, practically [&;]
    Bank Innovation

  • user 12:18 pm on January 13, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    Trend Watch: Personalization for Mobile Banking Success [SPONSORED] 

    Customers have recently stepped into the era of personalized services with apps built around their specific wants and needs. After Amazon, Netflix and Google pioneered customization of their offerings based on visitors’ past transaction history, consumers have grown to expect the same tailored experience from all other providers. alsoRead More
    Bank Innovation

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